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I started as I mean to carry on.


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This morning it was light too early. There had been a change in wind direction which I wasn't expecting which brought a cloudless sky. When I arrived at my destination to ambush pigeons leaving the roosting wood I was ten minutes too late and some were already leaving. The line was not where it should have been either and two lots flew over my car as I put my wellies on. I shot two out of the next lot from behind my car and that was it as far as my early morning flight was concerned.

My return home so soon caught my wife off guard and still in bed. Oh good.

We then went off for a walk at the top of the Wolds with the dogs. Out hearts are always in our mouths when we see Barney careering about but touch wood his broken elbow has fully healed.

Then I had an hour on a flight line which never materialised but I shot another two.

Back home for turkey soup (like everyone else) and caught two races from Cheltenham.

At 3 I walked across the road to a roosting wood. This wood is easily visible from my bedroom and I have regularly been seeing two hundred pigeons heading into it against the prevailing wind. Today the wind was from due North and a lot less came than I was expecting. Still I shot and picked ten which was a great result.



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  On 01/01/2019 at 17:29, 7daysinaweek said:

You certainly kept at it JD when most of us where cocooned in our beds. I commend you on your commitment and a very enjoyable and interesting read as always.

I would happily wager that you are probably the individual who shot the very first Woodie of 2019 owing to your keenness.




07:50 on the dot.

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Sound like you filled your lungs with plenty of fresh air and shot a few pigeons Mr JDog , a nice way to start a new year.

Two things on your post we do differ on , are we haven't had the luxury of any Turkey soup and (B) it wouldn't had made much difference if I had caught the wife off guard as we are still a long way off waiting for the Blue moon .:lol: 

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Great way to start the year for sure.

First time in 20+ years i havent had Boxing Day and New Year Day rough walks with the old fella but hopefully get out later in the month with him.

Looking forward to a wee bit snow or even frost as everything is soggy with the mild weather.

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