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Unpreventable murders ?


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im sure alot of these brutal killings/murders/executions............are somewhat as a result of these over the top computor games.....where over time the player becomes accepting that death has no consequence or repercussions....and as a result the brain is trained to accept this and crosses over into the real world as the deviding line is no longer apparant...

my thoughts

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4 hours ago, ditchman said:

im sure alot of these brutal killings/murders/executions............are somewhat as a result of these over the top computor games.....where over time the player becomes accepting that death has no consequence or repercussions....and as a result the brain is trained to accept this and crosses over into the real world as the deviding line is no longer apparant...

my thoughts

I'm not sure about this particular crime , but I definitely agree that video games can change people. 

When my lad was young , his gaming time was strictly limited , due to the change in his attitude and behaviour , if he spent too much time using them.

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7 hours ago, ditchman said:

im sure alot of these brutal killings/murders/executions............are somewhat as a result of these over the top computor games.....where over time the player becomes accepting that death has no consequence or repercussions....and as a result the brain is trained to accept this and crosses over into the real world as the deviding line is no longer apparant...

my thoughts

I imagine it would be possible to check if there has been an increase in these murders with when these games became commonly used.

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10 hours ago, ditchman said:

im sure alot of these brutal killings/murders/executions............are somewhat as a result of these over the top computer games.....where over time the player becomes accepting that death has no consequence or repercussions....and as a result the brain is trained to accept this and crosses over into the real world as the dividing line is no longer apparent

my thoughts

I have mentioned this way back, my thoughts are these games get in the heads of some of these players that are unable to separate fiction from reality, if you kill all the players in the game they are there again the next time. We know of course in real life this does not happen.  

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20 hours ago, Scully said:

Totally unpreventable I would say. Illegally held firearm, bought illegally, and nothing in place for anyone to prevent it. 

Thats what i am getting at 👍 if you look back on coroners inquests ( and i have gone back as far as 1860 ish )these incidents were happening then but usually with a razor ) its human beings isnt it ?

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