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Strange screw-head for outside light - what's it called?


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I have a number of these outside lights with a most peculiar screw-head. I think it needs some sort of key to turn it, but goodness knows why they didn't use a regular screwhead for them. Although it looks like they should have a compact fluorescent in there, I have peered through the plastic and think they have a regular filament bulb inside and I would like to replace them with a low energy version (probably LED).


I will need to buy a key - does anyone know what they are called or where to get one from. I have tried usual places and people - and hope PW can help!


Thank you!


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They're anti-tamper screw used to prevent the public from fiddling with things they shouldnt be. I have a set of these bits on my van due to my job,but they are available.




Bottom right bits in picture.

Edited by Imperfection
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Thank you everyone who responded so quickly - very impressive indeed. I've been trying to find the name for it for about three weeks! Interesting to know why they have the unusual head, and that would make sense with them being external lights. I will get a security bit set ordered now :good:

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