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Does the NOBS still exist?


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17 hours ago, Vince Green said:

I was told this for what its worth.

They got a bad reputation for fixing up beaters for a shoot and then the beaters let them (and the shoot) down by not turning up 

A lot of the people that registered with them were not really as committed as they should have been.

There is no doubt a lot of truth in your statement , not all shoots are on a Saturday and not all people who put there name down are prepared to take a day off when the time come , they think it is ok ringing the keeper up the night before ,or the morning of the shoot and say sorry I can't make it today as something have just cropped up and I won't be able to get the day off , all right for them but a night mare for the keeper to find a replacement a couple of hours before the shoot start .

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1 hour ago, marsh man said:

There is no doubt a lot of truth in your statement , not all shoots are on a Saturday and not all people who put there name down are prepared to take a day off when the time come , they think it is ok ringing the keeper up the night before ,or the morning of the shoot and say sorry I can't make it today as something have just cropped up and I won't be able to get the day off , all right for them but a night mare for the keeper to find a replacement a couple of hours before the shoot start .

That works the other way too with some keepers cancelling you at the last minute

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I have no idea about NOBS, and never really saw the point of it really, but some of the comments on here are interesting. 
The ‘keeper on our local BIG shoot always struggles for beaters on a Saturday ( weekdays not so much oddly enough ) when those who had previously committed when dates were sent out, drop out at short notice after receiving an offer of shooting on that particular day. 
I only commit to Fridays when given dates ( but will do others as and when I can )  as I also often shoot on Saturdays either in our syndicate, rough shoot or on guest days. 
Anyhow, a mate of mine whom is retired now and so took on the part of ‘keeper for our syndicate had committed to beat on BIG shoot two Saturdays ago, then phoned up two days prior to the day to say he’d had an offer to shoot on that day, and as the season was much shorter this year he thought he’d take it. It was the first day he was due to beat. Understandably ‘keeper wasn’t chuffed and hung up on him, and I wasn’t best pleased either as it was me who had got him on to the beating team after he’d asked a couple of seasons ago. 
We met up on our syndicate day last Saturday, when I had every intention of telling him he’d let me down as well as the ‘keeper, but he mentioned it first by telling me the ‘keeper had hung up on him. 
I couldn’t believe I had to explain to a bloke who has been shooting most of his life, that beating for the likes of me and him on a commercial shoot is just a days playtime, whereas for the ‘keeper it is his job, on which he depends for his livelihood and that of his family. If everyone had done what he had done the ‘keepers job would have been on the line. 
If circumstances dictate you can’t attend for unavoidable reasons then fair enough; he understands that, but to just drop out because you’ve had a better offer simply isn’t on. 
Anyhow, told mate I hoped his days shooting was worth it as he wouldn’t  be going again, or getting invited to BIG shoot beaters day. 
I have had to turn down some good days shooting over the years because of prior commitments to beat. Some folk just don’t get it. 

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3 hours ago, 243deer said:

That works the other way too with some keepers cancelling you at the last minute

I dare say it can and do happen on some shoots but I can honestly say I have never known it have happened on our shoot , if on the very rare occasion the team of guns cancel the day then we would know as soon as the keeper know , we have a pool of long standing beaters , picker ups and helpers , we are given the dates as soon as they are sorted and at the bottom of the page of shoot dates there is a request to let the keeper know if there are any you cannot attend so he can sort out a replacement , there is also a small pool of beaters who cannot make them all and will often come at very short notice if someone drop out at the last minute .

We are very well looked after both with shooting and very often with food , a good reliable team of beaters can make the keepers life less stressful and in return he make sure we get a good day , a win win situation .

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The thing is when shoots are only paying what amounts to 'expenses' they are not going to get loyalty.

Years ago the beaters were estate workers, tenants and their farm workers who had no choice but to turn up.

Today it's a whole different world. The only people I know who are keen beaters now are the dog people who want to work their dogs to establish their breeding credentials.

Or people trying to get themselves in good favour to maybe get a bit of vermin control 

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2 hours ago, Vince Green said:

The thing is when shoots are only paying what amounts to 'expenses' they are not going to get loyalty.

Years ago the beaters were estate workers, tenants and their farm workers who had no choice but to turn up.

Today it's a whole different world. The only people I know who are keen beaters now are the dog people who want to work their dogs to establish their breeding credentials.

Or people trying to get themselves in good favour to maybe get a bit of vermin control 


So a working man, who gets little shooting opportunities, is expected to forgo the odd invite he gets a year, to honour a commitment to beat on a big shoot, for little more pay than the fuel costs to get there, and for the guns to look down there noses at him!! Honestly what world are you living in. 

I go shooting and beating. But I’m not turning down any shooting invites to go beating. Ask yourself, how many times do you think the guns on big shoots think about you?? 

Those saying its all about the Keepers job! Beaters show up in all weather, to work for little pay, certainly far less pay than the Keeper. If anything the Keeper owes you, not the other way around!

Get a grip.


Edited by zipdog
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Being honest when I first heard of it years ago I was quite astounded that people were getting paid as beaters. I haven't been paid a penny for any beating I've done and was more than happy that I got fed at lunch time and had a chance to run my dog.

Sadly where I am most beating teams seem to be well sewn up at the minute and the last comercial shoot I beat on has closed down. I did join NOBs when it first came on the scene but when I noticed they did practically nothing in NI I just never bothered with them.

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7 hours ago, zipdog said:


So a working man, who gets little shooting opportunities, is expected to forgo the odd invite he gets a year, to honour a commitment to beat on a big shoot, for little more pay than the fuel costs to get there, and for the guns to look down there noses at him!! Honestly what world are you living in. 

I go shooting and beating. But I’m not turning down any shooting invites to go beating. Ask yourself, how many times do you think the guns on big shoots think about you?? 

Those saying its all about the Keepers job! Beaters show up in all weather, to work for little pay, certainly far less pay than the Keeper. If anything the Keeper owes you, not the other way around!

Get a grip.


I suppose much depends on what sort of person you are; once I’ve made a commitment to someone who is dependant on you keeping it then I’ll do my best to do so. 
You’re right, the pay is ****, but none of us go for the pay. One bloke turns up from Lancaster and he has no dog and doesn’t shoot; he just enjoys the day out. He beats several days a week. He even turns up on beaters day, to beat, as do the pickers up, to pick up! 
Personally I haven’t met any guns who have looked down their noses at me; none that I’ve been aware of anyhow. I’ve no doubt they exist , but from Lords to Ladies and all in between, the vast vast majority go out of their way to say thankyou and tell you how much they appreciate your input and what a good day they’ve had, but whether they give much thought to us or not, we aren’t there for them, we’re there for the ‘keeper to whom we’ve made a commitment. 
I’m pretty sure the ‘keeper is aware he owes us, but he’s just an average working class bloke too, but he ensures for those of us who want it there is a top of the range beaters day at seasons end which would be out of the price range of most of the rest of us working class blokes, and there’s a slap up meal and drinks to follow. 
Like I said, much depends on the sort of person you are; if you’re the type who is there begrudgingly, thinking you’re owed something, and are only there because you haven’t had a better offer, and will just cry off if and when you do, then it’s probably not for you anyhow. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Scully
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All I can say is some of you blokes have been some poor sounding shoots , we have known most of the guns for a good number of years and we are on first name terms , I very much doubt that any would look down there noise at the shoot helpers and would normally go out of there way to say good morning and ask how you are , I know at one time when the grand mother of the present day boss was alive she would love to come on the beaters wagon and got to know all the old hands and many of the younger ones , when she passed on she was then replaced with the boss sister , she was also a friendly girl and would beat as well as any man .

No body is forced to go and the ones who have got very little interest in what is going on throughout the day with the money being the main object then these sort of people would soon give it a miss , then on the other hand you get the ones who find it difficult to pick up any shooting in this ever decreasing countryside of ours , this is normally a very good door to go through and start on the ladder , we offer anyone who want it four days roost shooting in February , I say four days instead of afternoons because if a rape field run up to there wood they can decoy the rape if they so call wish to throughout the day , then up to the pandemic we would normally have two beaters days,  as on one of the days the farm tennant's would be offered a days shooting , these days would often be around 150 cock birds plus various , now in the last couple of year we have only had one day for just the shoot helpers .

Although I look after the pigeon shooting in the close shooting I never mind if any of the beater's would like a day and I would go out of my way to do my best to find them a good day , so for most of us we look forward to a days shoot where we catch up with any gossip and get plenty of exercise in the fresh air as , this is also good for anyone who suffer from any form of mental health as a few of our beaters are well in the seventies with me included ,  if you have got the right clothing on then the cold and rain don't do you a lot of harm and a day out with your friends is also good for your well being . 

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