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Best time of year?


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I don't what the weather is like where you are, but my normally mundane drive to work was quite spectacular this morning.

The route takes me close to the Thames which had a layer of mist above it with the low morning sun beaming though, then through some wooded lanes with the leaves turning and agian the sun beaming through the gaps.

Scenes like that must be a photographers dream.

It make the journey, and more importantly what is at the end of it, slightly more bareable.

But still makes me wish I was out there enjoying it, rather than looking at it the through the window.


Oh well, a walk round tomorrow with the .22, and fishing on Sunday morning will help if the weather holds <_<

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Spring is the most positive time as the whole place seems to wake up and we can look forward to lighter evenings.

The worst part about this time of year will be driving to/from work in the dark, and I realy miss the long evening dog walks as well.

We just have to get out on a real long one at the weekends to make up for it

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Early spring and late autumn for me, the bugs are gone and the weather is usually great. Some colourful sunsets around here lately, winters seem to have changed a lot since I was young(er), not as much rain, a lot milder and very few decent storms. Summer would be my least favourite, although the hotter days certainly help with the bird watching <_<

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Love autumn myself, especially when the weathers as good as it is now, just finished the maize harvest and sowing winter wheat, the weather isn't usually so kind in mid october to let us do this with no rain breaks, the bottom 2 pics are view from tractor chisel ploughing maize stubble this afternoon, the plough had barely hit the ground and there were hundreds of gulls dive bombing the tractor, few crows too, excuse phone cam quality











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Owen, top quality pictures <_<

Favourite time of year is between winter and spring when the days draw out and the cold mornings get pushed aside by warmer ones. That said the dark morning walks at 5 am with the dog and me breathing steam slightly on the way out and blowing it on the way back are good. Plus in winter foxes go missing on the local golf course to good dogs :blink:

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i just love this time of year .first thing in the morning after a hard frost .especially if you are out beating .the hardest of the ground under your feet.the coldness of your nose cheeks and hands that feel like they are on fire the minute you step into a warm room . the low sun that blinds you but also makes every droplet look like a crystal and every cobweb look like silver thread .the sound of the leaves and twigs under your feet.and the stillness that always follow the cold snap of jack frost xxxxx suzy

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Owen, those are good pictures - you should try sticking them on Farmingforums.co.uk or the section on Farmers Weekly.. We've still got a few dry days down here to finish up the drilling and the maize. As I'm typing the neighbouring farmer is storming around in a 500hp Quadtrac, frantically getting the last of his wheat sown.


I too love the Autumn, particularly the crisp mornings and the silence. I had a potter round with the .22 early today to mop up a few rabbits, rats, squirrels and suchlike, and it really is the most stunning time of the year. I wish I'd had the .223 with me though, as I practically trod on several muntjac in the meadows (little ******** are vandalising the cricket-bat willows).

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