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Election Results SLOWLY coming In


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Time for some humour, this is how bad the lib Dems were, a fella stood in Blackburn as an independent candidate,


His election campaign was based on ousting the Venkys owners of Blackburn rovers.


He got 875 votes and finished 3rd pushing the lib dem into 4th on 709.


Tell me that's not funny??

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The way things are going at the moment brexit is as dead as Scottish independence.another election in the autumn would still not produce a clear winner able to see anything through.none of the political parties are truly in favour of leaving.be it labour or tory there is just to much money to be made by their backers to let it go.the rest of us can go swing.


We had a GE not a 2nd EU Referendum. TM may have tried to sell it as that so she could fare badly and scupper Brexit but the reality is both main parties supported Brexit in their manifestos and it was the manifestos that were the deal beakers not Brexit. Leave voters voted for both parties, they must deliver Brexit in full. A50 has been invoked we don't need to agree a deal 22 months or so and we are out with or without a deal.

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The ribble valley MP Nigel evans is saying it was the worst conservative manifesto he has ever fought an election on in 25 years.


Yes and very much on purpose. I have written to my MP to remind him it was a GE not EU Ref 2, anyone that cares Brexit is delivered properly should do the same.


I despise 99% of Politicians, self serving R .....Soles.


As an aside despite her best attempts she still won.

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We had a GE not a 2nd EU Referendum. TM may have tried to sell it as that so she could fare badly and scupper Brexit but the reality is both main parties supported Brexit in their manifestos and it was the manifestos that were the deal beakers not Brexit. Leave voters voted for both parties, they must deliver Brexit in full. A50 has been invoked we don't need to agree a deal 22 months or so and we are out with or without a deal.

As far as I know a50 can be reversed.also my point was that as we are likely to go back to the polls soon.we are being shafted by all the parties.after the farcical election we have just suffered how do you think we will be viewed by the rest of the eu in these talks.as a joke that's how.
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As far as I know a50 can be reversed.also my point was that as we are likely to go back to the polls soon.we are being shafted by all the parties.after the farcical election we have just suffered how do you think we will be viewed by the rest of the eu in these talks.as a joke that's how.


Only if all 28 countries agree, the election result makes it more likely we will leave with no deal despite the establishments best attempts to scupper things through their trojan horse May. She unexpectedly won and her manifesto detials the red lines on negotiation. No Single Market, Free Movement etc etc etc............

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Boris is a very likeable chap , the trouble is he does not know or maybe care about the truth. In the Brexit vote last year he told lie after lie after lie when he knew full well what he was saying was not the truth, but covered it up with some blustering gag. Not a suitable person for a PM. The trouble for the Tories is that they have so few MPs with Ministerial experance that are respected by the public. Amber Rudd might be one, if nothing else she had the guts to go on the TV debates while May hid at home behind the sofa.


Correct :good: .



But then perhaps he'll walk it exactly because.

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The ribble valley MP Nigel evans is saying it was the worst conservative manifesto he has ever fought an election on in 25 years.

It was pathetic, hardly able to call it a camlaign either.. Lack lustre, be it because they dont want to lead or they thought it was in bag, pretty pathetic attempt really

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Chewed my way through the daily mail last night in work, didn't realise how few people were involved in TM campaign.


Kept wondering why no one was shouting down the labour claims about what they were going to give away, unicorns trips to the moon etc


Maybe they did think it was in the bag, the daily mail had Nigel Evans saying we didn't shoot ourselves in the foot, we shot ourselves in the head.


Sounds like some very bad advice and some folk will be job hunting.

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