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The HMR and the fox


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Popped over a mates this evening to put my trail camera in his garden, they think a fox is coming in for the chickens, and they're keen to find where it is coming in. Once we know we can relocate the camera to the yard to see if we can see it there.


Set the camera up, went inside and had a brew, chat etc. And as I was about to Leave I said id pop over to the yard with the HMR and take a look. Popped the night vision on and put the torch in my pocket.


Got to the first field, recently cut barley, put the torch round and saw eyes. Torch off, sticks out and NV on. Nice looking fox sat in the field. I called it using a widgen whistle, it looked over but ignored it. Moved to the trusty brass disc, again not fussed. So I got the reed out. It took more notice of this but still just sat watching in my direction. Then it got up and headed for the hedge line, thought id lost the chance, so I did a short sharp loud pip on the reed, this turned its head and it started running at me.. Let it come in and then shouted oi. It stopped dead, I lined up and let off the shot.

It dropped on the spot.


My first fox.



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