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Racist or not racist.


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8 hours ago, oowee said:

I despair when I read much of what is posted on here. I am so happy that i don'i live in a narrow minded toxic world and i genuinely feel sorry for those on here that do. 

While I think one or two comments are either poorly worded or a bit unsvoury, the vast majority of this discussion, in my opinion, has been well reasoned debate. I don't know what area your from, but I have travelled most of the UK and most of this discussion reflects what I've heard from most of the people I talk to about this sort of subject, I hear the same message as on here, in this country alot of particularly white men feel they are effectively discriminated against by the state, anyone who's got any sense or intelligence obviously doesn't blame other individuals for that as it's not their fault, but the way the government gives added protection to people of certain race or colour ect in my opinion is damaging to the very people the legislation is trying to protect as it's building resentment, coupled with the curtailment of freedom of speech you don't tend to hear these conversations out in the public for fear of "causing offence" but I would suggest the general consensus on here is telling of the general mood in this country!

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1 hour ago, 12gauge82 said:

While I think one or two comments are either poorly worded or a bit unsvoury, the vast majority of this discussion, in my opinion, has been well reasoned debate. I don't know what area your from, but I have travelled most of the UK and most of this discussion reflects what I've heard from most of the people I talk to about this sort of subject, I hear the same message as on here, in this country alot of particularly white men feel they are effectively discriminated against by the state, anyone who's got any sense or intelligence obviously doesn't blame other individuals for that as it's not their fault, but the way the government gives added protection to people of certain race or colour ect in my opinion is damaging to the very people the legislation is trying to protect as it's building resentment, coupled with the curtailment of freedom of speech you don't tend to hear these conversations out in the public for fear of "causing offence" but I would suggest the general consensus on here is telling of the general mood in this country!

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48 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

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Didnt seem too bothered about proving if his 'hate crime' was race related did they, despite evidence to the contrary ?

Yes I've been reading about the Nazi dog story and I find it frightening to say the least, distasteful joke or not, the implications of that sentence is far reaching and I wouldn't be suprised if it's now set new case law, heaven help anyone who upsets someone in future (or even doesn't, as apparently no one even complained despite over 3 million views)

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11 hours ago, Rewulf said:
11 hours ago, oowee said:

I despair when I read much of what is posted on here. I am so happy that i don'i live in a narrow minded toxic world and i genuinely feel sorry for those on here that do. 

That the world can be a toxic place I can't argue with, but what is it you despair of? 

Would you rather racial cohesion in the UK never gets discussed? Like some dirty little secret. 

One or two people have posted some vaguely racist comments, but in general its a healthy discussion about what is for once, a non white race hate crime. 

Damned if we do and damned if we don't I suppose? 

What was it, 2005, when Channel 4 were going to show a documentary on the grooming gangs of the North West?  It didn't get broadcast of course due to pressure from the Police and the likes of Hope not Hate and all to do with community cohesion.  Even recently the Labour MP Naz Shah re-tweeted that the Rotherham sex abuse victims 'should shut their mouths for the good of diversity'. 

Some years later it did come to national conscience but nationwide several hundred more girls were raped who most likely would not have been.  As we now know people had been saying for a few decades that this had been going on.  I guess some may have said those who were making these claims were living in a narrow minded toxic world.  It was of course actually toxic.  Similar may have been said of events preceding some of our race riots.

Rewulf is saying what he sees and so are some of the others, I'm lucky enough I don't live in that type of area, it's not my world but I do come across a significant number of stories that support their view.  It's a bit like that fishing lake thread, those who us who are in areas where this happens know what the situation is.  People know what they see and hear and read but get told it doesn't happen and that they're wrong or are that they're racist.  A bit like those people of the North West who for decades knew and spoke of the grooming gangs yet were continually dismissed.

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I do say what I see, there are one or two people on here that probably think I ,and the millions of people like me can be safely ignored, because we hold (horror of horrors ) right wing views.
They are usually the same people who live in nice areas, away from the multicultural melting pots of diversity, and believe that liberalism will be the sauce that will bind all the different ingredients together in perfect harmony, if only we can boil away the nazi scum.
Just as long as its not in the area of their ivory towers.

Multiculturalism can work, it has done for thousands of years, but it doesnt work by sidelining the indigenous population.
It doesnt work by having a different set of rules and guidelines for minorities.
And it definitely doesnt work when you try and normalize the  exploitation, rape, assault and murder of children.

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5 hours ago, Rewulf said:

I do say what I see, there are one or two people on here that probably think I ,and the millions of people like me can be safely ignored, because we hold (horror of horrors ) right wing views.
They are usually the same people who live in nice areas, away from the multicultural melting pots of diversity, and believe that liberalism will be the sauce that will bind all the different ingredients together in perfect harmony, if only we can boil away the nazi scum.
Just as long as its not in the area of their ivory towers.

Multiculturalism can work, it has done for thousands of years, but it doesnt work by sidelining the indigenous population.
It doesnt work by having a different set of rules and guidelines for minorities.
And it definitely doesnt work when you try and normalize the  exploitation, rape, assault and murder of children.

Well said, but some people still wouldn't believe it (or rather just ignore it) even if they see it with their own eyes

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8 hours ago, Rewulf said:

I do say what I see, there are one or two people on here that probably think I ,and the millions of people like me can be safely ignored, because we hold (horror of horrors ) right wing views.
They are usually the same people who live in nice areas, away from the multicultural melting pots of diversity, and believe that liberalism will be the sauce that will bind all the different ingredients together in perfect harmony, if only we can boil away the nazi scum.
Just as long as its not in the area of their ivory towers.

Multiculturalism can work, it has done for thousands of years, but it doesnt work by sidelining the indigenous population.
It doesnt work by having a different set of rules and guidelines for minorities.
And it definitely doesnt work when you try and normalize the  exploitation, rape, assault and murder of children.

Multiculturalism before was usually achieved with the barrel of a gun or sword blade, be it by settlement of "new" lands or the movement of peoples and borders after wars. Never has a flood of migrants been forced on the indigenous population by their own politicians without the complicit consent of the people as we have now both here and in europe. It was not voted for and if there is resentment at the impact on culture, lifestyle, housing, education, economy and the ticking bomb of demographics that is perfectly understandable.

The fact that public discussion of imigration is suppressed as racist and therefore taboo doesn't say much for our democracy.

Edited by TriBsa
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47 minutes ago, TriBsa said:

Multiculturalism before was usually achieved with the barrel of a gun or sword blade, be it by settlement of "new" lands or the movement of peoples and borders after wars. Never has a flood of migrants been forced on the indigenous population by their own politicians without the complicit consent of the people as we have now both here and in europe. It was not voted for and if there is resentment at the impact on culture, lifestyle, housing, education, economy and the ticking bomb of demographics that is perfectly understandable.

The fact that public discussion of imigration is suppressed as racist and therefore taboo doesn't say much for our democracy.

Thats the point I was trying to make earlier, but you put it better…...

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The fact that public discussion of imigration is suppressed as racist and therefore taboo doesn't say much for our democracy

An astute observation. I trust that I haven't a racist bone in my body. That said, unfettered immigration is a disaster. I detest racism, but have even less time for those who produce the race card at the drop of a hat.

I am at a loss to explain the almost complete avoidance of action in the gangs of serial rapists and child abusers. A blind man can see what is going on, but those in authority tip toe around the issue.

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Not solely related to this thread, but?

Personally not sure the situation described here as democracy stands the test against it's true definition?

The version sold to us in Europe fails against the main point of the accepted definition?

Government through elected representatives? 


Is it?  :hmm:


Edited by old man
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