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12b Slug question

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Just had my fac back , and after asking to use my 308 and my shotgun , iv been granted slug , but has anyone seen wording like this before ??condition 6 states "the solid slug to witch this certificate relates shall be used only for the destruction of vermin on land over which the holder has permission to shoot for that purpose with that class of firearms " would uplode a pic but its saying it to large.

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Wanted the slug for boar

Did you ask for boar.


I wanted mine for shooting deer and that's what is listed on my FAC together with wording similar to yours.


It could be argued that boar are vermin and that you are covered, bearing in mind that boar are not covered by any specific legislation. However, I would be minded to send the FAC back and ask that boar be specified in their own right.

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In the past when I've had what appear to be daft conditions listed on my FAC it's been down to one of the "girls" in the office not really understanding what she's writing. Such errors have always been put right when I have explained exactly what I want the wording to say.

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When I and several others at the club got slug for target shotgun our FAC came back with no conditions on them regards to use of slug.When I queried with the office was told they don't condition shotgun ammo,cool,then police Scotland came into being and that changed.

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On my fac slugs are just listed as available ammo. The shotgun is listed as for vermin, practical and clay shooting. Does that mean I can use the slugs on vermin? Not that I would!

Surely use of a shotgun slug turns the shotgun into a firearm and ammuniton would need to be conditioned for use?

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Surely use of a shotgun slug turns the shotgun into a firearm and ammuniton would need to be conditioned for use?


It is only the slugs themselves that are S1, unless the shotgun itself is a S1 firearm such as a multi shot one. Slugs can be used in a standard shotgun.


Slugs have to be listed on FAC and as such the FAC would list their conditions of use.

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It is only the slugs themselves that are S1, unless the shotgun itself is a S1 firearm such as a multi shot one. Slugs can be used in a standard shotgun.


Slugs have to be listed on FAC and as such the FAC would list their conditions of use.


In theory, can you hold a FAC just for slugs? In other words, slugs are the only thing listed on the FAC, and nothing else?

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Simple answer, yes.


The idea being that farmers and crofters who don't have a rifle can obtain and use slugs.


Interesting to know, thanks.


I had a go with my buddy's practical shotgun once with slugs, at a paper target about 20 yards away. It was about as accurate as I am at playing darts!

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It is only the slugs themselves that are S1, unless the shotgun itself is a S1 firearm such as a multi shot one. Slugs can be used in a standard shotgun.


Slugs have to be listed on FAC and as such the FAC would list their conditions of use.


The shotgun is section 1 yes and like I said conditioned for vermin, practical shooting at my club and clay shooting. The slugs are just listed, there is no referance to what they are to be used for other than in the section 1 shotgun. Normally it is the firearm that has conditions not the ammo, hence my question.

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Aiming dead centre, it was going way high and left. Maybe the choke tube was on the wonk.


I got the whole target with 28g of 7.5, though. Job done! :good::lol:


In my experience slug shooting requires some sort of sights! A bead doesn't cut the mustard to be honest. Having said that I can reliably get a 5" group at 50 metres using just the bead. Enough for boar I guess.

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In my experience slug shooting requires some sort of sights! A bead doesn't cut the mustard to be honest. Having said that I can reliably get a 5" group at 50 metres using just the bead. Enough for boar I guess.

Indeed, my buddy's S1 just had the bead. I guess with sights you'd zero it as with a rifle.

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The shotgun is section 1 yes and like I said conditioned for vermin, practical shooting at my club and clay shooting. The slugs are just listed, there is no referance to what they are to be used for other than in the section 1 shotgun. Normally it is the firearm that has conditions not the ammo, hence my question.


Yes, I realise that your shotgun is S1, the reply you quoted above was to Old Mans question.


But to answer your question above, from my own personal experience, as far as slugs are concerned, the Slugs have always had a separate condition stating what they may be used for.

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