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Honest answers only please, Britain next 20 - 50 years


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I feel that Britain's decline has been occuring for the last 20-30 years and that if the governmen don't put a blanket ban on immigration in the next five years then this country will be over run with dole scrounging internationals. The PC brigade has done agood job of screwing up Britain for the British with whole schools in certain cities and large towns being mainly for the ethnic minorities and pushing the honest hard working white people out.


Young people can't afford to buy their own houses due to councils offering housing to immigrants first at cheap rents now so good knows what its going to be like when my daughters are 18+ looking for there first house. The single mum is no longer the scourge of the system but is also losing out on housing to these people.


I just worked on a block of apartments in Bow, london, where the whole block is for those of indian persuasion, why is the government allowing these enclaves to build up??? Soon the true british people are going to rise up and I predict riots similar to those in northern europe akin to Paris where people are fed up that the government do little about it.


The BNP will gain more seats due to being the only party to actually state in their mainfesto's that they will do something.


SS :good:

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What do see for Btitain over the next 20 - 50 years ?


If it gets any worse than it is now, how can we stop it ? or indeed can we stop it ?


I appreciate that some of us won't see it but our children and our children's children will


I had exactly this conversation in the car with Mungler in the car this morning. I think we should put Mung forward as an independent candidate for the "Common Sense Party". :good:

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China will become the world superpower taking over from the US.


I think DIY superstores will disappear, as tradesmen become cheaper to hire for those home improvement jobs.


Working from home, or "out centres" will increase.


An alternative fuel to fossil fuel will be developed.


Space exploration will start up again as a major priority for the US and China.


All of Europe will be governed centrally, with regional Parliaments in each country and the UK will be dissolved as Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland become independant.

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There will be a pakistani prime minister and eventually entire goverment, goverment pensions will be scrapped and you will work until you die, I predict that a new Pakistani/Bangledeshi/Indian super power will take over the UK, all retail business will be run by ethnics including Polish, the true english person will become a second class citizen in his or her own country, which ever way you look at it we are totally and truely screwed.

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I also believe there will be a pandemic, probably along the lines of bird flu.

There will be a major loss of life in all countries.

It is actually expected, I was contacted last year by someone who was after having a large morturary fridge built for that reason.
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Guest raymond1
I also believe there will be a pandemic, probably along the lines of bird flu.

There will be a major loss of life in all countries.

the tide of imigration must stop and forced repatriation must be considerd , there is too many mumblings withing the white/indiginous british comunitys,succesive governments all bury their heads like ostriches instead of tackling the situation

we have had the "minor upheavels" hear in the northern mill towns ,which were just "feelers" in my opinion ,but that will be nothing to what it will become like if nothing is done soon ,.ghetos are created and recreated here where i live ,done under a tidal wave of a people who will not intergrate ,as in we have now seen children of imigrants to the third generation start school not speaking english ,nobody ever asks why ? ,even when the grandparents/parents were born HERE !,YEH YOUR RIGHT ABOUT LOSS OF LIFE CRANFEILD, but it wont be influenza,..............................britain will turn into another bosnia

i hope me and mine arnt here when it happens ,......so please will the last english man to leave ,turn the lights out !

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Guest raymond1
I am allways uneasy when in the large cities, Some do not seem like England any more, have any one been to Bradforstani lately, or birmingstani, Leicesterstani, ???and the rest?THIS COUNTRY IS NOW IN MY OPINION LOST! :/

theres always an upside b man they make hellish good curry in brummigam :lol:

as my good freind baroness thatcher once said "now that we have the recipie , there is no need to keep the chefs" :good:

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I think it will be a similar situation to Israel and the palestinians. Armed enclaves will sprout up around the country. Moslems born here will claim they are fighting for "their" country, as will we. Suicide bombings will be commonplace, and citizens will walk around routinely armed. Not just with pistols, but m16`s and the like.

Everyone of fighting age will be expected to be part of a militia, and be able to defend life and property at any time. National service will be compulsory to train everyone basic military skills before joining the militias.

The country will polarise, with moslems moving to their parts, we to ours. No mans land will exist between them and us, but the weak among us will allow them to cross over to do "menial labour" as their only way to make money and for their enclaves to survive. The weakness will be exploited to attack us.

Eventually artillery duels and mortar attacks will take place. They will be financed and supplied by Saudi, Iran, etc, and foriegn fighters will arrive.

The situation will inevitably resemble Chechnia, or the former Yugoslavia.

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Guest raymond1
I think it will be a similar situation to Israel and the palestinians. Armed enclaves will sprout up around the country. Moslems born here will claim they are fighting for "their" country, as will we. Suicide bombings will be commonplace, and citizens will walk around routinely armed. Not just with pistols, but m16`s and the like.

Everyone of fighting age will be expected to be part of a militia, and be able to defend life and property at any time. National service will be compulsory to train everyone basic military skills before joining the militias.

The country will polarise, with moslems moving to their parts, we to ours. No mans land will exist between them and us, but the weak among us will allow them to cross over to do "menial labour" as their only way to make money and for their enclaves to survive. The weakness will be exploited to attack us.

Eventually artillery duels and mortar attacks will take place. They will be financed and supplied by Saudi, Iran, etc, and foriegn fighters will arrive.

The situation will inevitably resemble Chechnia, or the former Yugoslavia.

there allready exists a state of "no-go" areas in lancashire ,parts of Burnley,Blackburn,Oldham,Nelson,brierfield add infinitum have areas where it is "no go for whites" after dark, blackburn boasts of only observing sharia law , some of you people need to wake up instead of being like a politicaly correct mother hen , anyone who doubts what is being said ,come and have a look ,guided tours will be given

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theres always an upside b man they make hellish good curry in brummigam :good:


Err, quite recently the guy who supplys takeaway with chicken was fined and closed down for selling unfit meat, as in unfit for animal consumption let alone humans.


If he sells it to his own kind then ask yourself exactly what they are serving to you.

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Guest raymond1
dont forget that this country was totaly crime free, no dole scroungers and no go areas didnt exist before immigrants !!

a fair point but i dont agree with that completly ,england has never been a eutopian state ,we have had prison for centuaries

but if you watch the main news on an evening it does not require a lot of working out where most of the crimes are conceived and by whom , every time there is a murder , drug deal the perpetrator does seem to have an odd name ,.......the one i like most though is not murder ,.........but honour killing !!!!!!!!!!!!

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