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Roof Dwelling Ferals


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So I have a bunch of feral pigeon living on the roof, they wont budge, iv had council out to repair guttering and remove the muck, had to have moths and beetles removed from in the house which came in via the pigeons (poo on roof, eggs hatch into loft space, larve move into house and hatch). The council wouldn't remove the birds tho so iv still got streaks down the front of the house and a weekly supply of a 1-2" block of droppings on the garden. Now what would you do? I cant shoot on the front of the garden because it's too close to the road although an easy shot and a good backstop, all I can think is chucking some bread on the back garden and waiting them out with the .22 RM8 in hand. They arent fussed by bangs or attempts to move them on in a non lethal manner.

Edited by lopylui
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50' from the centre of a road provided it does not cause alarm or hindrance and with a good back stop you could be good to go. Problem could be any of the anti lot.


Can you not get them from the back garden, your plan to put some bread down and maybe some pigeon food would work. Get them from the kitchen door or upstairs window (out of sight out of mind). Once you've popped 2o or 30 they'll go somewhere else.

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We have several houses nearby with solar panels and feral pigeons seem to love them. A house very close had to get a pest control company to put wire net around the panels to stop them nesting under them. If you look on Internet it seems a common problem. They have still not moved as they just sit on the top of netting. I. Have had them siting on window sills and roof so picked off some very early in morning

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Once seen a programme, not from UK, where 2 guys in town squares used a net to get ferals. One threw seed while the other had a box that fired the net via small rockets.


Could you set up some kind of drop net over a bait ?


Yup seen it on you tube a while back, very effective. Must have netted around 100 in one go. Got the impression that it was somewhere in Spain, don't know why.


I doubt if they 'rehomed them' :lol: probably straight into a vacuum chamber, would seem the easiest way to get shot of 100 in one go.

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