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Vote FOR Trumps visit to the UK....


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The only problem with this is the bans are bound to win as all of the young people will be voting as they have been primed to vote by the media etc while the older people who understand things better than young people who believe everything that they are told without thinking about it being older we have seen how the world works.


Ye Gods, have you any idea just how difficult it is to read your posts?!

If I've got the gist, it doesn't matter who 'wins' as it isn't a matter of winning or losing. Trump will come to the UK no matter what the vote is; he is th leader of arguably the most powerful country in the world. Love him or loathe him, he can't be ignored.

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Ye Gods, have you any idea just how difficult it is to read your posts?!

If I've got the gist, it doesn't matter who 'wins' as it isn't a matter of winning or losing. Trump will come to the UK no matter what the vote is; he is th leader of arguably the most powerful country in the world. Love him or loathe him, he can't be ignored.

I must admit that I have not put it as simply as I should have one good thing is that the MPs are all debating the brexit thing so the news people have two things to talk about so it is not to much on one subject

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I wonder if it got the same publicity as the other, would it hit millions. Or are people that arent that fussed by it just not the kind to sign a petition. Makes me wonder..


I have no issue of the president of the US visiting, but then I rarely sign petitions..


I was once that way.


IMHO that was one reason the "snowflakes" got away with so much for so long.


One things for sure though, having to debate a counterpoint isn't something they want and they certainly don't have the temperament for it. ;)

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I was once that way.


IMHO that was one reason the "snowflakes" got away with so much for so long.


One things for sure though, having to debate a counterpoint isn't something they want and they certainly don't have the temperament for it. ;)


I agree and two quotes spring to mind -


1. George Bernard Shaw -


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”




2. Some (allegedly) French politician in the 18th century (probably just before they cut off his head) "Don't give democracy to the masses. They will **** it up"


Both of which explain why "Call me Dave" picked his ball up and walked from the pitch? Good riddance.

Edited by Eyefor
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I agree and two quotes spring to mind -


1. George Bernard Shaw -


The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.




2. Some (allegedly) French politician in the 18th century (probably just before they cut off his head) "Don't give democracy to the masses. They will **** it up"


Both of which explain why "Call me Dave" picked his ball up and walked from the pitch? Good riddance.

A lot of truth in 2. I am in favour of benign dictatorships!

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The only problem with this is the bans are bound to win as all of the young people will be voting as they have been primed to vote by the media etc while the older people who understand things better than young people who believe everything that they are told without thinking about it being older we have seen how the world works.


Apologies in advance but whatever side of the fence you sit, that statement is too generalised and a lot of piffle. Age has nothing to do with wisdom, plenty of people of all ages who don't know their rump from their elbow and I am not young by the way. As a generalisation, I would say human nature is such that we learn nothing from our mistakes or history, we seem as a species to perpetuate cycles of stupidity through the ages.

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