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Just another day lost............


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So I thought until I had a preview of my possible electricty cost for the coming year and it has gone up £400 and I see in the business papers this morning the indication we will all need on average an extra £3000 to cover basics this next year.  Well the £400 means I will have to cut back one days driven this coming season.  I have been trying to work out where the other £2600 will be required, then my House Insurance and car insurances hit the door mat, another extra £300 there, so £2300 to go.   Probably around £900 of that will go on heating oil(£700 this year) so that leaves £1400 and I can see that being eaten up quickly by fuel for vehicles in 6 months.  Seems like I might just have to drop another day or twos shooting.  Going to be a tight year.

Hope you are all ready for it.

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Only going to get worse with the current situation in Ukraine... I'm looking at the fixed / variable energy costs at the moment as our current term ends at end of march. Three weeks ago variable was winning the race, right now it's pretty much neck n neck.. I can see the next few years being pretty tough and the cloth is going to get cut right up...

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Just got my renewal house and contents insurance through the letterbox  and it have gone up about £30 not a fortune I know , so went on line and put the same details in and the cheapest was nearly £30 cheaper , as I have never claimed a penny for 40 odd years I only need the basics if my house is blown up or destroyed by fire , so the cheeps't one it is . on line is the saviour once again.

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58 minutes ago, marsh man said:

Just got my renewal house and contents insurance through the letterbox  and it have gone up about £30 not a fortune I know , so went on line and put the same details in and the cheapest was nearly £30 cheaper , as I have never claimed a penny for 40 odd years I only need the basics if my house is blown up or destroyed by fire , so the cheeps't one it is . on line is the saviour once again.

Never go with the renewal,  it's often cheaper even with the same company,  they just hope people will be lazy and auto renew.

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Talking to my farmer mate while ratting the other evening he has tupped his sheep 4 week early on the proviso that he will not be able to Fred em and still take a profit !

his rationale is try and get them up to weight and sold early doors huger premium lower costs !

I asked why and his answer was plain and simple!

no gas, no fertiliser, less corn, no imports, higher fuel.

he recons food prices will increase 20 to 30 % depending on putin !  

He’s a degree education farmer that is clued up ! 

think it’s going to be a bit of a tight year !


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...................................and of course we still have the next version of covid lurking in the shadows....... we're all doomed, doomed I say. 

How on earth did we all manage to struggle through in the late 40s and early 50s ?   There just wasn't the unnecessary stuff about to waste our money on, simple.

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This situation was why I posted asking about things a couple of weeks ago . I'd been bumbling along in my own little cocoon thinking that it won't really be a problem to most people,  but , the last few weeks have made me realise that to many people it could be , and very probably will be devastating. The majority of us on here will feel it , but will be able to weather the storm without too much trouble , yes we might have to tighten our belts a bit , and do without the odd luxury, or have to dip into our savings,  and we won't like it very much , but to some people it will be devastating.  Lots of families will be faced with the option of paying the rent/mortgage or buying food,  or the choice between paying fuel bills or buying food . Life will certainly be getting very uncomfortable for lots of people .  One thing is for sure though , at least we  can thank our lucky stars that we aren't waking up in the Ukraine this morning. 👍

Edited by mel b3
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1 minute ago, marsh man said:

You can't wipe your arsx on Red cartridge cases can you ? 

That is probably the most sensible thing you have ever posted!  :lol:

The RED cartridges are safe in the gun room, the toilet rolls are stacked under the boiler in the old airing cupboard.  :cool1:

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