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American TV Dramas


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Didn't want to hi-jack another thread so started this one. I watched the first few episodes of 'Walikng Dead' but as I don't get to see a lot of TV I haven't seen it since. 'Hill Street Blues' was on the go when I seemed to have more free time, as was 'X Files', and I made a point of watching those religiously, but recent American dramas have passed me by. 'Medium' was one I wanted to see every episode of (mainly because of Patricia Arquette) but again, after the first few that was it, and ditto for 'The Sopranos'.

Since the kids used my debit card to subscribe to Netflix (unknown to me at the time) my son has started watching 'Suits', and my daughter 'Breaking Bad'. I had heard of them of course, especially the stir BB had caused, but never seen them. The good thing about Netflix is you can dip in and out of a programme at leisure, and just happened to catch one or two episodes of 'Suits' and really enjoyed it, and as for 'Breaking Bad', well, I'm simply hooked. While working from home today I had it on for 3 hours! Superb stuff.



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Sorry but a box-set is just too much of a commitment. I'm wary about buying a 'bag for life' in the supermarket for the same reasons.

not sure they mean for the duration of your life, that's daft, a bit like saving the planet by buying a plastic bag, I know what you mean about a boxed set, at my age I worry about long films

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I have found I watched too much and it is, after all, just entertainment with little thought. I have returned to books and find them very moreish.

I've read about 30 in the last 3 months. Entertainment like the Lee Child/Jack Reacher books. Classics and le Carre. Takes a bit more effort that netflix but the sitting down relaxing is the same !

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Just starting House of Cards and impressed so far. Kevin Spacey is very good. If you have watched The West Wing this is the logical follow-up. It sheds some light on how the US actually works (from congress rather than the White House).


Also worth watching is Sopranos, have watched the whole lot perhaps six times and always spot new things. Very good. Newsroom was also very good, fantastic script from Aaron Sorkin.


Didn't get Breaking Bad or The Wire, found them very frustrating and for every ten minutes of excitement there was ten hours of slow scenes and boring dialogue.

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