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The big think

henry d

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On another website, there was a little Hoohah about a poll asking how many on that site were Vegan/Veggie/Carnie/Omni and as such things are it descended into a slagging match.

One thing that caught my eye was there were NO vegans, but and it`s a big BUT, the majority of the veggies said they didn`t eat meat for ethical reasons :(


To me this doesn`t add up, and please feel free to put me right. If a veggie doesn`t eat meat but is OK with other animal products are they hypocritical or just paying lip service to the ideal of ethics :lol: someone also had a pop about those that called themselves veggies yet still ate fish :yp:

Personally I had been a veggie for a good few years as at that time I was doing a lot of distance running and I couldn`t digest red meats and on occaisions white, as i was running 3-4 times a day and 100 mile or so a week, those that saw me at Bisley will be busy picking their jaws up off the floor as I have a little bit of middle age spread ATM ;)


So what`s your take on the veggie that doesn`t eat meat,for "ethical" reasons, but will use/eat other animal (bi)products etc.


Yours Sincerely, Confused of Scotland.

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Well it's their choice when it comes to what they eat/ don't eat and i'm fine by that.


BUT... a lot of the veggies I know made the decision when about 16- 17 years old as a teenage break against the rules protest thing. they didn't think about it or look into it too much and so don't know about how other animal based products are made etc. One chap wont eat meat, fish smarties etc due to "the way animals are kept and killed" but loves milk and cheese (go figure).

Even at the age of 21 I've told him about the facts of where things come from and he still won't eat meat but will use animal based products.


In my old school, we did a survey around the school for biology. We were askin students on whether they were veggie omni vegan etc and if there were certain foods they won't eat. I remember a number of students who claimed to be full on hardcore veggies but ate sausages, big macs and chicken nuggets!!! (much to my amusement)


On the other hand I also know veggies who've taken it up a few years later after a lot of research and thought and are very stict on what they eat and I hold the greatest respect for them.

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My girlfriend has mostly turned veggie because of health reasons and so by default have I for evening meals (only because I can't be bothered to cook most of the time). She has a bit of bacon and duck as a treat every now and again and I look forward to going out for dinner for a large steak every so often oh and have meat sandwiches.


My take on it is it can't do you any harm to cut back on red meat (we're always being told to do so) but don't come up with some lame **** excuse about the treatment of animals and then wear leather shoes, I'm with you Henry D.


Most of the veggies I see going into Fresh & Wild (local organic shop) look like they could do with a nice big steak in them as they look so feeble.

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Anyone should be allowed to eat anything they like.


If your diet consists entirely of nettles and beans then so be it, just don't tell me what to do or eat.


We are at the top of the food chain and we have K9 teeth - in the immortal words of "Lance" - if cows had guns they would be eating us.

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Now this is a good one to get me started on!

My girlfriend is a veggie, has been all her life because her dad decided he didn't want to eat meat anymore before she was born. It was because of some programme he watched (see, the media again!) about the hormones etc that animals are fed and the junk that goes into sausages and the like. He's pretty strict on himself, but will drink milk and eat vast amounts of cheese (don't ask)! Her mum decided to follow suit just because she didn't have time to cook two meals every night, although she and my girlfriend will eat fish and bend the rules now and again. Rach (my girlfriend) loves quorn sausages cooked in my bacon fat on a sunday morning, and my dripping soaked roast potatoes "because they taste better that way"! To give her credit she's tried almost every meat I've asked her to, but finds the texture all wrong and doesn't like it. I guess it's down to a lifetime of sloppy veg with no body to it, and not having to chew much! The funny bit though is that Rachs grandad (on her mums side) was a beef farmer all his life. The poor old guy must have near on had a seizure when they told him they'd turned veggie :lol:

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So what`s your take on the veggie that doesn`t eat meat,for "ethical" reasons, but will use/eat other animal (bi)products etc.


Total hypocrites. You either agree or disagree with the killing of animals for food. If you disagree, you should have nothing to do with the wearing of leather, using certain soaps, or whatever other by-product it may be that contains some bits of animal. No matter how insigniificant the by-product is, someone, somewhere is making money out of it i.e. making money out of killing an animal.


Until that is realised, I'll continue to laugh in the face of those you mention above. :lol:


Edited to add..............

and in any case how do weather wearers know that the leather they are wearing is a by-product from the food industry? Some animals are killed solely for their leather - how do the veggie wearers know the difference?

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So what`s your take on the veggie that doesn`t eat meat,for "ethical" reasons, but will use/eat other animal (bi)products etc.


Total hypocrites. You either agree or disagree with the killing of animals for food. If you disagree, you should have nothing to do with the wearing of leather, using certain soaps, or whatever other by-product it may be that contains some bits of animal. No matter how insigniificant the by-product is, someone, somewhere is making money out of it i.e. making money out of killing an animal.


Until that is realised, I'll continue to laugh in the face of those you mention above. :yp:


Edited to add..............

and in any case how do weather wearers know that the leather they are wearing is a by-product from the food industry? Some animals are killed solely for their leather - how do the veggie wearers know the difference?


:( :lol:;)


These people are just jumping on the band waggon and could be classed as lemmings. They have absolutely no idea about how to come to rational thought and survive only by following the influence of others.


If people choose not to eat certain foods on an ethical basis of its not right to harvest it, then they should not use any of by products what so ever. As Piebob says its totally hypocritical.


As for the remainder of veggies, vegans, etc, I respect their decisions if ethical and those that are made on medical grounds, I sympathise.


Yours truly happy to gorge on meat of Sussex.

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Most of the vegetarians I have known have been the most sickly pasty faced indiviudals - prone to any and every flu-bug/cold/disease going around - those that I've worked with would normally have used up all sick leave entitlement before April........Merchant bankers :lol: :(


The other thing that I don't get is why if they are so opposed to the consumption of meat do they consume meat 'styled' food - tofu BURGERS, quorn SAUSAGES, lentil/nut ROASTS - ?


The last vegatarian who tried the old meat is murder tirade with me ended when I pointed at her Doc Martens and simply said "Organic?"


Hypocrites - lock most of them in a room with a hot bacon sarnie for five minutes and see what happens...

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I think a more sensible approach is to find out where your meat comes from. If it cared for properly when alive and butchered humanely then that is all you can ask. Shooting your own meat is another good example and obviously relevant to a lot of folks on here.


If you are totally vegan then how can you shop at Tescos, or any other shop? If you are against all animal products then you can't support an organisation that sells products from battery farms can you? A little streched in a way but ethics like that have no end to them.


Anyway they sound like wrong'uns to me.

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I've yet to meet a "proper" vegan, there is always compromise which in my book makes them hypocrites and therefore they get ignored as they can't be trusted.


If you want to use the term "vegetarian" then its either the whole shooting match or you are not a vegetarian. Nothing boils my blood more than people who say eat fish and still call themselves vegetarian.


My mrs is vegetarian, so like DrW I mostly eat vegetarian in the evenings because I usually can't be bothered to make two meals. She is strictly veggie, checks sweet packaging and labelling carefully.


Everyone has a choice and as Mungler said, people can eat how they like. People being complete hypocrites I can't abide, alongside people who feel that their choice is somehow better than mine and try telling me what I should be eating.


That said I do like tying them up in knots and watching them completely fail to justify their position :lol:

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I never meant this as a veggie bash, however that said I seem to have vindicated my thoughts.



Now a second query, do ethical vegan/veggies walk on grass etc. as that could cause untold suffering to many hundreds of invertebrates etc. in just a small walk ??

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Each to their own so long as they don,t try to influence others with their views.


As Homer said " if god didn,t want us to eat animals,he wouldn,t have made them out of meat" :lol:


My fav- from men behaving badly-Martin clunes says to a veggie "i,m a vulcan,don,t you mean a vegan says she, what with these ears he replys" :(


Meat with every meal...



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Lets think of this is a slightly different way.


If a veggie comes to your house do you

a. prepare a seperate meal for them

b. give them what everyone else is having minus the meat


If you go to a veggies house

a. do they serve you meat.

b. give you what they are having


Just a thought !!!!!

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Lets think of this is a slightly different way.


If a veggie comes to your house do you

a. prepare a seperate meal for them

b. give them what everyone else is having minus the meat


If you go to a veggies house

a. do they serve you meat.

b. give you what they are having


Just a thought !!!!!


A veggie in MY house? never :lol:


ME in a veggies house? not unless I've developed alzheimers (always a possibility :yp: ) :look:


I can't think of anything worse than a woman that won't eat meat ;)


LB are we talking sausages here :(

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Lets think of this is a slightly different way.


If a veggie comes to your house do you

a. prepare a seperate meal for them

b. give them what everyone else is having minus the meat


If you go to a veggies house

a. do they serve you meat.

b. give you what they are having


Just a thought !!!!!


we quite often have a couple of vegetarians around for meals , we don't cut the lawn for a week beforehand so they can graze to their hearts content :) .


but seriously , we do have a couple of veggies around when we have bbq's , i normaly make a few veggie kebabs and buy a few veggie burgers as well .

i can respect the opinions of a vegan but the hypocrites that don't eat meat but still wear leather are basically retarded fools that seem to live in their own type of "special" reality .

one of the neighbours has been a vegetarian for years but she still manages to get half a dozen pigeon kebabs in her belly when we have a bbq , i'd like to say it's due to my cooking skills but i fear it has more to do with stella artois :) .

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Lets think of this is a slightly different way.


If a veggie comes to your house do you

a. prepare a seperate meal for them

b. give them what everyone else is having minus the meat


If you go to a veggies house

a. do they serve you meat.

b. give you what they are having


Just a thought !!!!!


we quite often have a couple of vegetarians around for meals , we don't cut the lawn for a week beforehand so they can graze to their hearts content :) .


but seriously , we do have a couple of veggies around when we have bbq's , i normaly make a few veggie kebabs and buy a few veggie burgers as well .

i can respect the opinions of a vegan but the hypocrites that don't eat meat but still wear leather are basically retarded fools that seem to live in their own type of "special" reality .

one of the neighbours has been a vegetarian for years but she still manages to get half a dozen pigeon kebabs in her belly when we have a bbq , i'd like to say it's due to my cooking skills but i fear it has more to do with stella artois :) .


Quality......morals when it suits Eh :)

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