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It beats me how the shop stays open.

I called in a couple of months back after some .22 rounds.

All they had was one packet of 50 Winchester subs for £7.50 and they were in a red box!!

😊 Yes. Enthusiastic wasn't exactly a word I could use to describe staff. Although there was some modern gear in there (clothes etc), the overall impression was one of apathy.

There were two old boys sat in the back discussing an old shell crimper who appeared to be part of the fixture and fittings.

Never mind.

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I have been going in there for about 40 years now, back then the shop was on the main street.

I wouldn't say I was a regular visitor but I don't recall ever going in there when there weren't two old boys in the back discussing something.

The current "old boy" behind the counter has been there since he left school I think, he was the most arrogant little upstart I ever came across! He calls me sir now, back then he wouldn't even serve me. :D

Used to be a proper pair of gentlemen in there, shame they've gone and I'd be surprised if they were still around at all.

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I grew up in Chester and used to drool in their shop window from about the age of ten. I knew no better, it was all there was. I bought my first air pistol, air rifle and and shotgun in there, and they were never anything other than aloof, unhelpful and condescending. I left Chester at the age of 16 some thirty five years ago and I've only ever been been back to visit occasionally. The last time I called into Monks out of nostalgic curiosity a couple of years ago, the same snooty *** who used to sneer at me in the 70s was still there. He was marginally more more polite and attentive than he was when I was a spotty youth, but there was no way I'd spend any money in there. The shop felt poorly stocked, overpriced and barely clinging on to business. I have since lived all over UK, from Edinburgh to Kent via Belfast, and have to say that Henry Monk ranks right up there with the worst gun shops in the UK, its a miracle they are still in business and it strikes me a well run gun shop in the City would clean up. It's not like there is much competition.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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I grew up in Chester and used to drool in their shop window from about the age of ten. I knew no better, it was all there was. I bought my first air pistol, air rifle and and shotgun in there, and they were never anything other than aloof, unhelpful and condescending. I left Chester at the age of 16 some thirty five years ago and I've only ever been been back to visit occasionally. The last time I called into Monks out of nostalgic curiosity a couple of years ago, the same snooty *** who used to sneer at me in the 70s was still there. He was marginally more more polite and attentive than he was when I was a spotty youth, but there was no way I'd spend any money in there. The shop felt poorly stocked, overpriced and barely clinging on to business. I have since lived all over UK, from Edinburgh to Kent via Belfast, and have to say that Henry Monk ranks right up there with the worst gun shops in the UK, its a miracle they are still in business and it strikes me a well run gun shop in the City would clean up. It's not like there is much competition.


I'd have to agree. Monk's is a truly terrible shop. I've been in there twice in the last 5 years, and have vowed that it'll be a dark day indeed before I walk back in.

Sealand is, in spite of the 'posh' impression you get when you walk in, staffed by welcoming, friendly staff.

Tony's Camo (airgun stuff), is pretty good too, in spite of looking a bit Mitty-ish at first glance.

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Best off going half an hour away to dragon field sports in Wrexham, but I have also heard a new shop has opened near holt/farndon? Out the back towards rossette?

Dont bother with dragon fieldsports, just as bad as monks but they smile a bit more.

I live right by the new gun shop by holt and very friendly, could do with more stock but there getting there. But the opening hours are incredible from around 7pm till dusk mostly.


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Dont bother with dragon fieldsports, just as bad as monks but they smile a bit more.

I live right by the new gun shop by holt and very friendly, could do with more stock but there getting there. But the opening hours are incredible from around 7pm till dusk mostly.


Cannot be open very long each day ??

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