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More than fair recompense.


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I met up with a friend today to see if we could find some pigeons to decoy. Our two best local estates were both out due to the fox hounds likely presence so we travelled far and wide but we never did see any we could shoot. We saw lots of pigeons but they were on smashed up cover crops which we could not get on.


The pub was one option which I declined in favour of a log fire and Channel 4 racing until 3:30 when we had agreed to meet to see if any pigeons were roosting in a small mixed spinney. We arrived at the wood at 4pm in bright sunshine and no wind but pigeons were already coming in. Naturally with no wind they were very high and we both wasted cartridges on 60m birds with little success.


At 5pm on the dot the wind got up and the pigeons came in lower and we started to build a decent bag. At 5:30 we had a really squally snow shower which drove the temperature down, froze our fingers but which meant any remaining pigeons were tree top height heading into the shower and were relatively easy to shoot compared to the ones when we first arrived.


When we packed up we were both very wet, the dogs were wet and cold, our kit was soaked but we had picked 38 pigeons which made it all worthwhile. As I write this the dogs have been fed and are in front of the fire but my cap, jacket, gun and gun slip and cartridge bag all need to be dealt with.










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