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Most important gun fitting measurment.


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I'm looking to buy a second hand O/U shotgun and have seen some very nice examples on here, some are for sale at locations that are to far to travel to. Understanding the importance of buying a gun that fits you correctly, what are the most important measurements which could dictate the correct fit without holding the gun. I'm approx. 5' 10" 63 years old, reasonably fit and right handed.


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It is damned near impossible to answer your question with anything useful other than buy a gun with right hand cast and 14 1/2 LOP and then work with a coach or fitter to get it to fit you.


Whatever you save on a gun will probably be spent on making it fit.


Good luck

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Almost impossible to say as we are all that little bit different. Try and find a gunsmith local to you and have him put you on a try gun. He can then give you explicit dimensions.

Other than that it is just a matter of picking up a shotgun and putting it to your shoulder and figuring if it feels good ... a bit hit and miss ...no pun intended. There is no coubt a properly fitted gun is a joy to use. I have two but also shoot others. The Yilditz 410 I have just felt right as soon as I picked it up and I shoot pretty well with it. The others I have learned over many years to adapt to.

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In truth, what's already been said.

However, the human body is an adaptable piece of kit so it is possible to compensate for some minor errors. Unfortunately, because of a stonking great steel rod running down the length of the stock of many OUs, these guns are not quite so flexible regarding adjustment. You can to a degree help yourself though with the aid of a mirror at head height - provided, of course, we're not talking 'mail order' as a means of getting your sticky little fingers on it. Have a couple of practice mounts and when happy mount to shoot yourself in the right eye when looking at the mirror. If your eye ball is sitting on or slightly above the rib and central to it and there is a straight line along the actual gun rib and that in the reflection leading to your reflected eye, coupled up with the ability to get c3 fingers between your thumb and nose while wearing mid weight clothing, then it's probably odds on that you'll be able to do something with it if a fitter deems anything else needs correcting.

Edited by wymberley
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I measured both of my other shotguns




Beretta 303 semi auto 14"

Ugatchea SxS 14 1/2" That is to the front trigger. There must by thousands of second hand shot guns sold every year. Do people just adjust to them or are they thousands of shooter missing targets due to ill fitting gun, I do not want spend £400 on a gun, then £??? to a gunsmith to get it fitted if it only means I miss 10 percent of my Pigeons.

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As a preliminary to choosing a gun put on your normal shooting jumper and jacket and go and mount a few Guns in the dealers show room. Discard immediately those Guns which when mounted quickly do not have you looking along the flat surface of the barrel.


Measure up those which feel good and proceed from there.

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Correct gunfit is great in theory but in practice if you go to 3 different gunfitters you'll probably get 3 different answers. I suggest you only look at guns which have not been altered from standard and which meet your other criteria such as budget and type.


At 5' 10" and if you have reasonably average arms, neck, face and chest you could probably shoot almost any unmodified O/U without a struggle. With time and experience you'll work out for yourself if it needs to be altered.

Edited by Westward
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I would suggest that there are very few (if ANY) top shooters who are using an 'off the peg' gun !



If you were to drive a different vehicle to the one that you normally drive, would you not adjust the seat and mirrors to suit you ?

Edited by Westley
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Correct gunfit is great in theory but in practice if you go to 3 different gunfitters you'll probably get 3 different answers. I suggest you only look at guns which have not been altered from standard and which meet your other criteria such as budget and type.


At 5' 10" and if you have reasonably average arms, neck, face and chest you could probably shoot almost any unmodified O/U without a struggle. With time and experience you'll work out for yourself if it needs to be altered.


Armed with that info', go into the gun shop, find the mirror, find the guns, apply Post #4, go and shoot and enjoy. Because, here comes the next can of worms..........

My god does that effect the aiming as well.

Here is said can.

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I would suggest that there are very few (if ANY) top shooters who are using an 'off the peg' gun !


FWIW I can think of several AAA sporting shots using standard guns. The real point though is that if Craig needs to ask these questions then he's not yet ready to have a gun fitted unless his size, shape or physique are particularly unusual.

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