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cartridge failure fun...


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It was a 21 gram number 8. Cant remember tge make bit i'll have a look at the others when i get home and let you all know.

To be honest, it happened so quickly it took me a second or two to work out WHAT had happened.

It had released the next cart from the mag tube which managed to get wedged between the half open bolt and the lifter, jamming everything up solid.

I dropped the trigger group out and removed the stuck cartridge and found that the bolt assembly had wedged in place too.

Ive free'd it all off, stripped it, removed the wad from the barrel and checked everything over for any signs of cracks and/or bulges and it all looks ok.


The brass and gasses flew out of the ejection port, spraying my face in the proccess. Just extremely glad i was wearing eye protection!

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It was a 21 gram number 8. Cant remember tge make bit i'll have a look at the others when i get home and let you all know.

To be honest, it happened so quickly it took me a second or two to work out WHAT had happened.

It had released the next cart from the mag tube which managed to get wedged between the half open bolt and the lifter, jamming everything up solid.

I dropped the trigger group out and removed the stuck cartridge and found that the bolt assembly had wedged in place too.

Ive free'd it all off, stripped it, removed the wad from the barrel and checked everything over for any signs of cracks and/or bulges and it all looks ok.

The brass and gasses flew out of the ejection port, spraying my face in the proccess. Just extremely glad i was wearing eye protection!

You were very lucky as it could of been very nasty!

Please let us know the make of cartridge.

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hi guys, it was a gamebore cartridge. and having thought about it it was a hangfire that was the initial issue.


didnt go off when the primer was struck, so waited for a bit then rolled the gun over to pull back the bolt and clear it, before i had chance to touch the bolt it went off, throwing the bolt back in the proccess and spraying me with crud.


a freak occurance i suppose, but a little scary to say the least.


once again though, i now know through first hand experience why it is so important to wear eye protection, even when "only shooting clays..."

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im batting an email off to them today, just out of courtesy to let them know what happened.


im not laying blame on anyone, and the only reason i wanted to post it on here is that its not very often you see this kind of thing and i thought it may be worth showing why eye protection is a must.


the amount of guys and girls i see shooting without it is astounding, and if nothing else, maybe seeing what can happen might make people think twice about their own shooting habbits with regards to PPE.



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A lesson in that if you do get a failure to fire wait forty seconds or so, before opening the gun or moving the bolt to clear the cartridge keeping the gun pointed in a safe direction.


You were very lucky even with eye protection none of the metal from the head penetrated your face and neck, after rolling the gun chamber up to cycle by hand.



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30-40 is a lot longer than you think when stood in the cage with a queue behind you!

My local clay ground members have in the past told people in the cage when this has happened to wait longer to be sure, after they see going to break the gun after around ten seconds . Agreed it does seem a long time so talking to them about did it go click have others done this or this the first of this make etc soon passes the time and people get less grumpy waiting.


Always tried firing it in different barrel or gun to see it it will go bang, if not cut up and powder and shot dispersed before binning.



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it was left for a 30 count before i decided to clear it,


ive had issues before with dud carts so know to leave them for a bit. just so happened that this time it actually went off when i went to clear it.


in hindsight, i wouldnt have rolled it over before trying to clear it, but being a semi auto i always check before clearing to see if the bolt has cycled properly and that a cart hasnt jammed up. its kind of a habit that i shant be repeating.


kind of glad that i moved it down to just below chest height before doing it though, as the force from that distance was bad enough. god only knows what it would have been like had it been right by my face...


ive got a picture of what was left of the cartridge after i retrieved it from the barrel, i'll post it up when i get home.

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thats a fair point, and in all honesty not something i can answer with 100% certainty.

i removed the wad from the offending cartridge from about half way down the barrel, i can only fathom that there was enough back pressure behind the wad to force it open.


or, as you quite rightly state, it didnt lock up properly after cycling the previous round, causing a light strike on the primer which in turn then caused a hang fire.


the wad was pretty well stuck in the barrel, it took some force to knock it out when i removed it.

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id say that it might be a fault with the gun as when you pulled the bolt open it might have released the firing pin with the cart half way out??


Think you might have nailed the cause of it going off whilst the bolt is half way open.



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hi guys, it was a gamebore cartridge. and having thought about it it was a hangfire that was the initial issue.


didnt go off when the primer was struck, so waited for a bit then rolled the gun over to pull back the bolt and clear it, before i had chance to touch the bolt it went off, throwing the bolt back in the proccess and spraying me with crud.


a freak occurance i suppose, but a little scary to say the least.


once again though, i now know through first hand experience why it is so important to wear eye protection, even when "only shooting clays..."

it was a gamebore cartridge that blow my mates escort up a month or so ago dont know what shell it was only it was a gamebore

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I see what your saying, but it went off before i touched the bolt.


Ive been out this evening and ran 3 boxes of hull superfast through it and its functioned perfectly.


Ran another couple of the gamebore through, it hung up on every one but locked up perfectly when i ran the bolt to clear it.


Very odd indeed.

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