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Wooden garden gate


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My daughter needs a new garden gate so I thought that I would buy some wood and make one.

I went to our local timber merchant and bought some 22mm x 100mm tanillised wood in fact it was 36 quid worth. I also had it cut into lengths that I needed. Finished it needs to be 1.85m x 0.9m.

I have still got to screw it up, oh they were from screwfix £2.29 for 200 35mm long.

This is where we are up to as rain stopped play for now.



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10 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

For added strength as screws are a little short screw from both sides you have enough screws for 3 per point.

To be honest they said the wood was 22mm but its nearer 25mm when measured so could have used 40mm screws.

In fact I'm going to get some 45mm screws from screwfix. 

Thanks Yellow Bear 👍👍

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A tip. Buy some 1" panel pins and drive them about 1/2" into the top edge. Then cut the tops. It stops pigeons but more to the point it stops toe rags getting a handhold to climb over. Others of a crueller nature use carpet gripper strips on the back face of the inside top edge. A practice that is unlawful.

Edited by enfieldspares
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14 minutes ago, enfieldspares said:

A tip. Buy some 1" panel pins and drive them about 1/2" into the top edge. Then cut the tops. It stops pigeons but more to the point it stops toe rags getting a handhold to climb over. Others of a crueller nature use carpet gripper strips on the back face of the inside top edge. 

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I have to admit the carpet gripper strip on the top at the back of the gate is appealing. I will ask my daughter, the reason I am doing this is the old one is rotting and there has been a spate of burglaries.

These screws should sort it, I didn't really want screw heads on the other side of the gate 👍👍


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1 hour ago, enfieldspares said:

A tip. Buy some 1" panel pins and drive them about 1/2" into the top edge. Then cut the tops. It stops pigeons but more to the point it stops toe rags getting a handhold to climb over. Others of a crueller nature use carpet gripper strips on the back face of the inside top edge. 

Think you will find this illegal.

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13 minutes ago, WalkedUp said:

It’s not illegal but it could make you liable if a trespasser or someone with an implicit right of access was injured. You can discharge that liability by sufficiently warning of any danger. 

BILLY THE GHILLIE is correct regarding the carpet gripper and I've now deleted it from my original post. Everyday is a schoolday at PW and I thank him for setting the record right.

So if it's to keep pigeons or cats off (panel pins on the top edge in that case) then a simple notice may well suffice. Or this product or similar:



But I'd struggle to see that an implied right of access applied to any area behind a locked gate.

An implied right of access to the front of the house does exist. But I think not to any rear section that is behind a locked gate.

This below specifically mentions carpet gripper as unlawful.


Edited by enfieldspares
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Carpet gripper on top of the fence was suggested to me by the police after I had been burgled. Their words to me were “That way, if it happens again, we will have a blood sample to go on”.

I assume that the law has now changed to ‘protect the guilty‘ as this was 20 years ago.


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Many years ago, I did the panel pin thing not only on the gate but completely around my private property (a 6' wooden fence surrounded my back garden and up the side of the semi detached property. I ran an angle grinder at an angle to sharpen the pins and the feral London pigeons soon got the message. However, having a cup of tea in the garden with my then CPO (crime prevention officer) during one of his visits, he advised me to remove all of them as i would be liable for prosecution if anyone hurt themselves on my fence and probably would have to pay compensation as I would no doubt be sued  for damages. I asked how that could be so when anyone climbing into my garden would be a trespasser and he said that was the way it was. I duly removed the said pins and not a week later had to call the police as my rear PIR picked up an intruder in the back garden. Advising the call centre that I had firearms in the house, a patrol arrived in about 3 minutes. They arrested a man hiding by my shed, (out of sight of the PIR) and when I checked the next day, apparently had released him as he said he was busting for a pee and that was why he had climbed over a 6' fence!!! I kid you not!

I sort of wish that I had not removed those pins, I wonder what would have happened?

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Love the trip hazard of concrete steps immediately you open the gate! Don't forget the warning posters! Can't imagine what a tripping burglar would sue you for🤪

On 13/10/2020 at 16:02, harrycatcat1 said:

I must have got carried away as I've counted 164 🤣🤣🤣

Thank heavens for power screwdrivers!

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8 hours ago, impala59 said:

Love the trip hazard of concrete steps immediately you open the gate! Don't forget the warning posters! Can't imagine what a tripping burglar would sue you for🤪

Thank heavens for power screwdrivers!

They are decking steps even more slippery than concrete 🤣🤣🤣

I will be bankrupt buying all these signs.

 That's why the gate has to open outwards.

Yes I used an Aldi cordless screwdriver and I was surprised that it did all the screws on one charge.

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I went to fit the gate this morning but all didn't go to plan.

I started taking the screws out of the old hinges and one was so tight it rounded off about a quarter of an inch out so I got the mole grips on it till it came out about an inch or so then it sheared off in the hole. So I thought if they are all going to be like this, stuff it.

So, to cut a long story short I used the old hinges as my daughter said she is going to paint/stain the gate grey anyway. 

It can't be that bad as the chap next door wants me to make him one to match as he has a wrought iron one at the moment. 




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