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Car on fire driven into Glasgow Airport terminal


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Also does anyone else spot the timing between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown coming into play? coicidence? or is there some sort of motive?


no coincidence but please don't try to infer the authorities are behind this........it is the work of a bunch of lunatics(mind you that could be used to describe those at westminster)

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When i worked in Saudi,we were told we could be jailed and or deported if heard to wish someone Happy Christmas.sad but true.ANY expression of any other faith was punishable.at the same time ,King Fahd was boasting the financing and building of the worlds largest mosque...im London.something wrong here?I do not propose reverting to being a tin pot dictatorship.We need to maintain the aspects that makes our society civilized and fair.It is just that there is a 5th column of traitors,as it was called in WW2 that is not just taking the proverbial pee,they are actively planning shredding shoppers,clubbers and now those enemies of Islam,holidaymakers.I believe that moslem immigrants to the US are as patriotic as they come.We have bred a sneaking treacherous cult of death worshipping headbangers.

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I really don't give a flying **** who or what you are, as long as you integrate (not pretend or play along with, but really integrate) with British society and are proud to be British...and are prepared to stand up to tossers that threaten us.

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I really don't give a flying **** who or what you are, as long as you integrate (not pretend or play along with, but really integrate) with British society and are proud to be British...and are prepared to stand up to tossers that threaten us.



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When i worked in Saudi,we were told we could be jailed and or deported if heard to wish someone Happy Christmas.sad but true.ANY expression of any other faith was punishable.at the same time ,King Fahd was boasting the financing and building of the worlds largest mosque...im London.something wrong here?I do not propose reverting to being a tin pot dictatorship.We need to maintain the aspects that makes our society civilized and fair.It is just that there is a 5th column of traitors,as it was called in WW2 that is not just taking the proverbial pee,they are actively planning shredding shoppers,clubbers and now those enemies of Islam,holidaymakers.I believe that moslem immigrants to the US are as patriotic as they come.We have bred a sneaking treacherous cult of death worshipping headbangers.

spot on bud, this country is now a joke,there are several hundred of known terrorists living here wanted in other countries, but these loony pc berks help them stop here by pleading they face execution or imprisoment if they are deported, but its ok they can live here and plot to kill us without any real chance of being caught, their faith forebids them to intergrate with western christians and yet this crappy goverment turns a blind eye to the thousands still flocking in, there are now over 2000, yep 2000 mosques in britain and at their present rate of breeding will outnumber us within 30 years .how many christian churches will you find in a islamic country? yes you know the answer. i really worry how our children and grandchildren will suvive in the future.

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Apparently one of the guys was shouting "Allah, Allah" and throwing punches when the cops were trying to help him.


Double tap would have done him more favours.


What is going on with our beautiful country? :good:


Understand the comment that they may have been born and bred in England, but where did their parents come from? Somewhere along the line they immigarated. Time to rethink the policy.


My 2p

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Apparently one of the guys was shouting "Allah, Allah" and throwing punches when the cops were trying to help him.


Double tap would have done him more favours.


What is going on with our beautiful country? :good:


Understand the comment that they may have been born and bred in England, but where did their parents come from? Somewhere along the line they immigarated. Time to rethink the policy.


My 2p


again gets into dodgy territory....some of the most honest hard working people I have ever met are first generation from immigrants......Don't forget most of us are from Celt/North european/italian stock......Blimey our Royal family are more german than British......parents can't take the rap for their offspring going nuts.....blaming some nutter ramming a motor into a jock airport on parents from a different country is just an easy option.....this **** goes far deeper than enoch Powells ideas

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Apparently one of the guys was shouting "Allah, Allah" and throwing punches when the cops were trying to help him.


Double tap would have done him more favours.


What is going on with our beautiful country? :good:


Understand the comment that they may have been born and bred in England, but where did their parents come from? Somewhere along the line they immigarated. Time to rethink the policy.


My 2p


again gets into dodgy territory....some of the most honest hard working people I have ever met are first generation from immigrants......Don't forget most of us are from Celt/North european/italian stock......Blimey our Royal family are more german than British......parents can't take the rap for their offspring going nuts.....blaming some nutter ramming a motor into a jock airport on parents from a different country is just an easy option.....this **** goes far deeper than enoch Powells ideas


Ill go along with you on this one...........Its not the every day asian, african, or what ever else you want to "tag" that I have issues with.........


But...............Im all for slotting a rag head who wants to bear arms against me and my country........Especialy in my own country.........


Keep your heads down boys..............its gonna be getting hot over the next few months..........New Prime minister and all that.......bound to be getting some trigger happy, bomb happy ding dongs wanting to make a mark..........

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Apparently one of the guys was shouting "Allah, Allah" and throwing punches when the cops were trying to help him.


Double tap would have done him more favours.


What is going on with our beautiful country? :good:


Understand the comment that they may have been born and bred in England, but where did their parents come from? Somewhere along the line they immigarated. Time to rethink the policy.


My 2p


again gets into dodgy territory....some of the most honest hard working people I have ever met are first generation from immigrants......Don't forget most of us are from Celt/North european/italian stock......Blimey our Royal family are more german than British......parents can't take the rap for their offspring going nuts.....blaming some nutter ramming a motor into a jock airport on parents from a different country is just an easy option.....this **** goes far deeper than enoch Powells ideas


Ill go along with you on this one...........Its not the every day asian, african, or what ever else you want to "tag" that I have issues with.........


But...............Im all for slotting a rag head who wants to bear arms against me and my country........Especialy in my own country.........


Keep your heads down boys..............its gonna be getting hot over the next few months..........New Prime minister and all that.......bound to be getting some trigger happy, bomb happy ding dongs wanting to make a mark..........


Agreed mate......and noting your gun list you have a 391 synth.......you are obviuously a man with great taste....only real blokes are big enough to have a 391......just like me :good:

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Watching the coverage on Sky news, is this some kind of wind up ?

Lets up the threat level to " hysteria " from " near but unproven attack ". I am sure the alleged attack in Glasgow was not the work of terrorists trained by sinister forces.

Cant see Bin LaLa saying " ok chaps, set your car on fire and drive at the doors. Then catch yourself alight, shout Allah and get caught. Dont worry though, the imaginary bomb in the back wont go off "

What a great photo call for the new PM and nothing more.

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Should have let them burn..........


Plod should have given them 2 to the chest...............



Yeah but what about their human rights :good:



HUMAN RIGHTS?:good:?:lol:


What ******** planet are you on? These scumbags whoever or whatever they are, race religion or colour forfeit their human rights the moment they set out to do something like this.


Lancs lad has it almost right, plod should put 1 in the skull, not 2 in the chest. I don't care about religion colour or creed, if they set out to kill or injure innocent people then they know the consequences.

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What a great photo call for the new PM and nothing more.



And this my friends is nearer to the truth than any of the rubbish you'll hear from the media.

I'll bet the handler/top man of these keystone bombers is called Rupert and works out of this office

All far too handy for Herr Braun.

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Watching the coverage on Sky news, is this some kind of wind up ?

Lets up the threat level to " hysteria " from " near but unproven attack ". I am sure the alleged attack in Glasgow was not the work of terrorists trained by sinister forces.

Cant see Bin LaLa saying " ok chaps, set your car on fire and drive at the doors. Then catch yourself alight, shout Allah and get caught. Dont worry though, the imaginary bomb in the back wont go off "

What a great photo call for the new PM and nothing more.


Digger hope your right and I am way off target, but I hope that this is not a bad copy of the explosion that happened in the north east a few weeks back where a bloke got him self blown up with his welding gear in wolsingham. Just like the last lot that didnt manage to set of the bombs they were carrying on the second attempt in london. I think that this could well be another full terrorist attack and moving out of london could be a blow to the "NEW PM" as its an attempt on his home turf.



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Have to say the poor guy whose van blew up was just , in my opinion, a coincidence. If we all looked at gas cannisters as potential bombs then those doing helium balloons can expect visits.

The " attack " at Glasgow was no terrorist atempt at all. A couple of loons make the national news and good old English press create a story from nothing. Oh, its near the anniversary of the July attacks lets all panic. Well let them fill their boots and column inches and let the un educated sit at home trembling with fear.

I have more fear of otters than these so called terrorist attacks.

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Have to say the poor guy whose van blew up was just , in my opinion, a coincidence. If we all looked at gas cannisters as potential bombs then those doing helium balloons can expect visits.

The " attack " at Glasgow was no terrorist atempt at all. A couple of loons make the national news and good old English press create a story from nothing. Oh, its near the anniversary of the July attacks lets all panic. Well let them fill their boots and column inches and let the un educated sit at home trembling with fear.

I have more fear of otters than these so called terrorist attacks.




The guy whose van blew up was a totaly tragic accident, but I just hope that a few of these "so called Home grown terrorists" didn't see that and then try to do a bad copy of it, I dont think Bin LALA doesn't have direct contact with every splinter group of nutters, no matter how much the goverment would like us to think he has

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Eyewitness account states that one of the car occupants was seen to pour petrol over himself after the car hit the doors and then he exited the car in flames - doesn't sound too much like an accident to me :yes:


Oh - and by the way - the Queen is just along the road in Holyrood this week for the opening of the Scottish Parliament. That's just some 40 miles or so along the road.


Still think it is just a coincidence? :good:



Watch your backs folks, I think this is part of a much bigger picture that is just beginning to come into view (I really hope I'm wrong though!)


Pushkin :lol:

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I really don't give a flying **** who or what you are, as long as you integrate (not pretend or play along with, but really integrate) with British society and are proud to be British...and are prepared to stand up to tossers that threaten us.





It was called the Norman Tebbit "Cricket Test" and he said it over 20 years ago.


It really is that simple. If you don't like it here, leave.


I just get bored of all the nonsense, pandering and loss of common sense. For example, that Finsbury Park episode with old hook hands - really, how was that allowed to carry on? Why weren't they all nicked and deported immediately. Suspected terrorists tagged and put under house arrest - no, if there is sufficient prima facie evidence then it's on a plane and out of here.

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Was it just me or did Brown seem uncomfortable and totally lacking in inspiration, motivation, leadership and sense of direction during his feeble 30 second speech after his COBRA briefing?


I'm unconvinced and worried, the future is in his hands. Recently John Crudas called for all those here illegally to be given pardons and leave to stay. Typical Labour - ruin our country with uncontrolled immigration over ten years, loose control of our boarders and in doing so put our security at risk then try to wipe the slate clean and cover up a problem they made in the first place :good:


My neighbor hates what is happening to this country and the policies this government have adopted. Unfortunately she won't vote for anyone other than Labour because this is how she was brought up - so typical of many voters who then wonder why nothing changes (not that the other parties have much to offer at the moment, they all pander to the minorities).

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Was it just me or did Brown seem uncomfortable and totally lacking in inspiration, motivation, leadership and sense of direction during his feeble 30 second speech after his COBRA briefing?


I'm unconvinced and worried, the future is in his hands. Recently John Crudas called for all those here illegally to be given pardons and leave to stay. Typical Labour - ruin our country with uncontrolled immigration over ten years, loose control of our boarders and in doing so put our security at risk then try to wipe the slate clean and cover up a problem they made in the first place :good:


My neighbor hates what is happening to this country and the policies this government have adopted. Unfortunately she won't vote for anyone other than Labour because this is how she was brought up - so typical of many voters who then wonder why nothing changes (not that the other parties have much to offer at the moment, they all pander to the minorities).

well said Bagsy, what you said is spot on,i am suprised that people put out his fire, next thing the looney lefty labour party will be paying him and his mate huge compensation because it was their "human rights " to blow up and kill people and allso to replace his burnt out car, can you imagine what would happen to a christian who did the same thing to a airport in a islamic country? the people there would tear them to pieces, the labour party mp,s should be charged with treason,........Rant over.

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Rest assured,the "human torch" is in a world of pain.He will be dead soon,so there is some justice.Otherwise he would have been convicted on the No Smoking" law,which of course was already in place in Scotland.Stuff them both and anyone who knew what they were up to. :good:

Brown was indeed fumbling and merely inspired me to nip to the fridge for a beer.

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Mungler, I'm with you. Inciting racial hatred- no trials, no prison sentance let's just revoke their citizenship and get rid out of the country to where they originated.


Bagsy and berettaman1: I really don't think it matters who is in power. Whoever is the opposition slates the current Government and when they get in it's reversed. They all do what they bloody well want.


How many senior members of ANY party are from working class, comprehensive school educated backgrounds- none. The gap beween the House of Lords and the "commoners" is so small as to be indistinct.


Now if a party ran that promised to do (and actually did!) what the majority of British people wanted they'd get my vote. Oh, hang on isn't that what we're supposed to have now :good:

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You see, that's where you are forgetting what a politician does. They don't serve the people of their constituency, they serve their party, which serves the country. Of course, the chap that's in there now knows what's good for where I live. He must do, otherwise the system wouldn't work.


Oh, hang on...

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