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shotgun certificate refusal


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fill out all parts on the application form my friend was refused one because he ticked no on the convictions even though he had them (what is the point anyway they know about all your convictions they are the police)




they probbily look at it that he is not trustworty because he lied on the form

i decleared all my offences and no problem

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my local Firearms officer told me he has about 3 a month in the sussex area that are declined because people are not being honest about past convictions. that said he has told me to leave a caution for drugs off the paperwork and then he will check at a later date.. hope for my sake that he is right. im already 150 quid in for a cabinet!

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When I applied for my SGC I put mine down (Posession of explosives 7 years ago) and added a short letter saying that although my record made me look very bad I regretted what I'd done and hoped they would at least interview me so they could see what I'm really like. It may have been over the top but I genuinely thought they would never even consider me. I got a very thorough grilling from the FEO on my visit, and I made it clear I knew how bad it looked but it was my only mistake in life and I regretted it. They checked up on me and found that apart from the one minor (actually quite serious) charge, I'd never even had a parking/speeding ticket! It was that which tipped it in my favour, but I was told that if I ever get caught doing anything wrong my guns are gone. I only have one chance, so I have a reason to be good!

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I phoned the Firearms Dept while filling my form in and asked their advice about this.... I knew I had past convictions and I was more of a nuisance to the police than a criminal but I had no clue as to exact dates and convictions... I was advised to fill it in as follows


" I openly admit to my past convictions and divulge as much information as I can remember. I am aware that I have past convictions, but I am unable to provide exacts details for my offences - Please refer to your own records with regards to my past misdemeanours and please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any or all concerns you may have. "


It worked, they came out for my SGC first and he said the very same thing as I had on the phone - Yes you were a nuisance :good: He questioned me about my last offence in 1999 which was for ABH but as it was written in my notes in was a case of self defence, I was only prosecuted because the one guy had to have stitches. They granted me my SGC and 6 months later I applied for my FAC and that didn't even raise concern.

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When I applied for my SGC I put mine down [b](Posession of explosives 7 years ago)[/b] and added a short letter saying that although my record made me look very bad I regretted what I'd done and hoped they would at least interview me so they could see what I'm really like. It may have been over the top but I genuinely thought they would never even consider me. I got a very thorough grilling from the FEO on my visit, and I made it clear I knew how bad it looked but it was my only mistake in life and I regretted it. They checked up on me and found that apart from the one minor (actually quite serious) charge, I'd never even had a parking/speeding ticket! It was that which tipped it in my favour, but I was told that if I ever get caught doing anything wrong my guns are gone. I only have one chance, so I have a reason to be good!



Oh what years of mispent youth we have all had. I will admit that you would have to be quite bold to go for a SGC with that against you, but I would expect it looks worse than it actually was.


We must all remember that you must always try to obtain. Many people I speak to say they would like to get into shooting but think they would never get a cert due to past convictions.


This is where I think introducing youngsters into shooting and getting them a SGC at an early age is a good method of discipline. As I say to my lad, you love your shooting, get in trouble and thats your cert gone. Its gone for life then.


Must be a good deterrent?

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fill out all parts on the application form my friend was refused one because he ticked no on the convictions even though he had them (what is the point anyway they know about all your convictions they are the police)


Its been said already by others, its all about being honest.

The moment you lie your integrity has gone.


Not wanting to rub anyones face in it but i had my visit last night and had my shotgun certificate granted, its my first one so i'm really stoked.


Sorry for the thread hijack lol.

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Why would he expect to get away with a blatant lie? As you say, they already have the details, so why deny them. "Embarassed" - stupid would be the kindest thing I could say. If he can't be honest about his past and face up to it, he has no right to firearms.

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Indeed, a quick search on this forum and the old threads shows that there are plenty of old / ex naughty boys with SGC's, but with a reformed character must of course come honesty.


If you mate has not made a full disclosure (and lets face it, the SGC application forms don't make it a secret that it's the full trousers down disclosure) then he is either too dishonest or too stoopid to get an SGC.


This means there will be more shotguns in the shops for the rest of us.


Wokka wokka.

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