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New Trap Gun ( wont be to everyones liking )

Guest stevo

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Guest stevo

evening all


well this afternoon i picked up my new trap gun , over the past 4 weeks or so i have tried lots of differnt " Hi Rib " guns and last week i decided on this a

Beretta 692 X Trap hi-rib ,







I had a budget of 4K for a new or second hand trap gun but as I'm only a short *** most of what I tried where just too big , to heavy , of just felt plane dead and numb in the shoulder , until I see and had a go of one of these , I loved it !! , so last weekend I got my RFD to get me one in ,


not had a proper chance to use it yet , only a kwik 50 this afternoon , just to see what and where there needs to be any adjustment .


will have a good bash with it tomorrow if the weather holds off .


atb stevo

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Guest stevo

Nice. Hope you kept the skeet gun for the pigeons and crows!


nope I gave that to my local clay club as a training gun , as it was nice a light and youngsters could use it too with no problem . it cost me nowt and was hardly using it so I thought sod it .


I now use a mk38 fixed choke trap gun for out in the field ,

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nope I gave that to my local clay club as a training gun , as it was nice a light and youngsters could use it too with no problem . it cost me nowt and was hardly using it so I thought sod it .


I now use a mk38 fixed choke trap gun for out in the field ,

Nice gesture well done

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Guest stevo

I was right Stevo , they are fugly :lol:

As long as you like it mate , time to stop chopping and changing guns now though mate if you are going to be trying out for you know who next season :good:

haha you know you gonna want a go adi

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Guest stevo

pretty much the sort of response's I was expecting haha , its defiantly a case of function over form , funny thing is nearly everyone wanted a go of it today , that said I will be the first to say trap guns in this orientation are not the prettiest , however when you try one and put it in your shoulder when there set up right you start to see the benefits .

You where robbed, 4k for a shotgun !!. Really don't see how they can justify that. But if you're happy, well it's your money. Do you think it will make you a better shot ?.

I never said it was 4K , I said I had a budget of 4K

Edited by stevo
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Guest stevo

I do like the stepladders, used to have one that was a 682X great fun at DTL.

I know , I smoked 49/50 single barrel this afternoon , that was straight off the shelf .

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Guest stevo

Good start, I have one of these to play with now and again.


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very nice indeed .

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