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More terrorism

henry d

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I would treat any statistics that came from the Police as highly questionable, they try to demonstrate they are not politically biased or institutionally homophobic or racist by leaning heavily the PC way, and lets face it, if it’s politically advantageous to any organisation, it’s easy to make statistics say what they want them to say! 

“Lies, damn lies and statistics” again comes to mind!

I have no doubt there is an increase in extremism across the piece, this is allowed to happen because society (the police) for fear of being seen as institutionally biased bullies, don’t intervene when these extremists try to impose their views on others, so people who oppose these extremist, activists views, pop up to counter it....and they in turn, turn into anti, anti extremists....it’s self perpetuating!

Anti this, that or the other is opposed by pro this, that and the other....and vice versa............if there is a rise in the far right it is in response to the growth of the hard left!

Edited by panoma1
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25 minutes ago, Hamster said:

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth - Plato.


Depends on whose 'truth' he speaks does it not ?

Whilst most of us consider ourselves to be informed in this digital age, most of us glean this information from the proverbial gogglebox.
Which is , Im sure you will agree, an interpretation of someone elses 'truth' or untruths.

Manipulation of the truth has been a tenet of the ruling class for millennia , and nothing has changed.

The real question , is the far right the fastest growing terrorist threat in this country ?
How many bombs, shootings or stabbings have there been attributed to the far right ?
If you ask an ordinary person on the street , do you think they will tell you the far right is the problem ?
I doubt it very much.
The media on the other hand , tell a different story.
If the far right are such a threat, then surely poster boys like owen , sarker and corbyn would be top of the hit list, yet they seem strangely unaffected by this threat, despite their protestations ?

No one is more hated than those who speak with forked tongue - Rewulf

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6 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Depends on whose 'truth' he speaks does it not ?

Whilst most of us consider ourselves to be informed in this digital age, most of us glean this information from the proverbial gogglebox.
Which is , Im sure you will agree, an interpretation of someone elses 'truth' or untruths.

Manipulation of the truth has been a tenet of the ruling class for millennia , and nothing has changed.

The real question , is the far right the fastest growing terrorist threat in this country ?
How many bombs, shootings or stabbings have there been attributed to the far right ?
If you ask an ordinary person on the street , do you think they will tell you the far right is the problem ?
I doubt it very much.
The media on the other hand , tell a different story.
If the far right are such a threat, then surely poster boys like owen , sarker and corbyn would be top of the hit list, yet they seem strangely unaffected by this threat, despite their protestations ?

No one is more hated than those who speak with forked tongue - Rewulf

Absolutely! Evidence the children who are currently protesting about climate change, they are speaking the words of those who teach/brainwash them!.....on the gogglebox just now,  a primary school child (about maybe six!).....a climate change warrior? Don’t make me ******* laugh! :no: She’s being used as a pawn in someone else’s game!

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20 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Depends on whose 'truth' he speaks does it not ?

Whilst most of us consider ourselves to be informed in this digital age, most of us glean this information from the proverbial gogglebox.
Which is , Im sure you will agree, an interpretation of someone elses 'truth' or untruths.

Manipulation of the truth has been a tenet of the ruling class for millennia , and nothing has changed.

The real question , is the far right the fastest growing terrorist threat in this country ?
How many bombs, shootings or stabbings have there been attributed to the far right ?
If you ask an ordinary person on the street , do you think they will tell you the far right is the problem ?
I doubt it very much.
The media on the other hand , tell a different story.
If the far right are such a threat, then surely poster boys like owen , sarker and corbyn would be top of the hit list, yet they seem strangely unaffected by this threat, despite their protestations ?

No one is more hated than those who speak with forked tongue - Rewulf

I was referring more to the fact my first post on this thread was removed, the message within it is one that many would rather pretend doesn't exist because they just can't deal with it. :)

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2 minutes ago, henry d said:

When they act or prepare to act on their beliefs in a violent manner?

Not everyone agrees




Mair was quite obviously mentally ill, his far right leanings were just a manifestation of his frustration with his world, if he had blamed his problems on Farage, and killed him, would he have been a far left terrorist? 

Or national hero.. 



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2 minutes ago, Hamster said:

Almost never if you believe some peoples perceptions, the worst thing that can happen is they get labelled mentally ill. 😄  

Very good. Joking aside, it’s a serious question. 

At what point does someone become extreme? What constitutes a far right or far left extreme act or mindset? 

Im aware it is often linked with nazism, or nationalism, but where  does attempting to overturn or ignore a referendum result fit in with far right or far left extremist categorisation? 


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1 minute ago, Scully said:

Very good. Joking aside, it’s a serious question. 

At what point does someone become extreme? What constitutes a far right or far left extreme act or mindset? 

Im aware it is often linked with nazism, or nationalism, but where  does attempting to overturn or ignore a referendum result fit in with far right or far left extremist categorisation? 


Good question, I would have to agree resorting to violence or threats of such would be a good starting point. 

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If for example we ended up having to make street protests about Brexit, then I don't for one minute think those partaking (which may well include myself) should be labelled as extremists, if however they started turning cars over and attacking remainers then it's plausibly extremist behaviour. 

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12 minutes ago, henry d said:

When they act or prepare to act on their beliefs in a violent manner?


9 minutes ago, Hamster said:

Not everyone agrees

Ok , so if the 'line' is thinking, preparing or carrying out violent acts , we need to decide what is a violent act.
Violence against the person , property? Is harrassment included , stopping traffic, gluing yourself to objects, disrupting peoples daily lives/commute ?

To be very clear , I wasnt for one minute saying that mair wasnt a far right extremist, but his obvious mental issues made him susceptible to those beliefs.
People who cannot find equilibrium seek an outlet, people dont wake up one day and think, Im going to be a hitler worshipping terrorist with homicidal intent for NO reason whatsoever.

What about antifa ?
They go to demos equipped for violence, are they extremists/terrorists ?
Animal rights protesters, sabs ?

Its very easy to give the 'right ' the extremist moniker, we are bought up on the premise of 'fighting the nazis'
Yet we spent 50 years after WW2 facing off against an extreme left wing superpower, with the constant threat of nuclear annhililation .
Yet left wing extremism just doesnt quite roll off the tongue does it ?
I wonder why ?

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2 minutes ago, Scully said:

I’m pretty sure throwing a milkshake at someone is classed as assault, so therefore an act of violence? If so, what does expressing regret that it wasn’t acid count as? 

That counts as an extremely poorly thought out comment that could incite violence!

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A little off topic , but this illustrates how the left is 'right' and the right is 'wrong' ..well at least to the left.

Hes referring to the pictures that emerged of Canadian lefty darling Justin Trudeau wearing 'blackface' to a party 20 years ago, and the resultant offence some felt.

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11 minutes ago, Scully said:

I’m pretty sure throwing a milkshake at someone is classed as assault, so therefore an act of violence? If so, what does expressing regret that it wasn’t acid count as? 

The man was charged and convicted of common assault.

Some saying they wished it was acid, does come under Henrys criteria of extremism IMHO

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