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What You See in the Dark

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I was out ratting last night with my new NV scope and, with little activity from the rats, I had a scan around the main field. A fox was trotting about sniffing the ground quite close by. Then I saw a rabbit, and the fox pretty much passed it by less than a yard and .... me expecting to watch an Attenborough-esque chase and kill ... the fox just carried on. Obviously hadn't spotted the bunny or the scent it was following was more interesting.


Anyway - got me thinking ... what other cool things have you seen with NV?? I must get a recording device hooked up to it .......

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The best thing I saw was some otters (mother and 3 kits) in the bottom of a stubble field by a stream. Watched them for about 5 mins through the NV before returning to my fox shooting.


A couple of months ago just as I was about to shoot a fox the fox ran off pursued by a badger. Fortunately it didnt go far before a 80 grain soft point from the .243 stopped it in its tracks (the fox that is before anybody asks).


NV certainly gives you an insight into what goes on in the dark.

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The best thing I saw was some otters (mother and 3 kits) in the bottom of a stubble field by a stream. Watched them for about 5 mins through the NV before returning to my fox shooting.


A couple of months ago just as I was about to shoot a fox the fox ran off pursued by a badger. Fortunately it didnt go far before a 80 grain soft point from the .243 stopped it in its tracks (the fox that is before anybody asks).


NV certainly gives you an insight into what goes on in the dark.


well was it a black and white fox :lol:
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I've told this before so apologies for repeating but I was testing my new NV over the park at night, didn't have the IR on but could see someone using NV with IR the other side of the park - I flicked my IR on and we looked at each other for a moment, he powered down and vanished into the woods, it was weird but very funny

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First night out with the thermal spotter i spent more time looking at anything other than foxes (never spotted one that night) mice /voles olws planes helicopters you name it ,was a great night

It's an eye opener for sure. I was trying to figure out what it was in the hedges

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Yes, it's great to see nature at work. I've seen the odd owl lamping but nothing 'in the dark' as yet.


The most annoying thing is the odd hedgehog - you see it's eyes while scanning round and think you've got a rat or rabbit to shoot - on closer inspection no, it's just a hedgehog!


I've never seen an owl lamping, the ones around here have quite good eyesight :lol:

Edited by malkiserow
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Little owls foraging on the ground, mice, voles, loads of foxes and badgers, deer, and a surprising number of woodcock too. I don't like meeting horses, they are inquisitive and get too close, then get freaked out by dead rabbits, but by far the worst thing to come across is something making loads of noise - but you cant see what it is. I'm a logical person but that doesn't stop my buttocks clenching.

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Well, a LOT of years ago, as a semi-drunk teenager staggering home from a party, I found myself without a light for my ciggie, stumbled on a car with steamy windows and knocked on the glass to ask the occupants for a light................................well apart from the short, sharp verbals................I dont even want to describe what I saw in the dark that night!!! I did'nt even have NV either! LOL. :lol:


Made a big impression on me as a young lad I can tell you! :yes:


Oh, sorry, a bit off topic that.


Peter. :)

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