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good question, and one that has a lot of variables.


I think it all comes down to the specifics of the offence and the attitude of the chief of police.


I know of several people who have picked up speeding tickets and points and it hasn't affected anything, one of whom was caught doing over 100 mph and narrowly avoided a ban.


send your local FLO a letter or drop them a call, see what they say.

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I've got 3 and my renewal and subsequent variation went well.


The reason i ask is that a large number of points in a short time or one big fine and points may count against you but every case is unique.

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Hi pw massive,

Just a quick question, my firearms renewal is due! Is it worth trying to renew as I've picked up some speeding fines or will it be ok to renew?? Thanks in advance. Paul


If its due and you want to keep shooting then renew.


Declare everything, only your region can answer you!



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you mention youve picked up some speeding fines how many exactly as i know of a lad who applied for a shotgun licence and was refused as he had three speeding fines in a year and they saw this as reckless and irresponsible ect had to wait a year and apply again and got it

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I doubt very much it will have any effect on your license. People speed on a daily basis.

Nephew and mate both had to do driver awareness course last year; the former for leaving his car via the windscreen and the latter instead of a ban due to accumulated points. Both have FAC/SGC and it hasn't made a jot of difference to that fact.

Just declare them.

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