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I Hate Being Told Where to Shoot

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I had a phone call Thursday morning from a farmer who we had left a card with three years ago after asking about some shooting which he refused. He said he had a rabbit problem could I help as his next door farmer had mentioned my name. I explained that the ferreting season was past and the only way was to shoot or trap and he said that shooting was a problem as it was near a hospital. So I said I would have a look . I decided to try some snares and went out in the afternoon and put out thirty snares around the area. DB was away so I set out Friday to check the snares and collect them up, I had four rabbits so I put them in the Disco and drove on looking for seed. I had a call from a farmer down the road as he had seen my Disco parked at the side of the rabbit field. He was concerned that his rape was growing well except for one field which was still low and behind the rest. Could I shoot it today as I was in the area I regretfully said yes. As it is a good farm and I wanted to keep in his good books.

When I arrived at the field it had about thirty birds down and I watched it for twenty minutes and none joined. I was all set up for 13.00 with twelve thawed birds , two on flappers , as I wanted to try a different method as I believe the birds are decoy shy . I had the flappers on a timmer so one flapped ,then the other and then both. The first birds in verred off but were in range, so I turned the flapper off and left them as Angels. The next bird came straight in. I shot till 18.00 and picked up thirty one birds which was good for the field I was in.


Saturday saw me heading for some beans which should have been drilled in the week. when I arrived they had not been drilled just the soil prepared. So I started to look at the rape with no birds evident. I then found a seed field which I believe was drilled yesterday with a load of seed on the surface and a few crows and jackdaws feeding on it. A Disco pulled up and it was Bunny Blaster , he had been looking around and found nothing. We chewed the fat for abit and decided to look at some rape down the road and when we arrived it had a few birds down but none joining, we looked at two other farms with no birds down and nothing flighting in the area. We agreed to shoot together on the first farm . I text the owner and got the go ahead, we set up on the top of a steep bank where we had seen the flock feeding. We started with twelve birds , ten on cradles and two Angels. The first birds in were very nervous of the set up so we set the magnet up and tried again , two or three came to the tree but would not commit to the decoys. We had at one point ten birds comming in and they all spooked on the pattern . The very blustery wind was off our backs and that may have been the reason as we were on the ridge and they suddenly came into the full force of the wind also the sun was behind us and was very bright and low and they may have been blinded by it and could not see the decoys. We both had some cracking shots , High and fast also I had the situation of three comming to the tree , I dropped two with one shot and winged the third going away. We kept putting off the time to finish as when we decided to pack up a few more birds would come in. We eventually packed up at 18.30 and picked up fortyseven birds , we found another as we drove off the field. It was avery difficult day to shoot and the birds were very few but it was enjoyable. All I can say is the birds from the Midlands must have followed the " Pied Piper with the big hat to Lincolnshire"???????





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The situation is now perfectly clear. DB is away and the bags have reduced considerably. We now see who the 'Power behind the Throne' is.


Sadly there are not enough pigeons here on top of the Wolds to send you any spares. There are just enough to keep me going.

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The situation is now perfectly clear. DB is away and the bags have reduced considerably. We now see who the 'Power behind the Throne' is.


Sadly there are not enough pigeons here on top of the Wolds to send you any spares. There are just enough to keep me going.

It's getting near the time I migrate to the Mediterranean , when the easy town birds migrate to the deep country to breed etc.

" When the going gets Tough the Tough get Going" I'll be off soon

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The situation is now perfectly clear. DB is away and the bags have reduced considerably. We now see who the 'Power behind the Throne' is.


Sadly there are not enough pigeons here on top of the Wolds to send you any spares. There are just enough to keep me going.

I defence of DB in his absence he would not have set up on what we found today but would have continued looking until we found feeding birds as birds will feed till 19.30. His theory is wait till you find them feeding hard then shoot as you can have a ton in a couple of hours on the right field. I was happy to have a social shoot with Bunny Blaster which was very enjoyable.

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