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pigeon shooting for newbie

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As many people on this forum have been so helpful i would like to offer a days pigeon shooting to someone who has little experience in pigeon shooting must be insured. It will be once they start harvesting so about a months time cant promise loads of birds but more just the basics of pigeon shooting. Suffolk area.

Thanks Ben

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What a fantastic offer! I'd love to be able to take you up on this as I'm interested in starting pigeon shooting, unfortunately I'm a fair way from Suffolk!

I'll need a hand at harvest time if your interested in a couple of days shooting? Donny area, a tad closer for you.. Drop me a pm!!ATB Paul.

Edited by pstenson123
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Thanks for all the reply's im now going through them ideally im looking for a complete novice who has never been shown the ropes. and others that have replied ile get in touch if i do get some more time to get out and obviously if the pigeons play ball.

Thanks Ben

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I have only shot clays and some pests with an air rifle.

I want to get into pigeons, corvids, rabbits etc and some guidance would be extremely valuable.

I am in Hemel Hempstead, Herts but as I travel to the Fens and Broads fishing, travelling is not an issue.

Please consider me for your offer.

I have BASC membership and insurance.




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  • 1 month later...

Hey Ben, I am in the Norfolk area if you are still looking for someone to show the ropes. I have brought most of the kit and been to a BASC pigeon demo day to try and learn, but am still to find the opportunity to actually get out. Would be even better to go with someone tart has experience. Cheers

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