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3 penalty points tomorrow

jonno 357

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Well as we all should now be aware the law changes tomorrow and anyone caught using a cell phone whilst driving = 3 points and a fine :lol:


What makes me laugh is the nobbers walking around tesco doing there shopping wear a blue tooth earpiece, looking like an extra from star trek :blink: :lol: :blink:


If you are one of them stop it now you look like a ******. How hard is it to shop and answer a phone ?




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Well as we all should now be aware the law changes tomorrow and anyone caught using a cell phone whilst driving = 3 points and a fine :D


What makes me laugh is the nobbers walking around tesco doing there shopping wear a blue tooth earpiece, looking like an extra from star trek :lol::P:lol:


If you are one of them stop it now you look like a ******. How hard is it to shop and answer a phone ?





Spot on :blink: :blink: :lol:

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Well as we all should now be aware the law changes tomorrow and anyone caught using a cell phone whilst driving = 3 points and a fine :lol:


What makes me laugh is the nobbers walking around tesco doing there shopping wear a blue tooth earpiece, looking like an extra from star trek :blink: :lol: :blink:


If you are one of them stop it now you look like a ******. How hard is it to shop and answer a phone ?





In the defence of said star trek extras :


1) Its easy to forget you're wearing one...

2) I'm often still on a damn conference call (started in the office, continued in the car), and have been told to pop into Sainsburys on the way home to pick something up for dinner.



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I got one when they first came out (BT headset) quickly realised that I looked like a ****** and gave it to the mrs.


I refuse to conference call from the car, even though I can mute and the quality from the built in phone prep is brilliant I have been so critical of other people who can't mute and have £3.99 "car kits" which make them sound like enormous electronic chickens on the phone I can't bring myself to do it :blink:

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What about 3 penalty points and a good kicking?

Most people have a job just driving safely, multi tasking! they would have a job walking and chewing gum at the same time!


Oh and I agree 100% with the blue tooth headsets, it's like spotting a man with a "man bag" it's just not right. There is a fat ***** over the road that seems to wear one, perhaps it's to impress his girlfriend who looks about 12, kids are impressed with that sort of thing.

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in my opion its not the holding of the phone that is the problem

as we all switch on indicators wipers change gear etc every day as well as steer the car in the

right direction so i think its a stupid rule any way


i think what causes the problem is people getting into there conversation to much and loosing concentration

that causes the accidents and know hands free kid will stop that, so the phone should be switched of when in the car driving if its saftey they are after :blink:


cheers kirky

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grabbed one out of a blokes ear last week

who owed me money on a big tree job

i did for him and throwed it on the floor

if i wasnt p###sed off enough with not

getting paid he started talking to someone

on one of them **** ******* devices

while i was trying to have a serious chat with him.


your rite there all nobbers.


regards paddy.

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What about 3 penalty points and a good kicking?

Most people have a job just driving safely, multi tasking! they would have a job walking and chewing gum at the same time!


Oh and I agree 100% with the blue tooth headsets, it's like spotting a man with a "man bag" it's just not right. There is a fat ***** over the road that seems to wear one, perhaps it's to impress his girlfriend who looks about 12, kids are impressed with that sort of thing.



snakebite, do you realise how grumpy you sound? a lot of the time? :blink: :blink:

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in my opion its not the holding of the phone that is the problem


I think its more to do with having the surrounding sounds taken away. When you hold the the phone to your ear, you cut out part of your peripheral hearing. Its this that stops people concentrating on the road.


Its a pet hate of mine, you always know when someone's on the phone without a car kit. swerving in and out, driving in the fast lane at 50 even though the other lanes are empty etc. :blink:


Its about time they bought this in. :blink:

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I'm on the fence with this one, If talking on the phone is so bad then smoking while driving should be banned as should eating anything or drinking anything while driving. Also the carrying of children and passengers in cars should be banned as they distract the driver just as much as talking on a phone.

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Also the carrying of children and passengers in cars should be banned as they distract the driver just as much as talking on a phone.


I agree, it also means I can go for more than a 3 mile journey without my car looking like the ****** have moved in! My daughter destroys the inside of my car within moments of me cleaning it!

I still haven't managed to get the chewing gum out of the seatbelt :good:

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I agree, it also means I can go for more than a 3 mile journey without my car looking like the ****** have moved in! My daughter destroys the inside of my car within moments of me cleaning it!

I still haven't managed to get the chewing gum out of the seatbelt :good:


Buy a Landrover and make them all sit in the back. :good::good:

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I agree, it also means I can go for more than a 3 mile journey without my car looking like the ****** have moved in! My daughter destroys the inside of my car within moments of me cleaning it!

I still haven't managed to get the chewing gum out of the seatbelt :good:


Buy a Landrover and make them all sit in the back. :good::good:




you do that, and i'll be making a child protection referral to your local social services.



that's child abuse!

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I agree, it also means I can go for more than a 3 mile journey without my car looking like the ****** have moved in! My daughter destroys the inside of my car within moments of me cleaning it!

I still haven't managed to get the chewing gum out of the seatbelt :D


Buy a Landrover and make them all sit in the back. B) :D




you do that, and i'll be making a child protection referral to your local social services.



that's child abuse!



Stop thinking of work :good::good::good::good::)

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I agree, it also means I can go for more than a 3 mile journey without my car looking like the ****** have moved in! My daughter destroys the inside of my car within moments of me cleaning it!

I still haven't managed to get the chewing gum out of the seatbelt :good:


Buy a Landrover and make them all sit in the back. :D:good:




you do that, and i'll be making a child protection referral to your local social services.



that's child abuse!


No it's not!


There was only room in the cab for the Dog :good:


Often i have to Strap Chris to the roof bars as i run out of space when i pack everything in the car :good:



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It's wrong and costs the lives of innocent people. If your caught first offence or not You should be banned for one year and get a good kicking. Nowt worse than d1cks talking on the phone whilst driving especially holding the phone in the right hand and holding it across to there left ear AND these ponces who drive about in their big flash cars worth thousands why don't they spend another few quid and get a handsfree fitted.


Oh I and I saw another fxxxxxx buss driver again today driving with the phone stuck to his ear with a buss full of passengers.

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