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I got one a couple of weeks ago. I love a bit of Apple kit. Whilst this could be seen as just a gadget it is a great bit of kit. Not fully explored the possibilities of it yet but impressed so far.


Will it replace my mechanical watches? No but will probably become my day to day watch.


Anybody else got one and if so thoughts so far?

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Having had an original Casio calculator watch back in the 70's I found it completely inoperable because of the limited size of keyboard / interface.


I have an iPhone that does everything it's supposed to and more and just think the Apple Watch is lacking in a true purpose.


Put another way, what does the watch do your phone won't?

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I've seen this in the Apple shop. My friend from.uni has a Sony watch that's linked to his Sony Xperia and he seems to use it a lot.... he says it's useful when he's walking and he gets a notification he can quickly check it on his watch and reply if need be rather than getting the phone out his pocket :) I've said to him it's really cool but....I think it's more of a novelty at this current stage of Smart watch existence. I can see the appeal however and since I got my ipad Air 2 the other week I'm heavily debating making a complete switch to Apple and upgrading next time to iPhone 6s plus or iPhone 7 when it comes out.



Edited by WinchesterDave
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Yes you do need the phone on you (or within Bluetooth range) so is not a replacement for the phone. Where it excels is the fact that you can monitor alerts whilst in meetings or having a conversation with somebody without having to look at you phone. You are talking, watch pings, quick glance, ignore in less obtrusive way than with the phone. Or it might be important at which point you say "sorry I need to deal with this"


As for size it is surprisingly usable. I too had a Casio calculator watch and get what Mungler was saying but it isn't like that (and doesn't have a calculator function!).


Also Indoors you don't walk around with your phone (or I don't) but you can still see messages /receive calls or even operate the Sonos!


Is it life changing in they same way an iPhone was. No. Is it an interesting development and fun? I think so.

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What's the battery life?


About two days so far. Although I have just upgraded the OS this morning and they say that this will increase the battery usage. Charging is quite neat though via a magnetic connector.


However it does drain the phone battery quite a lot. I suspect due to the continual usage of bluetooth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As an early adopter of these, I was worried that the first generation model would be a let down, but I must admit I'm impressed.


I know it's not the watch which got my lazy backside off the sofa, but I thought that I might as well use it as a health tool. Spending a couple of hundred on a gym membership would be better put to use, so I forced myself to do the fitness side of it, rather than just wearing a geeky watch.


In the last three months, I've lost nearly two stone and I'll say a lot of that is down to the apps that I used on the watch. So it's paid for itself in terms of the health benefits. The apps I used were:


Couch to 5k for running. I never thought I could run 2k, let alone 5. Took a while, but got there in the end.


Strava for cycling.


Lifesum for health and diet. Tell the app what weight you want to reach and the type of diet you are willing to go for and it'll put you on a diet plan and track your intake. As an added bonus, it'll advise you when to drink water to keep you correctly hydrated.


Un-health related, the Apple Pay is a doddle and makes life a bit easier. I'm not quite at the point of not taking my wallet out with me, but if I'm out cycling, then I won't and rely on the watch if I need anything in an emergency.

Edited by Billy.
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