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Hard going


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Nothing been cut on our land so limited options had to shoot same standing barley as last week the lines not as strong today, made worse by a neighbouring farm with a stubble and two shooters set up on it, all afternoon could here them shooting  they were having a good day let's just say that  we picked away for 3hrs and managed 47  farmer said he may be cutting this coming week so fingers crossed 🤞  




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The two people shooting on the other farm could have done you more good than harm with keeping a few on the move and no doubt you helped them as well, we are at the situation now where there are slightly more fields cut than fields left standing , I went this afternoon and put 150 + off a fairly small rape stubble field , these must had built up over a period of time and once put off they then found other fields that had more than enough feed and with no disturbance and that is where they stayed , it was a perfect afternoon for combining but with only Spring grown fields left on ours the farm boys had a well deserved rest , with nice weather forecasted next week they will soon make a start up your way .  

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47 in 3 hours would be a good day for me.

As said, the others shooting may well have sent some your way so best not to dwell on what may have been and just be thankful for the shooting that you had.

Thanks for posting.


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