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First go at reloading 12 gauge

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Over the last few months I've managed to collect together all the bits and pieces I need to have a go at reloading. I finally managed to find some time to set it all up and have a go. I've got a mec grabber and lee load all. The lee is a 67mm set-up so I had a go with the grabber as most of the empties I have are 70mm. The grabber is fitted with the universal charge bar which after a fair bit of fiddling I got it to set to drop consistently the powder and shot. All was going well, and managed to only drop about 4 cartridges worth of shot and powder on the table in the process. Slowly got all the stations set ish, just a minor adjustments then. Thought I'd check the powder and shot drop one more time. All seemed well emptied the shot and powder back into the hoppers. Just one last tweak of the crimp station and tipped the hoppers back. Before my brain could fathom what was going on shot and powder was spilling all over the bench and down the back doh!! I forgot to put the plugs back in :unhappy: At that point I gave up for the day.


Here's my best effort. Is the crimp still too deep? The one on the left was an early one and the crease at the bottom is clearly visible. The others are later attempts. I don't have a spinner to finish off but I think it looks ok. Any thing I've missed?




Edited by arm3000gt
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Thanks for the feed back all it's encouraging. The mec grabber has a 3 stage crimp so I guess that is what saddler was talking about and has helped. I need to try them through my pump gun as that is my biggest concern they won't feed consistently. I'll look into a spinner and cheap drill when £ allow. Hopefully get to make some more this week and go for a round of clays on Friday.




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I had another go yesterday. Went much better than the first time no powder and shot disasters this time. Still using Hull Superfast once first cartridges. They will only last one reload the plastic is to fragile and some had already started to split. Some of the crimps didn't turn out perfect but should be usable.


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