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run off road tonight


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Just had update, spoke to the company and turned out he had a warning 6 months ago for 94mph in the van. They reviewed the tracker and average over the time it happened was 86mph with an acceleration to 90mph. That was where he was in lane 3 with the trailer.


They sacked him.

Edited by activeviii
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Just had update, spoke to the company and turned out he had a warning 6 months ago for 94mph in the van. They reviewed the tracker and average over the time it happened was 86mph with an acceleration to 90mph. That was where he was in lane 3 with the trailer.


They sacked him.


Good result, hopefully it'll teach the idiot a lesson and hopefully save someone's life..

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I see it most days and it's in every make of car/truck/van.


Whilst being far from perfect myself, the general standard of driving out there is poor. Saying that, we don't always make allowances for other drives not knowing town centre layouts etc.

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Well Done Young Man, Would Have Done The Same.

Had Truckers playing with me on a MOTORWAY.. M6.

Only been opened half an hour, They both Squeezed me Either Side, The wheels were above my head, TRIUMP HERALD I was Driving.

We Were The ONLY Vehicles on the road, in either direction, They were on CB so they could talk to each other .

Today I would have tried to take there numbers, but the forward camera will do that now. They do not seem to notice them, its a good tool in the box I say.

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Send Hot Tub Superstore a link to this topic... I was considering buying one from them...not anymore :lol:


I'm afraid there are some complete Neanderthals driving these days.

In all fairness to the bosses. They have not taken it lightly. Couldn't do enough apologising. No room for a hot tub or I would have tried my luck.



Sort of felt sorry for them really as now their a worker down, I did say this to them but he siad not to wpry as there's always someone to fill the gap.

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I'm really struggling with this middle lane hogging thing if I'm in the middle lane at lets be honest here around 80 mph

Why do I have to keep changing lanes, nobody can overtake me legally anyway

As soon as I pull into the inside lane there will either be an old punto or a lorry in front of me

If we're going to moan about motorway driving we should tackle the kings of the road who constantly try to overtake each other at 56mph when they simply cannot

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I'm really struggling with this middle lane hogging thing if I'm in the middle lane at lets be honest here around 80 mph

Why do I have to keep changing lanes, nobody can overtake me legally anyway

As soon as I pull into the inside lane there will either be an old punto or a lorry in front of me

If we're going to moan about motorway driving we should tackle the kings of the road who constantly try to overtake each other at 56mph when they simply cannot

Because they cant get into the middle lane because of people hogging it at 80 mph.....



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I'm really struggling with this middle lane hogging thing if I'm in the middle lane at lets be honest here around 80 mph

Why do I have to keep changing lanes, nobody can overtake me legally anyway

As soon as I pull into the inside lane there will either be an old punto or a lorry in front of me

If we're going to moan about motorway driving we should tackle the kings of the road who constantly try to overtake each other at 56mph when they simply cannot

I totally agree....how on earth can lanes 2 and 3 be overtaking lanes only when you're only allowed to do 70mph legally (we all change this to 80mph). When you're in a van for example where it's harder to nip between 60 and 80mph, doing at least 70mph where is the sense in constantly swapping back to the inside lane to do the same speed until you get stuck there and can't pull out to overtake again?

Lorries should be banned from overtaking if anything, the cause of so many hold ups!

I see no issue with using the middle lane when the outside lane is clear if someone really wants to do 100+

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Some people get on the motorway, settle into the middle lane at 70 and switch off which is all fine and legal.. unless lane 1 is empty. No awareness of what is around them.


The current record is following someone for 5 miles with a totally empty lane to their left.


I've seen sat navs right in the middle of the screen, steamed up windows with no visibility. I just stay calm and get out of their way, they are an accident waiting to happen.


No one is saying keep swapping lanes but if lane 1 is clear for at least 30 secs upwards then pull back in.

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I'm really struggling with this middle lane hogging thing if I'm in the middle lane at lets be honest here around 80 mph

Why do I have to keep changing lanes, nobody can overtake me legally anyway

As soon as I pull into the inside lane there will either be an old punto or a lorry in front of me

If we're going to moan about motorway driving we should tackle the kings of the road who constantly try to overtake each other at 56mph when they simply cannot

Look at it another way, keeping an watchful eye way ahead means you'll be moving lanes much more so your less likely to fall asleep, and your overtaking manovers will become slick rather than rushed with less than 100 yards gap to the vehicle to be passed, plus it allows other drivers to do the same with you IF they so wish, regardless of your speed

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Some people get on the motorway, settle into the middle lane at 70 and switch off which is all fine and legal.. unless lane 1 is empty. No awareness of what is around them.


The current record is following someone for 5 miles with a totally empty lane to their left.


I've seen sat navs right in the middle of the screen, steamed up windows with no visibility. I just stay calm and get out of their way, they are an accident waiting to happen.


No one is saying keep swapping lanes but if lane 1 is clear for at least 30 secs upwards then pull back in.

Think you may fine that middle lane hogging it illegal. Laws changed 2 years ago. Alsocfine put up to £100. Same goes on tail gating

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Yes, with you on that.


Surely, it would make sense that all lorrys were GPS restricted. As they are all using GPS loggers anyway.


If they were all GPS restricted then they would all be doing 60, or less and not 1 mph faster than the on in front just because they have new tires. Just a thought really.

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To the point about lorries being banned from overtaking, I recall seeing in parts of Germany, I think, areas of dual carriageway/two lane motorway where HGV overtaking was prohibited during certain hours, 7-9am and 4-7pm.


I could see an argument for this on some sections of roads where elephant racing is a real problem, but whether it is a good argument or not is open to debate.


It is the stretches of long incline where the really heavy wagons slow down and bunch up and it takes a mile for the slightly lighter wagon to overtake 1-2mph faster, then the long decline when the really heavy wagons build momentum and scoot past the rest at a mighty 1-2mph faster.


At least in my head this theory makes some sense, but no idea of how it would actually work in the real world, just as often I see HGV's overtaking cars sitting at 50 and even if you do have to sit in line behind an overtaking elephant once it moves over you can recover speed easily in a car, but not so in a wagon where you would burst your MPG bonus.


It's an interesting argument.

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Lane discipline is a pet hate off mine, been driving cars and riding motorbikes for the last 16 years and now going through the process of my class C. The amount of times I've been going around the M25 and some numpty has sat in the outside lanes doing 50-60mph for no reason that's what causes accidents, if the n/s lane is clear use it don't just sit in the middle.

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Have we forgotten to take our medication this morning?



Did you conveniently not quote the whole sentence (or cut off the rest to justufy your reply)? Read it again, that's not exactly what I said, or meant and I'm guessing you knew that too.

I was using the point about lorries and their constant quest to maintain that extra 1mph to emphasise the fact that if things need changing when it comes to lane discipline they're as much a pain in the *** as anything else on motorways pulling out and taking half a mile or more to creep past one another.

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