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Lone Survivor


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Finished this book last night. Quite well written and not a bad read if you can stomach all the religious and patriotic content ( to the point I find it quite unsettling ) and the, not exactly gung ho narrative, but 'warrior' type mentality.

There's no denying they certainly went through it up in the Hindu Kush, and some very brave men indeed died, and their training puts them through it back in the US, but in this instance it's a rare case of the film being better than the book in my opinion.

On a similar note I heard on the news the other day that the bloke who killed Kyle ( An American Sniper ) has been found guilty of his murder following a ruling which didn't accept his claim to be insane at the time.

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Finished this book last night. Quite well written and not a bad read if you can stomach all the religious and patriotic content ( to the point I find it quite unsettling ) and the, not exactly gung ho narrative, but 'warrior' type mentality.

There's no denying they certainly went through it up in the Hindu Kush, and some very brave men indeed died, and their training puts them through it back in the US, but in this instance it's a rare case of the film being better than the book in my opinion.

On a similar note I heard on the news the other day that the bloke who killed Kyle ( An American Sniper ) has been found guilty of his murder following a ruling which didn't accept his claim to be insane at the time.

Yes. I believe he was sentenced to 116 years.

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There is a lot of contraversy about the book/film as only one bloke survived so nobody knows if he is telling the truth or not

I watched the film, and as action films go its pretty good,but thinking it sounded a wee bit over the top for a true story I decided to read the book.

The books fairly different to the film,but ..if I thought the film was a bit hard to believe, the book was even worse !


So I decided to do a bit of digging about Operation Red Wings.

The thing that just about everyone except for Marcus Luttrell is agreed on is the seal team were not pinned down by 'hundreds' of taliban.

There were perhaps 8-10 and ,not one of them was killed by the seals.

The taliban squad even proved this by putting a video on A l jazeera of the firefight ,yes ,they had a couple of guys videoing it!

The seals ,although highly trained and better equipped,couldn't cope with the height advantage the enemy had or their superior knowledge of the terrain.


The whole incident ,including the loss of the chinook full of special forces was extremely embarrassing for the US military,but the official report bears no resemblance to the book,which by his own admission Marcus had very little to do with writing.

A US colonel who had a firebase in the next valley,and knew the area well, is on record saying he didnt even recognise the descriptions of where the main incidents took place.

There is no doubt in my mind that Marcus and all the special forces involved were exceptionally brave men,but it seems to have been hijacked into a propaganda mission by Hollywood or the US government.

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