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Another bean bag


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I mentioned in my last report that I would be going to shoot another bean stubble on Saturday. I made sure my mate Dave invited me. He shot 60 on the field the week before, so we had high hopes of a decent bag, especially as some of the wheat stubbles the pigeons had been recently frequenting, were now ploughed in.

We set the hide on the ditch line in the middle of the field at around 9am. The wind was pretty strong and not from the ideal direction, really. A magnet to the right, along with 4 angels and a few plastics was the original setup.

Not long into proceedings, we thought disaster had struck. A big, fat tractor entered the field. A quick chat to the farmer, and the news was good; the part of the field behind us would take all day to work. Even better - after going one length of the field, the farmer decided there was too much rubbish on there, so he would come back another day to spray it.

It was a little slow to start, and the pigeons didn't decoy too nicely. The wind made things harder, still.

I nipped off for an hour or so and left my mate to it. He was struggling a bit, so this gave him chance to get into a bit of a rhythm. When I got back, the pigeons were decoying properly and Dave was knocking them down really well. Result!

I took up a position 100 yards downwind and stood in the ditch. I took care of several pigeons that decided they wanted to fly to the fields over the road. Meanwhile some frequent puffs of feathers were seen coming from the decoys further up. This seemed to maximise the bag potential and give me some very sporting/tricky/frustrating shooting.

The action dried up, so we packed up. Another rewarding day. We picked up 123 pigeons and 3 ferals.


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You're amonst the pigeons at present motty, slightly envious!


Well shot.

Cheers, Aga. There may be another bag or two yet to come, but I will soon turn my attention fully to wildfowl for the next couple of months. Hopefully I'll see you have a bit more success before the winter period.

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Good write up and a decent bag , the pigeons look in good condition and most of them look old uns , twice I have been on wheat stubble lately and the young ones have nearly outnumbered the old ones ,

There were plenty of young birds in there, MM. There has certainly been a huge number hatched off in the last month or two.

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Cheers, Aga. There may be another bag or two yet to come, but I will soon turn my attention fully to wildfowl for the next couple of months. Hopefully I'll see you have a bit more success before the winter period.

To be fair, i am seeing plenty of pigeons but i am bogged down with dreaded work! I hope to be out end of the week :good:

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