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A Southport Sunset


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Don't tell me you have managed to air brush the tide in, have you ?


Yep bottom left now gone/horizon levelled/ un-sharpened mask/ used colour levels on sky and foreground/ cropped the lower part of the image so as the horizon is not central.

Still a super image with a 50mm which is a very under estimated lens..


I believe Steve Rouse is coming up your way to give a talk at a nature reserve, which I believe is near to your location.

Unfortunatey I cannot recall the name of the reserve.





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fantastic photo cant believe the marsh has spread that much....when used to shoot the free shoot there was nowt past the old sand road....

Thanks misser! it's a big marsh certainly.

Cheers GG, I'd love to see what you've done yes :) probably looks 10times better now mind ;) I'm interested to see.




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No disrespect GG but I actually prefer the original! :-( sorry



Not an issue and don't be sorry you softy.

We all see things differently and if you find it pleasing the more pleasure you get from it.


I showed nine of my office colleagues both images during the day at different times and the majority also preferred the original.

I always get them to choose my images for comps also and to be honest they rarely select the one I would have entered.


GG :good:

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Not an issue and don't be sorry you softy.

We all see things differently and if you find it pleasing the more pleasure you get from it.


I showed nine of my office colleagues both images during the day at different times and the majority also preferred the original.

I always get them to choose my images for comps also and to be honest they rarely select the one I would have entered.


GG :good:

You are a gent :-)
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Cheers for the replies all, interested to read what others think of my photographs :) I appreciate what GG has done, and is nice to hear what his work colleagues said also. I was debating whether or not to crop it when I was processing the image but decided to leave it Un cropped in the end so it was nice to see how it could've looked :)


Thabk you Malkiserow; a fowler and dog would be good or tyre tracks yes :)





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Superb photo! :good:


I was in Southport last Saturday and actually saw the tide in - that's twice now in, erm, ........... a long time! :lol:[/quote


I was brought up there and the tide comes in twice just like every place it just goes out a long way this suits the geese and the bait digger but kills a lot of tourists who think differently

Capacity to come in faster than a shrimpers tractor

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Nearly got me in the late 60's. I was out with an 'expert' we hung out there until the geese lifted, I dropped right and left, one in front, second overhead. We were kneeling behind some grass tussocks, the dog went back for the second bird and the first came bobbing along on the incoming tide, stone dead. Then began a run back to get across a wide gutter, we got there to find it too deep to wade. We legged it towards the sea where the gutter had a large sandbank and although chest high, we could wade it. I have never known water so cold, once it was around your chest it was a struggle to breath, 2 geese in my left hand, nearly 8lbs of Greener in my right hand and an excited springer swimming not far from my left ear, I thought, "This is it, what a way to go", but then felt the bank climbing up and the water going down. It was now pitch black and all 3 of us could only lay on the sand and laugh ? Legs up, waders empty and slog back to the car. Strip off and spare waterproofs on and then home. That was my one and only trip onto Southport marsh. I joined the Dee Wildfowlers instead. But still a superb picture, just do not brush me in, standing in the car park........................starkers !

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