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Another Defection


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I think that the Scottish question will make a much bigger impact in UK politics than first thought. When some of the proposals come out about home rule for each nation that will mix things up quite a bit. Labour have certainly been damaged in Scotland during the referendum and that may influence a lot of the blue collar vote in England too.


UKIP are likely to benefit from both sides, but I expect to see a more progressive approach from the Conservatives in the next little while.


All to play for I think with all sorts of potential outcomes and an interesting time in British politics.

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Sad really on what the general public expects from politics. There are only 2 major party's Labour or Conservative. Let one of these get elected and try and sort the economy. Why waste votes and minor parties and get a coalition who argue like little school girls, or boys.


I like Nigel Farage but he is a minority and always will be.


Personally, after voting Labour for many years and seeing them nearly destroy the UK, I voted Tory last time only to find the Lib Dems worming in to the equation.


Nick Clegg's only boast is how he stopped the Tory's implementing this and that. What a complete *****.


Next election vote either Labour or Tory or go through the same **** for the next 5 years. Ed Miliband is not fit to run this country. If it was Alan Johnson, I would definelty vote Labour.


As for Ed Balls, ********* *****


Let's leave the EU and stand on our own 2 feet.

With that attitude you probably think that we would be better off with a dictator in charge I will not vote labour as I do not agree with things that they want to do but then the conservatives I do not agree with a lot of what they want to do so the only thing that I can do is vote for one of the smaller parties and hope that in that way they may just stop whoever gets in from doing something completly stupid.

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Hardly a shock for the cons I would imagine, given the guys political record over the years...he's never voted in favour of any conservative motion and has been aching to get one over on Cameron since he tore him off a strip for getting ****** up and missing an important commons vote in 2010...


Technically he's now unemployed and will be I would imagine for some time., not that he needs to work anyway ..I cant see the voters he's walked out on in Rochester supporting him and his defection is likely to return the constituency to labour in fact. His hobbies are walking and running....walking out and running away...


Like I've said before the electorate will vote with their wallet.....the fear of financial meltdown in Scotland sealed the fate of the independence party and there's no doubt at all that the coalitions policies are working and the economic recovery gathers pace...the majority of voters wont risk jeopardising that by voting for a minority party which has no other domestic manifesto other than to alienate us from 3/4 of the world.


To be honest most people appear to be more interested in what happening in the Ryder cup rather than what's happening at the UKIP conference...


As for Camerons proposals to provide low cost housing for first time buyers it has to be a good thing irrespective of whatever party introduced it.

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Rather than a "minor irritant", I feel UKIP could cause the two main parties to raise their game and become a little more honest!

I never saw UKIP as a party which thought it may win power - but certainly as a power broker. They would prefer to influence the direction of policy. I suspect they will be the 3rd party in the next election with the lib dems behind them.


I think the SNP have played a similar game. Heads we win, tails you lose.

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Hardly a shock for the cons I would imagine, given the guys political record over the years...he's never voted in favour of any conservative motion and has been aching to get one over on Cameron since he tore him off a strip for getting ****** up and missing an important commons vote in 2010...


Technically he's now unemployed and will be I would imagine for some time., not that he needs to work anyway ..I cant see the voters he's walked out on in Rochester supporting him and his defection is likely to return the constituency to labour in fact. His hobbies are walking and running....walking out and running away...


Like I've said before the electorate will vote with their wallet.....the fear of financial meltdown in Scotland sealed the fate of the independence party and there's no doubt at all that the coalitions policies are working and the economic recovery gathers pace...the majority of voters wont risk jeopardising that by voting for a minority party which has no other domestic manifesto other than to alienate us from 3/4 of the world.


To be honest most people appear to be more interested in what happening in the Ryder cup rather than what's happening at the UKIP conference...


As for Camerons proposals to provide low cost housing for first time buyers it has to be a good thing irrespective of whatever party introduced it.

Once upon a time people were saying the same thing about the labour party, but look what happened, when the main parties fail to offer the electorate change or hope then it creates a vacuum,this vacuum is being filled by UKIP,you can dismiss them all you want but the fact is they are a growing party and are amassing support as they grow,they offer the electorate something the main parties fail to do and that is common sense and the balls to say what needs to be said,and not hide beghind the latest opinion poll like the main parties..


A few months ago people like yourself derided UKIP as a crank pot has been party, and now they have done well in the euro elections, and are now making headway into domestic politics,yet you still bury your head in the sand.


Wake up smell the coffee, politics are a changing,the Scottish vote has stuck the dagger into the heart of the main parties,and shown them to be weak and spineless,you have a choice, follow like lemmings over the edge ,or realise there is another way.



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Not for me thanks all the same...I don't waste any of my possessions least of all my vote..


That's a Myth about lemmings by the way :yes:

Its also a myth about the main parties holding all the answers,but i notice you follow like..................well.....................lemming.


You keep voting for the main parties,if you smoke you will remember fag coupons,well the analogy for today is you could not squeeze a fag coupon between their policies.vote for much the same if you want to the rest of us realise there is another option.

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keeps up like this you can kiss goodbye to the torys next election, but you will get labour millipede must be chuffed

Makes no odds whether labour or Tory, UKIP sadly won't get in as government. This country is doomed to be run by liberal centre ground politicians for the long term (socially engineered that way I fear).

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As for Camerons proposals to provide low cost housing for first time buyers it has to be a good thing irrespective of whatever party introduced it.

You don't honestly believe the conservatives will pull this off I hope? An election is coming up and this is yet another cynical ploy to gain votes of the young (like help to buy votes).


I hate labour and liberals, but the Tories have one economic policy- inflate house prices.

Edited by margun
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Mark Reckless is my local MP and I received this email from him yesterday. I agree with what he is saying about the Tories not sorting immigration but I also agree with other comments on here saying that we are only have two parties in this country. I feel that if I vote UKIP then I will just be taking a vote away from The tories and thus help out Labour which is unthinkable for me.


I also wrote to him Mark Reckless recently for his views on country sports and ill attach his respone, will write to him again to see what UKIP`s stance is


Here is yesterdays email from Mark


Dear Lee

I believe that we have been let down by Westminster politics for too long, and I have decided to do something about it by leaving the Conservative party and joining UKIP.

I want to keep promises I make to you at elections, but I have come to feel that too many MPs at Westminster, from David Cameron down, are in it for themselves, rather than to help others.

At the last election, when I stood as a Conservative, we promised you we would cut immigration. It is now back up to the levels we saw under Labour. Only with UKIP can I keep my promise to you.

I have always tried to vote as I believe is right and as my constituents would want, not as party whips tell me.

I won a vote in Parliament to cut the EU Budget, defeating the government and saving the taxpayer £30,000,000,000. I led our campaign to stop the Conservative Mayor of London’s plans for a massive airport on the Hoo Peninsula. I saved a GP practice in Strood from closure, and I am working to help turn round Medway hospital.

Now I believe UKIP give us a real chance to take power back from the Westminster establishment, away from the cosy cliques around David Cameron and Ed Miliband, to put ordinary people back in charge. Government should again answer to Parliament, and Parliament should answer to you.

You may have voted for me personally, or you may have voted for - or against - me because of a party label. I therefore believe that it is only right and fair that I should ask your permission in a by-election to carry on serving as an MP now I have changed party.

As I am giving you a say, we may have to fend off an army of
visiting politicians, and they may attack me personally in leaflets, but this is because their status and secure jobs will be at risk if I win with UKIP here.

I hope you feel able to support me as a person who will do their best for you and our area. If you do, please let me know by emailing mark@markreckless.com or downloading and displaying the
poster overleaf in your window -
Click Here

Warm regards,


P.S. Please help me beat the Westminster establishment and help us make history!!


this was his response regarding shooting sports



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Not for me thanks all the same...I don't waste any of my possessions least of all my vote..


That's a Myth about lemmings by the way :yes:

That idiots will keep on putting a cross on a piece of paper in order to let a political elite profligate their OWN unrepresentative agenda isn't though is it :yes:


I dont want your idiotic oh er dont want to take a chance so I will stick with failure thanks, I want true change (do you believe your brain will hurt if you think outside the box) Still you carry on its your cross after all but I will tell you one thing and its something you dont like at all UKIP are about to create a bigger bang in parliament than Guy fawkes could have dreamed about.



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I keep reading on here a vote for UKIP means labour will get in.


The amount of people I talk to who are going to vote Ukip is surprising. People are sick to the back teeth of our PC give loads of money away, the brith citizen comes last in food chain in his own country he pays his taxes to.


I think the UKIP may be higher than Labour in the Election and would like to see them win. About time we had a shake up in this country, and got the hell out of Europe, the majority of this country want out and the government know this and just thumb their noses at us, because it suits them and their cushy deals and jobs.


So much for serving the people.



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my fellow ethnic minoritys at work <white english>surrounded by poles,latvians somali,s russians french n spanish are all planning to vote ukip .why should 70% of the workforce not be from britain,why spend 10 billion a year in fees to the EU,and have the mayor of calais demand we stop the illegals in calais.beyond the twilight zone that idea.theres over a 120 countrys in the world europe is a small part of that.join the american free trade zone and theres 600 million customers ,we jump through tarrif hoops to sell to.more cheap housing ,great idea but how cheap and where.these soundbites come out every election and dont turn up.still waiting for the in /out of europe vote.still no drop in the numbers coming here on the gravy train.the list is longer than endless.vote UKIP youl be surprised how many others are

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That idiots will keep on putting a cross on a piece of paper in order to let a political elite profligate their OWN unrepresentative agenda isn't though is it :yes:


I dont want your idiotic oh er dont want to take a chance so I will stick with failure thanks, I want true change (do you believe your brain will hurt if you think outside the box) Still you carry on its your cross after all but I will tell you one thing and its something you dont like at all UKIP are about to create a bigger bang in parliament than Guy fawkes could have dreamed about.



Err, maybe.




In reality if, and that is a very big if, UKIP ever get any real political power (and by power I don't mean splitting Tory votes, or getting a few mps to snipe and sabbotage) they will do exactly as every other political party does - promise things they can't deliver, go to the middle ground and most importantly play the same geo-political game that has to be played by all govenments of economically powerful countries. It is laughable that so many believe that UKIP will be any different.


Having ideals is great, but as with life, the young are idealistic, passionate and full of self belief, but as you get older you get wiser and more pragmatic - UKIP is still a teenager and is an energetic and swaggering banner-waving revolutionary, given time it will dumb down policies, move to the centre and become just like any other party. The only way to tell them appart will the colour of their rosettes.

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problem is ukip is short term once we are out of europe as i think we will be as everyone hates being in the eu the partys finished run its course achieved its end game, dont think ukip really ever expected to be in the cabinet but once the anger over immigrants and other eu legislation is gone who will the voters look to as it will be down to sound policy's then not that any of the four seem to have many of those.


i will hand it to ukip they are doing a great job of kicking tory *** :lol:

Edited by overandunder2012
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I Must say I agree with nearly all of their policies they are well worth reading and all put the interests of the public of this country first for a change which is why there will be an enormous move to UKIP come the election but saying they are a new party and not experienced enough to have any influence is wrong as they wont go with the flow of the old school that is destroying this country and implement their policies when they can which is good enough for me. why shouldn't we have some new blood with influence in the corridors of power its got to be better than what we have now and at least this is getting your non apathetic voter to think about voting for a party that will actually represent their views for once!

They have my vote and strange as it might seem a lot of people I know who always vote liabour are voting UKIP as well as me and my family as anything has got to be better than what we have had in the past and if all we get from it is out of the eu well that's good enough for me.

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i think whether we get out of the eu depends on if the torys win the election as realistically they are the only party likely to hold power thats offering the vote on it but i suspect they will uturn on it "because we are at war it wont be the right time". but if the vote does happen we will leave the eu. ukip of course should get full credit for bending cameron over and letting him have it, but they are also the best thing that could happen for labour as ukip hit the tory vote far more than the labour vote so i think its more likely labour will be back because of them not inspite of them

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my fellow ethnic minoritys at work <white english>surrounded by poles,latvians somali,s russians french n spanish are all planning to vote ukip .why should 70% of the workforce not be from britain,why spend 10 billion a year in fees to the EU,and have the mayor of calais demand we stop the illegals in calais.beyond the twilight zone that idea.theres over a 120 countrys in the world europe is a small part of that.join the american free trade zone and theres 600 million customers ,we jump through tarrif hoops to sell to.more cheap housing ,great idea but how cheap and where.these soundbites come out every election and dont turn up.still waiting for the in /out of europe vote.still no drop in the numbers coming here on the gravy train.the list is longer than endless.vote UKIP youl be surprised how many others are


I don't think so. ! That would be like asking Myra Hindley to babysit your kids or Harold Shipman to treat your Mother. !


I could be persuaded to perhaps consider voting UKIP if they had any credible and trustworthy candidates, and some sort of manifesto other than one of total xenophobia, but they don't.


Just the National Front wrapped up in a new suit.


If I'm going to waste my vote it wont be on UKIP I'm afraid... It will be on the Greens, then at least they can look after the Lemmings...


Anyway back to the real issues ...how's EUROPE doing in the Ryder.???

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:lol::lol: I do love politics, ….


on a different forum, there where two totally different subjects going on,

one was blasting dear old maggie about how she closed the remaining coal mines,,,,


and on another was a story about how a group of green piece activist had stopped a train , and started to shovel the coal off, as they where saying ,using fossil fuels destroys the environment,


some members where saying how bad maggie was, yet supported what greenpeice where doing :lol::lol:

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the lemmings will be fine ,they also vote green.but remember thats the party who are going to ban all gun ownership and hunting/fishing too.so enjoy voting ban ,sorry i mean to say green.the main reason people are looking to ukip is they arent the national front and dont want to throw everyone out or beat them up if theyre not british.they just want the borders controlled and the EU told to get lost.remember most of the EU is run by unelected political nominees who only want to run britain as they failed to subdue us in two world wars.its back door dictatorship.france and britain spent 300 years slugging it out and only when france was a shadow did the germans role up and kick their *** in 1870.and then tried again twice in 1914 and 1939.thats why most people are receptive to ukip now.when the eu is a bad memory ,wont be long its already bankrupt then theyl have to revue what they stand for but till then ,call me dave /millipede more of the same.or mr farage n co breath of fresh air

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