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Village Sniper Removed


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Hi when I logged on about 30mins ago there was a posting which was serious, yet presented in an amusing way, certainly not offensive yet it has been removed, please tell me and the rest of us why?? :good:


I am all for removing offensive posts, porn etc :good: but this post contained both serious and amusing material relevent to all our interests,

there have recently been several comments made on the forum concerning over modding and this removal highlights the concerns voiced recently, maybe the post was taken in a political vein :good: which would make the decision to remove it even more unpalateable to the majority of members.


So come on now explaination please :good:


;) D2D

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I got 'busted' by the Mods for posting the same video on here several months ago. The furore when I posted the vid was due to the Amish school shootings. I can bet that the Mods will have deemed the vid tasteless now, (in part?) due to the Virginia Tech shootings......

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I got 'busted' by the Mods for posting the same video on here several months ago. The furore when I posted the vid was due to the Amish school shootings. I can bet that the Mods will have deemed the vid tasteless now, (in part?) due to the Virginia Tech shootings......



I didnt realise the video had been posted a few months before, but I still stand by what I said, the content in my personal opinion is not offensive and as Tommy Trucker points out in his postings, which some of the more squemish will find borderline, you dont have to watch it,

But PLEASE mods give us the opportunity to make our own judgements and should objections be received from members then would be the time to remove any borderline posts, not automatically because it just might upset us poor sensitive souls :good:


;) D2D

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It was removed for PC reasons, which; as the video was taking a shot (pun intended) at the ludicrous level of Political Correctness prevalent in British society - where criticsm of the antagonist is perceived as a far greater "crime" than the actual act committed. Ironic, really.


If anyone wants the link, pm me.

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I didnt realise the video had been posted a few months before, but I still stand by what I said, the content in my personal opinion is not offensive and as Tommy Trucker points out in his postings, which some of the more squemish will find borderline, you dont have to watch it,

But PLEASE mods give us the opportunity to make our own judgements and should objections be received from members then would be the time to remove any borderline posts, not automatically because it just might upset us poor sensitive souls :good:


;) D2D



Well said. :good:

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Its called censorship ;)


Someone else decides what you can and cant see,


Just a short while ago you could go to speakers corner and watch the Muslim Cleric incite racial hatred whilst the police watched saying there was nothing they could do!


The post was indeed a satirical look at our politically correct culture gone mad (IMHO politically corrupt) I accept that as the average profile of our members is in the 9 to 12 year old white Christian middle England bracket, and as such deserve to be protected form such nonsense the Mods are fully justified in removing my post and I offer my sincere apologies and on reflection conclude my behaviour in sharing such offensive material is beyond reproach,


Yeah right

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Although I didn't remove it, I can imagine it was removed for the same reasons it was removed the last time it was posted.


For every post made supporting such items, we receive many more PM's objecting to them and asking that they be removed.


If there is a group of like minded souls that like that sort of thing, why not email each other the links and keep it off the Forum..

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Although I didn't remove it, I can imagine it was removed for the same reasons it was removed the last time it was posted.


For every post made supporting such items, we receive many more PM's objecting to them and asking that they be removed.


If there is a group of like minded souls that like that sort of thing, why not email each other the links and keep it off the Forum..




But if like me it, or any post come to it ,was missed first time around, and is not reposted how will I/we see it,.. ...

O learned one? ;)


:good: D2D

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For every post made supporting such items, we receive many more PM's objecting to them and asking that they be removed.



Name and shame the shandy drinking humourless big girls blouses Cranners, pics of foxes with brains blown out is fine but not satirical humour ;)

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Cant say whether I think its offensive or not - having been denied the right to see and make up my own mind.


I have seen - and appreciated a note on some posts that they contain graphic images that may offend. Pehaps this could have been the case here?


Alternatively, we have I think been asked for ideas about the forum? How about a section that is closed by default unless WE enable it?

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How about the moderators leave the topic title in place and leave a message such as "deleted by *****".

When someone complains about a topic being deleted (as I have done in the past) the reply usually begins with "Although I was not the one who deleted it". :good:

At least then we would know who needs their Political Correctness level adjusting. :lol::lol:

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Why not have a sub forum as other forums do with a "health warning" on it regarding robustness etc. I am sick and tired of someone else deciding what I should watch, see or read in the public domain. If someone doesn't want to watch, look, or read then bloody well don't :good:

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I removed it earlier, I should have sent a PM to the original poster- I usually do if I pull a topic- sorry. Had presentation for my finals this afternoon so wasn't 100% concentrating on pw. That said, the video was removed for the same reasons as when it was posted the first time. Bearing in mind the recent shootings, and also taking into account that this is a shooting site. It doesn't look great if people are chuckling over a video supposedly of people getting shot.

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I removed it earlier, I should have sent a PM to the original poster- I usually do if I pull a topic- sorry. Had presentation for my finals this afternoon so wasn't 100% concentrating on pw. That said, the video was removed for the same reasons as when it was posted the first time. Bearing in mind the recent shootings, and also taking into account that this is a shooting site. It doesn't look great if people are chuckling over a video supposedly of people getting shot.




Yeah, right! Do you think that members of political parties were band from laughing at 'Yes Minister' or 'Spiting Image'?




The humour wasn't in the shooting, it was in the PC bloody reaction of the cretinous population of this country. A population that - and I hope you take notice of this bit - care far more about 'how' their views are perceived, than they do about 'what' their views actually represent.




I may not be free to say what I think, but I am free to think it. And believe me, I am thinking it.

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I removed it earlier, I should have sent a PM to the original poster- I usually do if I pull a topic- sorry. Had presentation for my finals this afternoon so wasn't 100% concentrating on pw. That said, the video was removed for the same reasons as when it was posted the first time. Bearing in mind the recent shootings, and also taking into account that this is a shooting site. It doesn't look great if people are chuckling over a video supposedly of people getting shot.



Teal & other mods;


Its no secrete I made the post and I appreciate you guys have a somewhat difficult task at times in discerning what may or may not represent offensive content. Or that which may show field sports in a bad light. You have exercised that judgment in what you perceive as the best interests of PW in the public domain and I guess it harsh to criticise your motive under such circumstance.


However the post was indeed a poke at our nanny society where its become the norm to ban just about everything that may offend anyone, anything, anywhere, and apologise for our actions or point of view for fear of the reaction of some element of society.


Quite frankly, I for one grow increasing tired of the British Bulldog rolling over and getting his belly rubbed, I would never go out of my way to offend anyone but if my sense of humour or opinion differs from others I am not about to apologise for it.

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