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Shoot Cert or Med Cert?


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Evening all.

My shotgun certificate renewal reminder letter came through the post this morning and I immediately rang my doctor’s surgery to book my medical report interview. I was told that ‘We no longer do them’, so I called Lincolnshire Firearms and they said to use Med Cert or Shoot Cert.

Has anyone on here used either service?

If so, is either one better than the other, good/bad experiences?

I noticed Med Cert charge £72 including VAT and Shoot Cert charge £90 including VAT.

Shoot Cert seems to be recommended by most of the big shooting associations if that’s anything to go by?

Or, is there another way to obtain a medical report that will be accepted by the Lincolnshire Police online application system?

Thank you in advance.

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32 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

I don't know if you a member of BASC, but they offer a similar scheme. 4 years ago I went with a GP that was listed by them and, his fee, at first was £50, but he reduced it to £25 as he was a 'shooter' too.

Not due till 2026, hopefully my GP will still be available to do it, if not the BASC idea looks ok.

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Not with BASC, I am a member of the Countryside Alliance. I don’t know if they offer anything similar, I will have to give them a call to see if they can help.

If I can’t find another way around my problem, I am leaning towards Shoot Cert even though they are more expensive. Quality and speed of service are more important than saving a few quid.

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9 hours ago, moondoggy said:

Evening all.

My shotgun certificate renewal reminder letter came through the post this morning and I immediately rang my doctor’s surgery to book my medical report interview. I was told that ‘We no longer do them’, so I called Lincolnshire Firearms and they said to use Med Cert or Shoot Cert.

Has anyone on here used either service?

If so, is either one better than the other, good/bad experiences?

I noticed Med Cert charge £72 including VAT and Shoot Cert charge £90 including VAT.

Shoot Cert seems to be recommended by most of the big shooting associations if that’s anything to go by?

Or, is there another way to obtain a medical report that will be accepted by the Lincolnshire Police online application system?

Thank you in advance.

Friend of mine rang his doctor's surgery and was told the same so he asked to speak to the practise's manager...told that he's not available.  He phoned a couple of days later and spoke to the manager. He was told that the receptionist was just trying to lighten the doctor's work-load for non-urgent appointments. He had it done 8 days later.....£40.

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12 hours ago, moondoggy said:

Evening all.

My shotgun certificate renewal reminder letter came through the post this morning and I immediately rang my doctor’s surgery to book my medical report interview. I was told that ‘We no longer do them’, so I called Lincolnshire Firearms and they said to use Med Cert or Shoot Cert.

Has anyone on here used either service?

If so, is either one better than the other, good/bad experiences?

I noticed Med Cert charge £72 including VAT and Shoot Cert charge £90 including VAT.

Shoot Cert seems to be recommended by most of the big shooting associations if that’s anything to go by?

Or, is there another way to obtain a medical report that will be accepted by the Lincolnshire Police online application system?

Thank you in advance.

Wiltshire force are recommending ShootCert but I've heard no complaints about MedCert either.

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