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Joshua vs Molina (Chisora vs Whyte)


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I won't say it's the big fight tomorrow, because I can hardly get myself worked up for this one. The photo from the weigh in sums it up. How unfit does Molina look? I know appearances can be deceptive, but seriously? I can't see this being a particularly good fight.



The top undercard's even more uninspiring now that there isn't even a belt on the line. Chisora is such a deadbeat. Anyone got any thoughts?

Edited by chrisjpainter
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Yeah I've edited the post to top undercard. There are some decent ones underneath the headline grabbing, table throwing oaf that is Chisora. Good to see Katie Taylor going pro and going well, although she's a big loss to the amateur boxing world. I can't really blame the leavers though; the amateur levels are in such a mess.

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Undercard not too bad but AJ is getting milked for all hes worth but then the HW division is keech the now.


Looking forward to Chisora and Whyte and hoping Delboy wins although they are both pretty uninspiring.

Not sure if everyone seen him throwing the table at the presser but here it is.


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Better showing from Chisora than expected. I thought he won - lost on split decision.


Joshua stopped Molina - third round.

yup. as expected. coldly professional from Joshua. Once the timing came it was never going to go long. The chisora fight was the surprise of the night. That said, I'm pretty sure his career's essentially over now. Whyte might get a title shot or two now, but I don't think he's world class

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I thought the Yafai fight was a showcase of just how good he really is! I thought Whyte v Chisora was a good, well matched fight between two determined domestic heavyweight fighters, but world title contenders?


Excellent boxer but he has hand troubles which could hinder him quite a bit.Lacks power and maybe down to that.

Shame to think some of these PPVs headline fights are involving mediocres fighters and someone like Yafai might struggle ever to headline one.Pretty stacked division and as usual the wee men dont get the credit they deserve.

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Was away for a few days and didnt get home until after 9 Saturday night and The Quigg fight was already underway and at round 4 in the bout.


I think the less said about the 'Main event' the better.!


And as for' A.J. Vs Klitschko well it does absolutely nothing for me. Had it been David Haye lined up to fight Joshua then it would have created much more of an Interest.


Really enjoyed the 'Slugfest' between Chisora and Whyte. Now thats what you call a Heavyweight clash and the best I have watched in a long time.


I rewatched the whole Quigg fight and glad to see him back in the ring and he had a good stoppage. I think Scott Quigg feels he has some unfinished business to attend to and i wish him well with it.

He is far to good of a fighter to just fade away after one narrow defeat on points. I expect him to be challenging for a title in 2017.


And well done Katie Taylor, She outboxed a very game opponent for a points victory so its onwards and upwards for K .T.

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