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Eyesight failing so in goes the skeet choke, and 20 yard decoys


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Hopefully its not permanent, just diagnosed with 2 cataracts and a dodgy retina on my right eye, my dominant side. 

So after some thought and trying out several pairs of glasses I settled for a cylinder choke and set the decoys out at around 20 yards, shooting some bald patches in the wheat, I found a round bale on the headland to set a hide against, then stuck out 2 yes 2 magnets one each end of the pattern, about 20 yards apart, I thought it might be too much but had to give it a go anyway.

I was only in the hide for 5 minutes and the birds started coming in, I hit the first 3 then missed a couple, I swapped glasses to a slightly weaker pair which focused better at the limit of the decoys, from 4.30 until 8.30 ( losing the light) I only missed half a dozen. dropping 33 in all , biggest problem was trying to find the birds that fell in the corn, but I think I got all but 3 and that's without a dog,  

Anyway it was a very enjoyable 4 hours and with the number of birds around I'm sure I will have a few more sessions before the rape is cut and we can get some stubble days.

I met the farm manager coming off the land and he was well pleased, gave me 100 cartridges to help me out and even better, gave me permission to fish a big private lake on the farm where I'm told there is a huge head of big bream and roach, so that's on the cards for next week, the wife will be pleased , she loves her fishing but at the moment is suffering a shooting widows fate. 

Opticians again at the end of the month so I'm hoping for some better news or at least some glasses I can see through, lol!!! old age is a real pain in the butt.

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Went over to long range glasses about seven years ago as things where starting to go fuzzy on the edges .... no I hadn't been on the plonk .... amazing thing was I could read newspapers etc again without glasses and previous needed 1 1/2 easy readers... the optician said that was most unusual.  Anyway the new prescriptive glasses made a huge difference shooting and pleased your having the same success.  I have upgraded the prescription once since and I order/choose the ones with the largest lenses and just half frames.  Took a while to get used to them but now don't even notice them.



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Where's there is a will , there is normally a way , you have got the will and you will find a way Alan , the younger members don't realise what us old farts have to contend with , apart from just about else passing the sell by date my eyes are , or were still pretty good , I say were as what I have found lately my marking is becoming rubbish , Apart from the Pea stubble I have been shooting over standing crops lately and once or twice when I have marked a bird down I have sometimes been yards away from it when the dog have picked it up , this might be looking into the sun or the change in light on a cloudy day , or is it another one of things we have to admit to that the body parts are not as good as they once were , anyhow I am now going to try and find some while I can still see what a Pigeon look like :lol:

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Thanks and well done all like me who have to contend with just one more setback, they said I cant have the cataracts done yet as they are not bad enough, Marshman I know what you mean about marking downed birds, main problem is distance out from the hide, I often over estimate the distance and end up yards out past the bird, but usually find them after a good search.

I thought of putting out marker canes at various distances , then when a bird goes in I can judge it to the nearest cane, maybe even put different colours on them, so it would be 3 yards right of black, or 4 yards left of red and so on, problem then is remembering them all. probably easier to just buy a dog 👍😂 

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  On 17/07/2020 at 19:55, lakeside1000 said:

Hopefully its not permanent, just diagnosed with 2 cataracts and a dodgy retina on my right eye, my dominant side. 

So after some thought and trying out several pairs of glasses I settled for a cylinder choke and set the decoys out at around 20 yards, shooting some bald patches in the wheat, I found a round bale on the headland to set a hide against, then stuck out 2 yes 2 magnets one each end of the pattern, about 20 yards apart, I thought it might be too much but had to give it a go anyway.

I was only in the hide for 5 minutes and the birds started coming in, I hit the first 3 then missed a couple, I swapped glasses to a slightly weaker pair which focused better at the limit of the decoys, from 4.30 until 8.30 ( losing the light) I only missed half a dozen. dropping 33 in all , biggest problem was trying to find the birds that fell in the corn, but I think I got all but 3 and that's without a dog,  

Anyway it was a very enjoyable 4 hours and with the number of birds around I'm sure I will have a few more sessions before the rape is cut and we can get some stubble days.

I met the farm manager coming off the land and he was well pleased, gave me 100 cartridges to help me out and even better, gave me permission to fish a big private lake on the farm where I'm told there is a huge head of big bream and roach, so that's on the cards for next week, the wife will be pleased , she loves her fishing but at the moment is suffering a shooting widows fate. 

Opticians again at the end of the month so I'm hoping for some better news or at least some glasses I can see through, lol!!! old age is a real pain in the butt.


Are you still driving?

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  On 20/07/2020 at 13:02, lakeside1000 said:

I plead the 5th amendment 😁 seriously though my optician says no problem at the moment, I can still read a number plate at 25 yards !!, and I might add hit a moving target at 25 yards 8/10 its just longer range stuff at the moment



It's ok to read a number plate, but can you see a motorcycle approaching you at 60mph when you are waiting at a junction ?

Think about it 🤔

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  On 18/07/2020 at 08:50, dodgy dave said:

 i had my cataracts done at kings lyn i dont where glasses any more my eyes are perfect


Lucky old you. I had mine done but still need glasses because of the Astigmatism - an irregular shape in my cornea. But it did improve my vision. Sadly I can no longer blame my irregular shooting on my cataract as I no longer have one 😂😂

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