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As some of you know there have been health problems in my family and that has meant a lot less time doing what I like but now that the old man has been given the all clear I am back on board.


I contacted the farmer that gave me permission for rabbits on about 40 acres of orchard yesterday and got the thumbs up to start again.


I laid snares last night just before dark along runs and holes in the rabbit fencing and caught two withins minutes. They must be suicidal I thought and went home thinking I would be in for a big bag :good:


I went back at 04:00 to find two does and one buck snared and dead, five snares missing and seven that had been knocked B)


Going to lay again tonight and might the the RWS fo some sniping after being inspired by Cupra's recent postings.


Will post results tomorrow.









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i regularly snare a small piece of land for rabbits , it's not much bigger than a football pitch and over the last three or four years i've incredibly taken around five hundred rabbits from it , i'm only guessing but i reckon brock has taken almost the same number from my snares :good:

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Thanks for the replies chaps :yes:


Laid 30 before dark tonight and had two bucks with the air rifle.


Back to collect at 04:00 and hopefully I will retrieve 30 snares with rabbits in.


I love this time of year as the rabbits are usually young, stupid, and very good fare on the plate.


Might be a good idea to start making my own :good:






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Thanks for the replies chaps :mad:


Laid 30 before dark tonight and had two bucks with the air rifle.


Back to collect at 04:00 and hopefully I will retrieve 30 snares with rabbits in.


I love this time of year as the rabbits are usually young, stupid, and very good fare on the plate.


Might be a good idea to start making my own :good:






Was having the same problem with snares myself Lb and found an orphaned den of fox cubs nearby were the culprits.Farmer has been feeding them since he knocked down the mother and has become fond of them so instead of me going down to take care of them i ended up giving him a few buckets of badly shot bunnies i use for bait to feed the little *******

Are you going to start making your own snares or rabbits by the way??? :oops::lol::lol: :yp:

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Thanks for the replies chaps ???


Laid 30 before dark tonight and had two bucks with the air rifle.


Back to collect at 04:00 and hopefully I will retrieve 30 snares with rabbits in.


I love this time of year as the rabbits are usually young, stupid, and very good fare on the plate.


Might be a good idea to start making my own :blush:






Was having the same problem with snares myself Lb and found an orphaned den of fox cubs nearby were the culprits.Farmer has been feeding them since he knocked down the mother and has become fond of them so instead of me going down to take care of them i ended up giving him a few buckets of badly shot bunnies i use for bait to feed the little *******

Are you going to start making your own snares or rabbits by the way??? ;):lol::lol: :lol:



I will have to start soon Mate as its getting $@*&^% expensive. Don't know about making rabbits though as there seems to be enough around at the moment.


Since the original post I have caught 70+ and will be very happy when the RWS is FAC :lol:






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Gonna show my ignorance here but so what....I have been out with nets and ferrets before but never snares.....what are they about....how do yuo get bunnies into the trap.....they aren't daft so whats the trick.....I had in my mind(obviously wrong) that snares were illegal.....or is that for other animals.....I would be very interested in trying them although none of my mates use snares so I wouldn't want to go in half cocked and cause a horrible painful death(even for a bunny.....call me soft but casusing unneccessary pain is not my game)....they def seem to work so i would be appreciative of any advice....and by the looks of it they could be home made with out too much trouble....or is that not the case.

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Gonna show my ignorance here but so what....I have been out with nets and ferrets before but never snares.....what are they about....how do yuo get bunnies into the trap.....they aren't daft so whats the trick.....I had in my mind(obviously wrong) that snares were illegal.....or is that for other animals.....I would be very interested in trying them although none of my mates use snares so I wouldn't want to go in half cocked and cause a horrible painful death(even for a bunny.....call me soft but casusing unneccessary pain is not my game)....they def seem to work so i would be appreciative of any advice....and by the looks of it they could be home made with out too much trouble....or is that not the case.


DFB, I learnt form dvd,s and books and my advice to you would be to do the same, or even better, go with someone who snares regular.


I would like to point out that snaring isn't illegal but there are rules and you must check them at regular intervals. Unfortunetly the legal requirement is way to low in my opinion and it is a matter of conscience that makes me attend to them within 6-7 hours. Even then things can go bad.


Check out a man called Woodga just do the search thingy he will come up.


Good luck.





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Gonna show my ignorance here but so what....I have been out with nets and ferrets before but never snares.....what are they about....how do yuo get bunnies into the trap.....they aren't daft so whats the trick.....I had in my mind(obviously wrong) that snares were illegal.....or is that for other animals.....I would be very interested in trying them although none of my mates use snares so I wouldn't want to go in half cocked and cause a horrible painful death(even for a bunny.....call me soft but casusing unneccessary pain is not my game)....they def seem to work so i would be appreciative of any advice....and by the looks of it they could be home made with out too much trouble....or is that not the case.

one word CONTROL :thumbs:

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I imagine you would just place the snares on rabbit runs and around frequented warren entrances that way you know rabbits are likely to be there. Alternatively you could try placing a prize winning carrot in the field surrounded by landmines? :thumbs:



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