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Depressed? You Need Special K


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It seems that ketamine is a rather effective treatment for depression.


Onetime party drug hailed as miracle for treating severe depression - https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/a-one-time-party-drug-is-helping-people-with-deep-depression/2016/02/01/d3e73862-b490-11e5-a76a-0b5145e8679a_story.html

Edited by Danger-Mouse
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As soon as the governbent pass their new stupid and Ill thought out law on psychoactive substances this April all and any hope of finding cures for depression, anxiety ,migraines etc. through any new substances Will be destroyed entirely in this country, probably the most damaging legislation for research ever made, but of course they have already made exceptions for alcohol and tobacco .............. Can't loose all that tax now can we despite the billions and billions diseases caused by them cost the taxpayer every single year

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I thought special K was the breakfast cereal ... Thought here we go food companies making more ridiculous claims lol!


A lot of "scary drugs" can have positive and beneficial effects on people, the key is to be responsible and not abuse them.



It is ..... Didn't do John Slater who used to advertise it any good..... He has been dead many years now.

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As soon as the governbent pass their new stupid and Ill thought out law on psychoactive substances this April all and any hope of finding cures for depression, anxiety ,migraines etc. through any new substances Will be destroyed entirely in this country, probably the most damaging legislation for research ever made, but of course they have already made exceptions for alcohol and tobacco .............. Can't loose all that tax now can we despite the billions and billions diseases caused by them cost the taxpayer every single year

Haven't caught sight of it yet, is there an article we can have a quick read ?


Assuming it's the new legislation brought in to curb legal highs ?

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Haven't caught sight of it yet, is there an article we can have a quick read ?


Assuming it's the new legislation brought in to curb legal highs ?


Yes that`s the one. The same bill, which incidentally, would ban coffee if it hadn`t received an exception along with tobacco and alcohol.


Couple of articles here;





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Yes that`s the one. The same bill, which incidentally, would ban coffee if it hadn`t received an exception along with tobacco and alcohol.


Couple of articles here;





It's a catch 22,


In the time it was taking to ban 1 "legal high" they were inventing 20 new ones very similar ...


God forbid people take responsibility for their lives and say "I probably shouldn't put that dodgy Unresearched substance into my body"

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It now has Royal ascent,watched the parliamentary debate and most of the old farts couldn't even pronounce the names of the substances let alone have any clue of the implications of this, so when the kiddies can't buy legal highs anymore at the local shell garage expect binge drinking and cocaine sales to go through the roof, I am in total agreement that something needed to be done regarding the sale of all this untested imported and dangerous chemical **** but this legislation will do so much damage it beggars belief that they are being allowed to pass it, probably won't deter the chancellor from his cocaine and prostitute malarkey though..............

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It's a catch 22,


In the time it was taking to ban 1 "legal high" they were inventing 20 new ones very similar ...


God forbid people take responsibility for their lives and say "I probably shouldn't put that dodgy Unresearched substance into my body"


Man has been finding ways to alter his conciousness for millenia. Doesn`t matter wether it`s alcohol, cannabis, magic mushrooms or some unpronouncable string of lab created chemical compounds it`s going to keep happening. The war on drugs doesn`t work, has never worked and will never work.


It would be far better to legalise or at least decriminalise a few of the safer substances and let people get on with it. Look at the current situation in the America where many states are legalising either medical or recreational marijuana. And whilst it`s still against federal law I don`t think it will be that long before that changes too. And the reason why it will change is money. Marijuana sales are already producing billions of dollars of revenue and it`s only going to increase. Throw in the reduced cost of law enforcement and it`s a no brainer.



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Agreed, plus it reduces the dependency on criminals supplying and otherwise law abiding people coming into contact with said criminals.



Man has been finding ways to alter his conciousness for millenia. Doesn`t matter wether it`s alcohol, cannabis, magic mushrooms or some unpronouncable string of lab created chemical compounds it`s going to keep happening. The war on drugs doesn`t work, has never worked and will never work.


It would be far better to legalise or at least decriminalise a few of the safer substances and let people get on with it. Look at the current situation in the America where many states are legalising either medical or recreational marijuana. And whilst it`s still against federal law I don`t think it will be that long before that changes too. And the reason why it will change is money. Marijuana sales are already producing billions of dollars of revenue and it`s only going to increase. Throw in the reduced cost of law enforcement and it`s a no brainer.


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