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I would suggest you have a read about air rifle quarry before you post anything else no one is going to entertain you if talking about shooting there pheasants, the idea is you watch him wander by then shoot the squirrel or rat taking the grain.


Then go somewhere with a chrono and find out if your gun is legal as you will be in deep carp otherwise

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Am I missing something here? If it's putting out 11.something ft/lb then velocity is nowhere near 1000 fps unless you are using felt pellets. The Shadow is also a budget gun that is spring powered not gas ram unless someone has been tinkering but why would you - the Ram would be worth more than the gun. Don't want to insult your gun but it would be more suited to plinking than serious hunting in my humble opinion.

Gamo do a cheap gas ram, mine is and I can assure you it's a gas ram having taken it out and sorted it as it should have been from the factory. However, i can't remember the exact velocity bit it's around 560 with a 16g pellet. To the op, I'd also advise checking the quarry list before posting anything else and just thinking about what you post before putting it down. Pheasant with an air rifle? Not something to shout about. Also, chrono your air rifle, it should be between 500-600fps depending on pellet. If it's any higher than 12 foot pounds with different pellets take it back to the shop otherwise be careful in the prison showers :lol:

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They do indeed HR but its called the whisper if my memory serves me right? Shame the OP did not do a little more research on the ethics and etiquette of shooting as I shoot a fair bit around MK but there is no way I could entertain inviting him.

Edited by bruno22rf
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Guest stevo

What's so wrong about shooting a pheasant with an air rifle ? As long as it's in season. It's not a Sunday and all shooting ranges are kept to a minimum. You have a full power 12ft lbs rifle And you have permission to shoot on the land. If it's just the odd one for the pot where's the problem ?

Edited by stevo
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What's so wrong about shooting a pheasant with an air rifle ? As long as it's in season. It's not a Sunday and all shooting ranges are kept to a minimum. You have a full power 12ft lbs rifle And you have permission to shoot on the land. If it's just the odd one for the pot where's the problem ?

Exactly what im thinking 😂

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Have you read your posts back through fella? You say your rifle is putting out 1000 fps as standard, if it is your illegal I just looked at two sites and they don't say anything about that sort of power.


Yes there are lots of things you can shoot with an air rifle but your not going to get people wanting you on there land when your talking about shooting at 60 yards and I said to look at the quarry list so you know what people do shoot with an air rifle.


As stated above 500-600 fps for a .22 is in the right ball park I suggest you get yours checked



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Guest stevo

Have you read your posts back through fella? You say your rifle is putting out 1000 fps as standard, if it is your illegal I just looked at two sites and they don't say anything about that sort of power.


Yes there are lots of things you can shoot with an air rifle but your not going to get people wanting you on there land when your talking about shooting at 60 yards and I said to look at the quarry list so you know what people do shoot with an air rifle.


As stated above 500-600 fps for a .22 is in the right ball park I suggest you get yours checked



Maybe your being a little harsh on the chap. It's quite obvious he got his numbers wrong with regards the fps of said rifle. He also stated that the rifle is standard. If that is the case like others have pointed out who have also owned one of the said rifles and have quite clearly stated that in standard form the rifle will in no uncertain terms get near the legal limit let alone go beyond it. With that in mind it's also quite possible that the 60 yards quoted is also way off the mark.


Also as I pointed out there is no law broken regarding shooting a pheasant with an air rifle what so ever. As long as the basic rules have been followed. He has permission to shoot on the land and does not shoot them on a Sunday. Competency with the rifle and a limit on ranges and common sense go without saying.

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Maybe your being a little harsh on the chap. It's quite obvious he got his numbers wrong with regards the fps of said rifle. He also stated that the rifle is standard. If that is the case like others have pointed out who have also owned one of the said rifles and have quite clearly stated that in standard form the rifle will in no uncertain terms get near the legal limit let alone go beyond it. With that in mind it's also quite possible that the 60 yards quoted is also way off the mark.


Also as I pointed out there is no law broken regarding shooting a pheasant with an air rifle what so ever. As long as the basic rules have been followed. He has permission to shoot on the land and does not shoot them on a Sunday. Competency with the rifle and a limit on ranges and common sense go without saying.

Thank you very much, i have obviously got my numbers mixed and read up wrong information but it surely cannot be my fault that ive said wrong if ive been wrongly informed, i read something that was wrong and so forwarded the wrong information onto yall which is obviosly not the best thing a new member could do. Apologies to all that got involved and told me the right info but as far as im aware and i know for a fact that my rifle is 12ft/lb, whether its 1000 fps is stilla mystery to me. Thanks for all of your guys facts and opinions but could we get back on the topic of where i could get permissions on farm land where there is a high population of pest like pigeons and rabbits to shoot, thanks.

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Not having a pop but you really need to read and understand the General Licences as you should to be aware of what you can shoot and also the conditions you must meet in order to shoot it.


Always someone watching what you do in my experience and only too ready to dob you in.


Shoot plenty of paper first to zero and improve.

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Ok guys not being funny but maybe all of us would do the sport some good if we gave newbies some education instead of sarcasm we did all start somewhere and i for one wouldn't be where i am without alot of help from elders with knowledge and alot of work if the OP wants some help then please pm me and i will give you as much knowledge as i have but i won't post it all on open forums as the keyboard warrior's can pick flaw's in anyone and we all have room to learn

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Guest stevo

Technically legal or not shooting game birds with an air rifle is just not cricket. It is at best frowned upon and does the sport no favours if the antis get wind of it. In my opinion of course.


there is nothing technical about it , its Legal end of .


I'm sorry but personal opinion has NO bearing on the legality ,

if you want to talk about " antis" getting wind of it , I think spending half an hour reading through some of the posts on here and other sites over the past couple of yrs will provide them with a lot more ammo than some lad legally shooting a pheasant for the pot with his air rifle hahaha

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there is nothing technical about it , its Legal end of .


I'm sorry but personal opinion has NO bearing on the legality ,

if you want to talk about " antis" getting wind of it , I think spending half an hour reading through some of the posts on here and other sites over the past couple of yrs will provide them with a lot more ammo than some lad legally shooting a pheasant for the pot with his air rifle hahaha

Fare point

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Spot on stevo - now let's watch him ask for permission on, say, 100 farms in and around MK freely admitting that he shoots pheasants (which is indeed legal) with his Airgun and then count the number of invites he gets. The MK area is heavily shot over and landowners are inundated with shooters wishing to clear vermin, many even willing to pay for the privilege. Airgun users come way down the list when finding land as Shotgun/Firearm owners are generally far more effective and, dare I say, trustworthy as the risk of losing your ticket is always a concern. Not knocking Airguns btw as 90% of my shooting around MK is done with just such a tool but you need to be top of your game to stand a chance against the powder burners and this lad, in my opinion, has some way to go. I have about 6k acres of shooting and could get him shooting within days but I wont be investing in him I'm afraid so I'm out. But I still wish him the best of luck.

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Spot on stevo - now let's watch him ask for permission on, say, 100 farms in and around MK freely admitting that he shoots pheasants (which is indeed legal) with his Airgun and then count the number of invites he gets. The MK area is heavily shot over and landowners are inundated with shooters wishing to clear vermin, many even willing to pay for the privilege. Airgun users come way down the list when finding land as Shotgun/Firearm owners are generally far more effective and, dare I say, trustworthy as the risk of losing your ticket is always a concern. Not knocking Airguns btw as 90% of my shooting around MK is done with just such a tool but you need to be top of your game to stand a chance against the powder burners and this lad, in my opinion, has some way to go. I have about 6k acres of shooting and could get him shooting within days but I wont be investing in him I'm afraid so I'm out. But I still wish him the best of luck.


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Guest stevo

Spot on stevo - now let's watch him ask for permission on, say, 100 farms in and around MK freely admitting that he shoots pheasants (which is indeed legal) with his Airgun and then count the number of invites he gets. The MK area is heavily shot over and landowners are inundated with shooters wishing to clear vermin, many even willing to pay for the privilege. Airgun users come way down the list when finding land as Shotgun/Firearm owners are generally far more effective and, dare I say, trustworthy as the risk of losing your ticket is always a concern. Not knocking Airguns btw as 90% of my shooting around MK is done with just such a tool but you need to be top of your game to stand a chance against the powder burners and this lad, in my opinion, has some way to go. I have about 6k acres of shooting and could get him shooting within days but I wont be investing in him I'm afraid so I'm out. But I still wish him the best of luck.


I 100 % agree it will not be looked upon favourably buy a lot , but its NOT the point I'm making , my point from the off has been regarding the legality of what the lad is doing with regards the shooting of any live quarry , be it a goose ,rabbit , hare or a lowly rat . Should not all of us be at the " top of our game " before we move from paper targets or clays ? yes of course we should . for more reason than I care to shake a stick at , now maybe lad is inexperienced and may well have a lot to learn but maybe this was one of those situations where the bird presented itself and bit it of buck fever kicked in , he took the shot and by pure luck he dispatched it , we have ALL had similar situations if not then its only matter of time before you do I spose, that could be anything from shooting a bunny at a long range , shooting that pigeon that's 70 yrds out and dropping it with that lucky pellet haha sorry I'm in danger of going off topic !

back your point I do agree the lads needs to spend a lot of time practicing on paper , he will then know his own limits , asking the right questions on here with other airgunners would be the best way to go for a start , I read what the air gun lads to and the time and effort to perfect there craft , its on par with any other serious shooting sport .


I run a couple of shoots , and I have a lad in with an air rifle , he spends a lot of time trying to keep the bunnys down , and yes he does get a few now and then but that's not the point , he makes a good effort , the rest he will learn on his way , has has asked me if he could have a brace before , I told him as long as you ask before , its in season and its done in a sensible manner I have no problem , however I do know what the lad can do with that rifle ............... better than me !

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Time for this to close, but beforehand a couple of points.


1. This thread was moved from the shooting wanted section after it derailed into a conversation about airguns. Prior to that, once again we had posts relating to new members posting in the shooting wanted section. If anyone has a problem with this, tell the site owner, whose decision it is to allow it rather than jumping all over new members. Fair warning has been given on this in the past, so please don't be surprised if such posts disappear next time, or if you suddenly find your posts being held back for preapproval if you're one of those who can't resist.


2. Everyone has to start somewhere. Whilst some of the posts on this thread have been helpful and constructive, others have been attempts to stomp on someone new to the sport. The same warnings apply to those who mahke a habit of this.

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