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Oh Joy


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I weep for future generations force fed all this absolute garbage.


Quite simple we have allowed ourselves to be controlled by self serving bigoted unelected minority pressure groups, aided and abetted by PC freaks who truly believe words are louder than actions.



Absolutely! They are all squealing like hogs, some desperate to get in the trough, some desperate not to be thrown out!


What a mess!

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Quite simple we have allowed ourselves to be controlled by self serving bigoted unelected minority pressure groups, aided and abetted by PC freaks who truly believe words are louder than actions.



The joy of free speech, and to who ever listens.

Its almost like the freedom we have on this and other forums that we air our views about various topics, we may not all agree but we do read most of the ****, dont we :yes: and then throw in our own comments (just like this one)

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This country will go to rat**** if Liebour get in with their Guardianesqe policies

But have you considered that may be the only way to rectify it all. Let them (or even help) send it to the bottom and then the only way is up !!! If the country went bust and benefits couldn't be paid then a lot of immigrants would move on, folk deliberately scrounging would have to work (or starve) and the loony left wing policy makers would disappear and hide away for quite some time.


If muslims were allowed to rule here how long do you think before this country went the way of their's, a filthy bankrupt hovel with zero benefits and very little services ? They would just move on to the next country and start again there, not our problem then.

This was a point put to me some time ago whilst just chatting about the state of things. it would certainly turn things around quickly, but which way I'm unsure !!!

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But have you considered that may be the only way to rectify it all. Let them (or even help) send it to the bottom and then the only way is up !!! If the country went bust and benefits couldn't be paid then a lot of immigrants would move on, folk deliberately scrounging would have to work (or starve) and the loony left wing policy makers would disappear and hide away for quite some time.


If muslims were allowed to rule here how long do you think before this country went the way of their's, a filthy bankrupt hovel with zero benefits and very little services ? They would just move on to the next country and start again there, not our problem then.

This was a point put to me some time ago whilst just chatting about the state of things. it would certainly turn things around quickly, but which way I'm unsure !!!

I'd rather my children didn't go through that hell, this country is still more than saveable if we get a government with the will and balls! Edited by Livefast123
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It's just so no one can call him names and make him cry :sad1:



I feel sorry for him :rolleyes:
















No I don't really, let him get what's coming :good::lol: :lol: :lol:

I'd rather my children didn't go through that hell, this country is still more than saveable if we get a government with the will and balls!

And my friend, that is the question IF. And you know as well as me that we're not going to.

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The man is a joke and this shows his increasing desperation to get votes .But then again the Labour party has for all its talk of democracy and freedoms been a very "do as we say because we know best" and "we are right and if you don't agree then your wrong " group . In earlier times they would have been burning witches and heretics .

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