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Nige 2nd place Thanet South

And he lost no time going back on his word, using his usual sly ways. Apparently he is resigning but 'will consider running again in September'. In other words, he is taking some more paychecks from the 'enemy' (EU) and then will put his name on the hat and win since nobody else will contest him. Putin did the same a few years ago in Russia. farce has time and again declared his admiration for the man, so I guess he is coping his role model. You have to admit though, he always find a way to survive albeit in a parasitic way. Him and the cockroaches...

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And he lost no time going back on his word, using his usual sly ways. Apparently he is resigning but 'will consider running again in September'. In other words, he is taking some more paychecks from the 'enemy' (EU) and then will put his name on the hat and win since nobody else will contest him. Putin did the same a few years ago in Russia. farce has time and again declared his admiration for the man, so I guess he is coping his role model. You have to admit though, he always find a way to survive albeit in a parasitic way. Him and the cockroaches...

that maybe a little harsh but for him to comeback just would show he cant keep his word so his credibility would be seriously questioned by a lot of people.

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And he lost no time going back on his word, using his usual sly ways. Apparently he is resigning but 'will consider running again in September'. In other words, he is taking some more paychecks from the 'enemy' (EU) and then will put his name on the hat and win since nobody else will contest him. Putin did the same a few years ago in Russia. farce has time and again declared his admiration for the man, so I guess he is coping his role model. You have to admit though, he always find a way to survive albeit in a parasitic way. Him and the cockroaches...

He did not say he admired putin as a person but for standing up for his country,yet another of the things people like to misquote ,he discussed this on a debate he did,you should check it out.


And what is wrong with running for office again?he has done exactly what he said he would do and resigned,he is free to run again the same as any other

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He did not say he admired putin as a person but for standing up for his country,yet another of the things people like to misquote ,he discussed this on a debate he did,you should check it out.


And what is wrong with running for office again?he has done exactly what he said he would do and resigned,he is free to run again the same as any other


My thoughts exactly :good:

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And he lost no time going back on his word, using his usual sly ways. Apparently he is resigning but 'will consider running again in September'. In other words, he is taking some more paychecks from the 'enemy' (EU) and then will put his name on the hat and win since nobody else will contest him. Putin did the same a few years ago in Russia. farce has time and again declared his admiration for the man, so I guess he is coping his role model. You have to admit though, he always find a way to survive albeit in a parasitic way. Him and the cockroaches...

I find it amusing and quite puzzling how people interpret events etc to suit their own bias, especially on a forum consisting of shooters who as a group are often the target of those who deliberately fabricate or skew facts to suit their particular bias or agenda.

This thread is bizarrely entitled 'UKIP Humiliated' when in fact the opposite is true, by someone who posts some quite bizarre comments, and then we have the above, again from someone who obviously has some axe to grind and doesn't mind skewing the facts regarding some comments Farage made to bang home his biased point.

If you can't argue your point with honesty and openness, without resorting to fabrication in order to try and strengthen that argument, then you've lost the argument in my opinion.

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I find it amusing and quite puzzling how people interpret events etc to suit their own bias, especially on a forum consisting of shooters who as a group are often the target of those who deliberately fabricate or skew facts to suit their particular bias or agenda.

This thread is bizarrely entitled 'UKIP Humiliated' when in fact the opposite is true, by someone who posts some quite bizarre comments, and then we have the above, again from someone who obviously has some axe to grind and doesn't mind skewing the facts regarding some comments Farage made to bang home his biased point.

If you can't argue your point with honesty and openness, without resorting to fabrication in order to try and strengthen that argument, then you've lost the argument in my opinion.


Oh, of course, Farage won, didn't he, and UKIP is forming the next government.

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Oh, of course, Farage won, didn't he, and UKIP is forming the next government.

Hardly humiliated getting 4 million people to vote for the party and returning lots of second placed,something that is quite astonishing for a fledgeling political party.

They may not have the seats but the other parties will take them seriously because they will continue to grow.

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if he comes back he breaks his word and ruins what credibility he still has, to come back will give him less credibility than clegg and miliband in most peoples view i would think as at least when they go they will be staying gone.


He doesn't break his word at all.


He said he'd resign as leader of the party if he didn't win Thanet.


He resigned, just as he said he would.


He DIDN'T say he would leave the party or indeed politics.


Think about it for a minute...if the Lib Dem executive wanted Nick Clegg back as leader (unlikely as it may be) and they still wanted to unite behind him, would it be wrong for him to return? Or is all this hysteria just because the man in question is the king?

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UKIP got more votes than the SNP and the Lib dems combined.

The fact that UKIP got 1 seat and they got 64 is down to our voting system,nothing else.

If I was Farage,I would be quite pleased with that achievement .

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Certainly not humiliated but they must be dissapointed not to get more seats, which could have been possible had the electorate in their key seats wanted it. Ukip have come a very long way very quickly but they will need to change tack now that we will [possibly] get a EU referendum, but I'm not sure how they would do that without the EU, and therefore immigration, to bash.

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Blah blah blah 'farce'

Waffle waffle waffle 'farce'

'farce' etc. etc. etc.


Ah, good to see your usual insightful opinion Psycockolos.


So, where did you place your 'X' in the end?

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If UKIP are going to break into parliament they need to build from a local level put in the spade work on winning councils and deliver results build a credible network of hard working councilors then they will begin to break through.


almost 4 million votes is a pyrrhic victory with only 1 MP without changes to the electoral system people will move away as they have played their best hand and nothings come from it.


I think Nigel is risking a serious loss of credibility if he stands again come September, he was clear that if he lost he would walk coming back will undermine his credentials.

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Your thread sir is entitled "UKIP Humilated".

Why don't you just shut up and get the crayons out.

Perhaps it should have read PW UKIP supporters humiliated? I think there was a little bit too much smug optimism from some quarters regarding UKIP. As for the party, they did very well indeed, its just the supporters' expectations were unrealistically high.
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I agree. It smacks of the same weasel play of words endemic throughout Westminster.


Even more amazing, is that some vocal fans of UKIP seemingly have no problem spinning like Damian McBride.






Plenty of people make a comeback...in all walks of life. It's not as if he's done anything wrong is it?


If it's weasel play you want you should maybe check out the new MP for Basingstoke.

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Plenty of people make a comeback...in all walks of life. It's not as if he's done anything wrong is it?


If it's weasel play you want you should maybe check out the new MP for Basingstoke.

If you apply that logic DC didn't do anything wrong by not giving us an EU referendum as they weren't governing as Tory but tory-lib coalition. He should be a man of his word or be one if the politicians you seen to despise
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Perhaps it should have read PW UKIP supporters humiliated?



Nah, if I were a Lib Dem, Labour or Green voter maybe I'd feel humiliated, but as you rightly say the kippers performed well, and I suspect they'll do well when the council election results are released too.


How did your chap get on?

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