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EU predictions


EU in or out predictions   

103 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you thin the outcome will be.

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If the people on this website are so sure we will stay IN, why is there so much uncertainty in the markets/business world, and, seemingly, panic in the REMAIN camp?

Its not panic its a possibility and has to be factored as it could be worth an awful lot. The ones that get it right will make a few bob. I hope its my pension fund on the ball.

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There has been a lot of talk lately about 'This is our 'only ' chance to get ourselves out of the EU'

Admittedly ,if we vote to remain,it will be a blow to the out camp.

The way I see it though,it will only be a matter of time before the whole bloated mess implodes anyway.

It could take a few more years,but peoples minds are now questioning the way the EU works,how actually corrupt is it ?

What kind of immigration policy does it see as being sensible and sustainable?

Why are so many countries within the bloc struggling financially?

The seeds of doubt are sown,and the whole EU experiment does not have a strong enough foundation to stop the rot from destroying it eventually.

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From another forum.


An interesting piece by Mark Mardell


If it wasn't for the migrant crisis sucking all of the air out the political room we would still be seeing headlines about the basket case that is the EU economy and particularly the Eurozone.
The EU's debt crisis has not gone away, it's just being hidden behind a massive quantitative easing program and a central bank with negative interest rates. The EU raised it's QE from £42 Billion a month to £56 Billion a month in March. £56 Billion a month! By the supposed end of QE the EU will have spent ~£800 Billion propping itself up.

Let's be realistic no-one, from either side can possible predict what is going to happen to the economy next month let alone 15 years from now, it's complete BS. Imagine being in 2001 and predicting the current financial climate. Imagine being in June 2008 and predicting July 2008. Total and utter ********.

At best the economic arguments can be summed up as "Better the Devil you know" and "My Devil is better than your Devil".

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It's different to a gl ukip took a Maldives amount of votes but won what amounts to no seats. This is every vote counts

It will be decided on by who bothers to vote


If we stay in I think me and my family will end up leaving the UK as it will no longer be our nation


Voted away by apathy and fear of it being harder to go on holiday and stupid meaningless rubbish like that from the thick and weak cowards that seem to proliferate these days


The UK leaving is the only way to stem this madness of over control over every aspect of our lives and work


I should rather be free than anything else in life

The plan is the same as hitters but without bullets and gas chambers - yet! My forebears fought for a free Europe my parents generation voted for free trade and what did these fools give us?

You see spell auto correct knows nowt either but puts it's oar in

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There has been a lot of talk lately about 'This is our 'only ' chance to get ourselves out of the EU'

Admittedly ,if we vote to remain,it will be a blow to the out camp.

The way I see it though,it will only be a matter of time before the whole bloated mess implodes anyway.

It could take a few more years,but peoples minds are now questioning the way the EU works,how actually corrupt is it ?

What kind of immigration policy does it see as being sensible and sustainable?

Why are so many countries within the bloc struggling financially?

The seeds of doubt are sown,and the whole EU experiment does not have a strong enough foundation to stop the rot from destroying it eventually.


I read an article yesterday that suggested much the same thing. Along with the notion that the referendum might wreck the Con. party for years to come it also suggested that we might well see another referendum within a decade. I hope that isn`t necessary but if it is, then it does offer an optimistic view for the future.


I believe that whatever the outcome, our referendum has sent a spark across europe that will cause other nations to demand their own referendums. If one or two vote out it will damage the entire enterprise and hopefully be enough to send the entire corrupt system tumbling like a house of cards. At the very least it may cause the eurocrats to reconsider their push for ever closer union and their constant meddling in matters best left to nation states. Even Juncker is admitting there is too much interference going on. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/eu-was-wrong-interfering-too-much-says-jean-claude-juncker-brexit-vote-looms-1555702

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Everybody who is anybody of any importance in the EU knows that if Britain leaves the EU will go down the pan and a lot of countries will go down the pan with it. That's not our fault, it should never have come to this point. Too many people have been sitting back milking us for years. Now its time to call a halt..


The EU is just a stagnant pond, politically, financially and morally. It does nothing, it achieves nothing and is going nowhere.

Edited by Vince Green
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Everybody who is anybody of any importance in the EU knows that if Britain leaves the EU will go down the pan and a lot of countries will go down the pan with it. That's not our fault, it should never have come to this point. Too many people have been sitting back milking us for years. Now its time to call a halt..


The EU is just a stagnant pond, politically, financially and morally. It does nothing, it achieves nothing and is going nowhere.

Not only is it not our fault, it's not our problem either.

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Well, you've only got to look back to the last General Election to see how valid a PW Poll can be, 99.9% of those on this forum were voting UKIP, Farage was to be the next PM by a landslide, it was already a done deal.. :lol:



On the basis of the number of votes he got he could well have been a candidate for leader of the opposition if we had proportional representation.

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There has been a lot of talk lately about 'This is our 'only ' chance to get ourselves out of the EU'

Admittedly ,if we vote to remain,it will be a blow to the out camp.

The way I see it though,it will only be a matter of time before the whole bloated mess implodes anyway.

It could take a few more years,but peoples minds are now questioning the way the EU works,how actually corrupt is it ?

What kind of immigration policy does it see as being sensible and sustainable?

Why are so many countries within the bloc struggling financially?

The seeds of doubt are sown,and the whole EU experiment does not have a strong enough foundation to stop the rot from destroying it eventually.

I think its already changing slowly but I do see a more fundamental shift in accountability and the way it operates. Not sure how long it will take. The struggling of countries in the bloc is the same as struggling countries in the UK. It will not be even across the piece but movement of labour will help to even things out. The Euro will need to be underpinned by enforced centralised budgetary control at some point.


I have said this be fore the,EU wants us to stay in ,so they can bleed us dry then use the,UK as dumping ground ,fore all their **** ,so thy can ,have green and plesaint lands . and we will,not be able to say no.

The is an organisation with millions of different views not just one. I would not want to live in a them and us world.

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I think its already changing slowly but I do see a more fundamental shift in accountability and the way it operates. Not sure how long it will take. The struggling of countries in the bloc is the same as struggling countries in the UK. It will not be even across the piece but movement of labour will help to even things out. The Euro will need to be underpinned by enforced centralised budgetary control at some point.


The is an organisation with millions of different views not just one. I would not want to live in a them and us world.

The EU fiscal policy is a farce. The minimum wage in Romania is a sixth of that in the UK, France and Germany. That is a big disparity that needs to be addressed. Same with welfare benefits. If there isn't a level playing field some countries lose out on a massive scale.

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The EU fiscal policy is a farce. The minimum wage in Romania is a sixth of that in the UK, France and Germany. That is a big disparity that needs to be addressed. Same with welfare benefits. If there isn't a level playing field some countries lose out on a massive scale.


Vey true. A mate of mine lives in Serbia (not part of the EU admittedly) and he can live well on 500 Euros a month and very, very well on 1k. And he lives in Belgrade so I would presume prices are higher than in the smaller towns and rural areas.

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Vey true. A mate of mine lives in Serbia (not part of the EU admittedly) and he can live well on 500 Euros a month and very, very well on 1k. And he lives in Belgrade so I would presume prices are higher than in the smaller towns and rural areas.

I used to go every week when my wife lived there average salary is equivalent to 350 euro. What a lovely City shame about the airline!!

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Wondering what the younger generation thought, I asked a couple of my customers which way they were going to vote. They were both aged 30-40, one was a construction worker with an MoD contractor, the other looks after an unhealthy parent(officially, I think). Both said they were voting OUT, as were all the people they mixed with. They seemed to think that most people younger than them did not really know what the vote was about and probably wouldn't vote, a bit like me and the PCC elections next month.

Edited by rjimmer
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