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Paris this time


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If I went to the police on the back of one word it would achieve nothing except wasting their time. I had no understanding of how zealous some people can be. I totally disagreed with his point of view obviously. It did however give me an insight into their world. He quoted seeing people being reduced to meat in front of their children's eyes and how those kids grow up seeking revenge. I'm not in any way condoning today's events but it was an interesting discussion. do I hate him ? no. do I think he's misguided and too religious? Yes .

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If I went to the police on the back of one word it would achieve nothing except wasting their time. I had no understanding of how zealous some people can be. I totally disagreed with his point of view obviously. It did however give me an insight into their world. He quoted seeing people being reduced to meat in front of their children's eyes and how those kids grow up seeking revenge. I'm not in any way condoning today's events but it was an interesting discussion. do I hate him ? no. do I think he's misguided and too religious? Yes .

If he's misguided and too religious and thinks the events in Paris were good I would want the police involved. He may just be the next terrorist in this country. Apart from that, with views that offensive I wouldn't want to work with him and I would make sure everyone around him knew why.



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Whilst not belittling what sounds like a courageous action, there is a difference. Generally speaking I think you'll agree, those tried to murder police, soldiers civilians in your part of the world were not so hell bent on dying as a martyr in the process.

Neither were these guys , or they would not have had a getaway car, and they would have stayed and took out as many people as possible until they were killed.

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If I went to the police on the back of one word it would achieve nothing except wasting their time. I had no understanding of how zealous some people can be. I totally disagreed with his point of view obviously. It did however give me an insight into their world. He quoted seeing people being reduced to meat in front of their children's eyes and how those kids grow up seeking revenge. I'm not in any way condoning today's events but it was an interesting discussion. do I hate him ? no. do I think he's misguided and too religious? Yes .

For sure it is a very sad state if someone is seeing children and their families being blown up. What's gone wrong though is those escaping have not been for the most part integrated into our society properly. In an ideal world there would be zero tolerance for the fanatics with severe consequences. Successive governments have seen to it anyone who even dares question things is deemed a racist etc. this has allowed the fanatics to thrive, in effect never setting any boundaries as a parent would. Just watch your back is all as you seem like a decent person. someone that scarred is like an abused dog, you never know when it's going to turn.

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If he's misguided and too religious and thinks the events in Paris were good I would want the police involved. He may just be the next terrorist in this country. Apart from that, with views that offensive I wouldn't want to work with him and I would make sure everyone around him knew why.




Yes he does sound a bit repulsive, out of interest would you suggest we also report nutters who suggest nuking entire countries ? Who knows what such a person is capable of.

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I'll bow out. As I said it was one word which he tried to justify. compressing a 40 min discussion into a post on here isn't possible. my work mates were there and I can assure you none of them saw fit to report him. As I've said RIP to those lost.

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Yes he does sound a bit repulsive, out of interest would you suggest we also report nutters who suggest nuking entire countries ? Who knows what such a person is capable of.

Slightly different scenario, few people can gain access to nuclear weapons but don't forget that many so called "ordinary" people have gone abroad to join terrorist groups. Even tacit support for terrorism is an offence. No right minded, sane person could ever think that the Paris attack was a good thing no matter what their race or religion.

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I'll bow out. As I said it was one word which he tried to justify. compressing a 40 min discussion into a post on here isn't possible. my work mates were there and I can assure you none of them saw fit to report him. As I've said RIP to those lost.

I would have been straight onto HR raising merry hell. I wouldn't want the scumbag anywhere near me.

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I think this time the conclusion is wrong - there is too much outrage.

If the facts are clouded by opinions of anyone then that reflects perhaps more on the listener.


Something changed for me today as indeed they did on the day of the London bombings, 9/11 (as it is called) and the Dunblane massacre, Australia, French Markets each and every one. Each a collection of immense personal tragedies, its hard to not remember those murdered and those left wondering why and greiving following such unspeakable and inexplicable attacks.

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Something changed for me today as indeed they did on the day of the London bombings, 9/11 (as it is called) and the Dunblane massacre, Australia, French Markets each and every one. Each a collection of immense personal tragedies, its hard to not remember those murdered and those left wondering why and greiving following such unspeakable and inexplicable attacks.

I think you echo the thoughts of quite a few of us .

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