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Rogue One

Gordon R

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I quite enjoyed it once the story was up and running, but then I also enjoyed "Awakens". Having said that it was pretty much a remake of IV so I wonder how much I just liked getting that nostalgia kick from it nodding to IV all the time.


I would say it definitely helped watching "Rogue One" in the cinema for the pure spectacle of it. I don't know if I'd have the same opinion watching on a smaller screen.

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  • 3 months later...

I've just watched it. I thought it was excellent.


Yes it's a little slow in places but quite honestly that makes a change from watching movies that are one long action sequence with little or no dialogue or plot.


It's much darker than any previous Star Wars film, far more adult in theme, gritty and bleak would be good descriptors. The battle sequence at the end is outstanding and the space battle is pure Star Wars nostalgia.


I also loved the cameos from Grand Moff Tarkin and Ponda Baba and Cornelius Evazan (the aliens who pick a fight with Luke in the Mos Eiseley cantina in the original movie)


For me it's easily the best movie of the franchise since the original 3.

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Agreed it was slow to get off the mark but i did enjoy it and look forward to the next episode, It's Star Wars so i'm in lol


Rogue One is the first film in the Star Wars Anthology series, a series of standalone spin-off films in the Star Wars series. Future films are expected to focus on Han Solo and Boba Fett. Kathleen Kennedy explained that the stand-alone films would not cross over with the films of the sequel trilogy


Source. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_One

Edited by Snoozer
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No. No. No.


Essentially this was a 3 hour toy commercial. I felt no emotional investment with any of the characters and their 'mission'. The only believable relationship in the whole sorry mess was the blind Kung-fu guy and his heavy-weapon-toting mate, which was kinda cute. The boy-girl thing was so crudely shoe-horned in at the end that I laughed out loud.


And all for what? So they could get to the opening sequence of the 'original' 'first' Star Wars film?


There was so little in this film to entertain or transport that I am sorry I wasted an evening on it (Boxing Day last year).


To add insult to injury, I got a parking fine. On a bank bleddy holiday :no:



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