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BASC backs M&S to beat the bullies

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Dear All,


Unfortunately, some out there will try all they can to prevent game being sold to the broader public.


Encouraging high street shops to sell game is an important part of what we do, the more people that eat game the better, but the usual few try to undermine this yet again...





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How can he do these things and still be on the BBC?


He's hardly unbiased

Because it isn't the presenter themselves that has to be unbiased, in fact unbiased is not the correct term, balanced is the phrase de jour so if you have a screaming lefty there should be a screaming righty to balance. It also looks at the degree of influence so Springwatch saying all their nonsense is treading a careful line and have been warned if they push the animal rights angle they will be spanked rather firmly - which wouldn't be a bad thing. Balance is why we finally got some pro-shooting stuff on countryfile as they were in danger of an equal spanking

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Guest stevo

Let's face it, Chris Packham is a laughing stock oh the shooting world. He's like a mushroom. Kept in the dark and fed ********. He has absolutely no idea and he still wouldn't know if it walked up and bit him on the ****

Very true and unfortunately neither does most of the British public. What I find most worrying is this menace seems to have the ear of the clueless. And gets a solid gold podium to tout from.

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You have edited the Moorland Association quote (£67.7M / 1500 jobs) What it actually reads is In England alone, it is worth £67.7 million a year to the economy and provides 1,500 much-needed jobs.”,


The figure from yesterday £100m and 2500 jobs looks as the UK perspective





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You have edited the Moorland Association quote (£67.7M / 1500 jobs) What it actually reads is In England alone, it is worth £67.7 million a year to the economy and provides 1,500 much-needed jobs.”,


The figure from yesterday £100m and 2500 jobs looks as the UK perspective





I humbly stand corrected and have deleted my post.

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There'll always be a Chris Packham about sadly. He's like a dog with a bone when it comes to all matters shooting and how he's taken so seriously when he knows so little is beyond me, but that's celebrity-ism for you.


M&S, along with other major chains, don't especially like getting on the wrong side of celebrities due to the adverse publicity, but a clever M&S boss would look on this as a golden opportunity (hopefully) to extol the virtues of eating more lean game over factory farmed, and for how it's doing its bit to support conservation.


Without grouse shooting our moors would look very different to the way they look now. There'e be no financial incentive to manage them properly.


These people who know nothing about how rural economies or conservation work would do well to shut their worthless celebrity traps or at the very least have the decency to engage more constructively with the shooting communities. They might not agree with shooting, and that in itself is perfectly understandable, but at least they might learn something and learn to co-exist with those that have different opinions without interfering in their lives or the good that they actually do for conservation and employment.

Edited by Savhmr
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It's a shame when the Countryside Alliance have made such a huge effort with the 'Game to eat' campaign , that someone like Packham should cause so much damage with his throw away comments.


Game to eat has been backed by celebrity chefs including Fearnley Whittingstall , maybe he should be wheeled out by the BBC to comment in the spirit of balanced reporting.

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I have, yet again, written to Lord Hall (BBC DG) to complain about Chris Packham.


Here is his email address........tony.hall@bbc.co.uk

This is something we should all be doing.

While I would think the average person who would buy grouse or partridge from M&S or similar outlets will have the intelligence to understand that such stores don't sell 'toxic' food, Packham and his ilk need to be told that there are people out there who don't like others telling them how they should live their lives.

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This is something we should all be doing.

While I would think the average person who would buy grouse or partridge from M&S or similar outlets will have the intelligence to understand that such stores don't sell 'toxic' food, Packham and his ilk need to be told that there are people out there who don't like others telling them how they should live their lives.


As Mr Tesco says, every little helps.


I should add that I've not had a reply yet, so won't hold my breath.

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